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Chapter thirty-three - what are we?

When Vinnie and I got home from Miami, we went back to our regular schedules, but in the course of 2 weeks, I haven't seen Vinnie at least once, I haven't talked to him, I call him but he's busy, he calls me but I'm busy, I barely go to the hype house since I'm so busy with shit. I miss Vinnie, I miss hugging him, I miss his kisses, I miss, him. Who I'm not sure of what to call him. Boyfriend? Friend? Best friend? I thought. I wasn't sure. But we are definitely not friends at this point. We were something more.

I never thought about calling Vinnie my boyfriend, since we never actually made it official. But honestly when I'm with Vinnie, the way we look at each other, the way we touch, the way we just act around each other. It seems more than I think it is.

Honestly, I'm just rolling with Vinnie, maybe he isn't ready to make it official. Which make sense, despite the quick affection we had for each other in a matter of a few months, maybe he wasn't ready. Of course I wasn't trying to rush him, I'm just a bit, a tad bit, confused.

"Nai, Nai wake up" I said shaking sleeping Nailea on my couch. Nailea had been sleeping over at my house since her apartment is getting renovated. But I luckily had a free day off today. "God damn it Nailea." I said and yanked her up out of the couch.

"Why are you so hyped up today?"

"Vinnie, I'm pretty sure he's still sleeping at the hype house, I really wanna see him" I said and rushed back into my room and changed quickly. I waited for Nailea and we both left for the hype house.

Nailea and I walked to the hype house and knocked on the door. Thomas gladly answered the door and let us both in. Nailea scurried off into the kitchen and i scurried off to Vinnie's room.

I gently knocked on his door and went inside. And there he was, peacefully sleeping on his bed. I took off my shoes and got into his bed next to him and he immediately placed his arm around my waist when he realized it was me. God it felt like heaven to with him again.

"Hey V" I said and kissed his forehead. I shifted on top of Vinnie and laid my head on his chest. I missed this, I thought. When we just stayed in bed and cuddled all day. I smiled softly as Vinnie kissed my forehead. "what you doin today? any meetings?"

"cleared my schedule for today, I was gonna surprise you at your apartment later but, this was so much better.."

I chuckled "I wanted to surprise you, now here I am" I said and kissed his cheek. "I missed you, I haven't seen you for 2 weeks v"

"I know love, I missed you so much" he said and kissed my cheek.

"I'm hungry? Are you?" Vinnie asked as his stomach started rumbling again. I nodded my head as Vinnie then got up out of bed. I followed him after a few seconds, And together we walked out of his room and down to the kitchen, where we saw the rest of the house.

"Good morning love birds" Connor said in a joking tone. I hid my smile and walked to the fridge. I opened it and got the almond milk off the middle shelf.

After breakfast, Vinnie and I just hung around the house all day, laying down, watching a movie, cuddling. I kept thinking about what we were though. it's stupid I know. But what if someone says 'are you single?' Or  'is this your boyfriend?' What would I say? It gets me thinking a lot.

"You good?" Vinnie said as he stopped his live stream on twitch and took off his headset. I got lost in my thought and didn't notice him saying anything. "Sophia? Soph"

He got up from his chair and walked over to his bed where I was sitting. "Soph, are you ok?" Vinnie said and put his hands on the sides of my face. I snapped out of it and finally responded to him. "Oh- Yea I'm good" I smiled and put my hand on his wrist.

"Are you sure? You seemed bothered, did something happen?" Vinnie said and looked into my eyes.

I didn't know wether to tell Vinnie or not. I don't wanna rush anything, but I was confused. "Actually.. I was thinking about something.." I mumbled. Vinnie put his hands down away from my face and held my hands.


I gulped.


Vinnies face suddenly turned from soft to tense. "Soph did someone hurt you?"

"No Vinn, no one hurt me, I'm just confused." Vinnies face went soft again.


"Well, V, what are we?"

Vinnie looked a bit confused the first few second I said it, but then realized what I was talking about. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm just confused on what we are, are we dating? Are we best friends?"

"We're.. we're.. we're dating, right?"

"That's what I'm confused on V, we never made it official, but we've hooked up before, we don't really seem like best friends, but we act like a couple."

"Why does it matter?" Vinnie asked

"I know it's stupid, sorry."

"No no, I mean, I was just thinking of you, how everything is for you, I don't want us being a burden to you or me."

"I was waiting for you V, I just thought that you weren't ready yet, so never really bothered to ask." I said as Vinnie smiled softly. "I'm not trying to rush you, I'm not trying to do that"

"Well, how about this? Sophia, are you ready for a realationship? Or a realationship with me at least?"

I chuckled "Of course I am V, I'm ready."

Vinnie gave me a kiss, a long one actually, like those kisses in romance movies. When the girl and boy finally get together. Such an happy ending..

"I love you Soph." Vinnie muttered as our foreheads were still touching each other.

And with the little view I have of Vinnies eyes, I said "I love you" and smiled.


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