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Chapter thirty-five - wedding after the incident

It's been about a week since the incident on Vinnie's birthday party. We've gotten over it, but I'll never forget it. I've moved on, he's in jail, he's paying for sexual harassment that night. Whom his name was Jason Linkon. 24 years old. Jason is charged of a felony and was sentenced to 8 years in the California state jail. And has a fine of 100,000 dollars.

My friend Lillie and her fiancé Jacob are getting married today, Me and Vinnie were invited, but Lillie specifically said to bring Vinnie so she and Jacob can meet him. They have a 6 month old baby girl named Cassie.

"You ready yet Soph?" Vinnie complained from outside my room door at the hype house. I chuckled and sighed. "Come onnnnn! I haven't gotten to see you yetttt!" He said complaining even more.

"hold on my love I have to make sure I look decent!" I said as I grabbed my purse off my desk chair. I looked once more in the mirror and finally let Vinnie see what I looked like.

Lillie made me a bridesmaid, and Vinnie a groomsmen. Lillie helped me pick out a nice dark blue dress, that had a slit going up to my knee. It wasn't exactly fitted but it had little flow going down. It had straps that were laying peacefully on my shoulders.

"readyyy?" I said with a smile behind the door.

"Come onn"

I finally opened the door for Vinnie and exchanged smiles at each other. Vinnie was wearing a dark blue suit (IMAGINE THIS WITH VINNIES NEW HAIRCUT) and a tie that was still undone since he didn't know how to fix it.

"What happened to your attempt with your tie V?" I said and brought him inside my room to help him with his tie.

"I gave up the first time I couldn't get it right" he said as I chuckled and fixed it for him. I placed my arms around his neck and Vinnie smiled.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife" the priest said as now the newly married couple gave each other a sweet kiss while the crowd cheered for them.

Vinnie and I made slight eye contact as we all continued clapping and cheering for the wedded couple.

The wedding reception was exciting. I met Cassie finally in person and not just on calls and photos. I didn't really know many people what were here, but I did see one of my old friends from North Carolina, Isla.

"You look hot" Isla said as I approached her and gave her a hug. "Hi how you doin?" She said as we pulled away from each other.

"I'm doing great! How about you? I heard you had a baby boy" I said as we walked to the drinks set up on the table next to the food.

"Nico's great, he loves reading about monkey's, but his overall favorite thing is Pj masks." Isla explained. "Like seriously, he watches the episodes over and over again I'm 100% sure that I memorized one of them"

"Well, at least he isn't exploring into the kitchen"

"Oh he is, I cannot even explain how many time I had to buy new plates since he shattered some of them." Isla chuckled as we walked back to a table and sat down. "Enough about me, I saw your new man, oh what was his name..?" She thought for a second "Vincent?"

"mhm, Vinnie. We started dating around a month ago" I said as I saw Vinnie with a group of guys he was talking with. He looked at me and made a thumbs up with his hand. His face made a questioning expression and I nodded.

Isla looked at me then at Vinnie. "How is he? Not like Kevin is he?"

"totally not like him." I said as Isla drank a little bit of her beer (She's 21) "He knows all about Kevin, He even encountered him once when he visited me to fix things between us"

"Wow, he must want you that bad if after a year he's still chasing after you"

"I don't want his ass anymore, after what he did to me those years we dated? Never going back to him" I said as Nico and his uncle Kenneth walked to us.

"Hello Sophia, long time!" Kenneth said as he then gave me a loving hug with Nico still on his hip. Kenneth was one of my best friends when I was still in North Carolina, and we still are friends to this day, but not as close.

Kenneth's family never really accepted him when he came out as gay, but I always found a way for him to stay at my house when his parent kicked him out for a couple months. And then he started dating this guy named Bryan so he eventually moved in with him. Luckly, Kenneth got a source of income just before the two broke up on good terms. Their friends now, But they barely see each other because their busy with work.

"It definitely has been a long time! I see your still looking as beautiful like usual" I said as Kenneth handed me Nico so I can hold him for a little.

"Of course, I have to show every male here what their missing!" Kenneth said that made us laugh as he grabbed a chair and sat down next to us. "Now you, Miss Sophia Paige Hudson, how's the modeling career going?"

"I just got done with a brand deal with Nike, next is Abrcrombie and Fitch" I said just stating the brands I'm going to be working with on the top of my head. The two asked more questions as I answered them and held peacefull Nico in my arms as he sat on my lap playing on Isla's phone.

Vinnie took a break from his friends and walked over to me, Isla and Kenneth. "Hello my love" He said and bent down to kiss my cheek. "You ate?" Vinnie asked as Nico grabbed Vinnie's finger and held onto it.

"Yea, you?" I asked as he nodded. As just as when Vinnie was going to leave our table after a few minutes, Nico started crying cause Vinnie was gonna hand him back to me.

"Nico come on it's ok you'll see him later" Isla said as Nico then started crying even more cause he wanted to be with Vinnie.

"It's ok I'll have him for a while" Vinnie chuckled and carefully took Nico from Isla's arms. He imediently stopped crying and started sniffling as Vinnie then kissed my cheek goodbye and when back to his friends across the venue. "Girl I can see him being the best dad" Isla said as Vinnie played with Nico's little baby hands. "right? I saw him with Cassie earlier and they were so cute"

I just thought about how Vinnie and I's future would be like. If we ended up getting married, and had kids? I smiled at the idea of having little Vinnie's when we're old enough.


Me, Isla and Kenneth walked to where Vinnie and his friends were and we hung out with them for a while. Soon came for some speeches from some of the family and friends of the groom and bride. Cassie sat on Vinnie's thigh as her Grampa started his speech.

"Your MiMi would have loved to be here to see you in your wedding dress, just like how she saw you in your dress for your quince.." he started his speech. It was all emotional and I did end up also sheding a few tears while he went on about how he saw Lillie grow up.

Lillie and Jacob then danced to their song, it was so cute how they looked at each other. They smiled and laughed as they danced to the song playing in the background. Then the people who wanted to dance for a bit could dance while some soft music was playing.

Kenneth grabbed Cassie from Vinnie's arm and Vinnie stood up. He held out his hand for me and I gladly accepted. We walked to the center of the room where now multiple couples were now swaying back and fourth to the song that was playing.

Vinnie placed his hands on my waist and I placed my arms around his neck. We started swaying slowly and whispered to one another.

"Did I tell you that you look gorgous?" Vinnie said with a smile on his face. I turned red a bit and started smiling a little. "Yes, you have" I told him.



Update 2/20/21: 

Yea.. theres no part two to this chapter, but this book is nearly getting to the main plot, so stay tuned!

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