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Chapter twenty-nine - In your arms.

After a long fun dinner with the team, Vinnie and I made our way back to the hotel to get some rest. The fight ended pretty late, and sadly Bryce lost the fight with Austin Mcbroom.

"Tonight, can't believe it" Vinnie said as we walked into our hotel room. All the lights were dimmed, only the big white lights in the bathroom lit up the gigantic room.

"You better believe it" I said as I sat down on the bed "I knew you'd win"

Vinnie chuckled as I took off my shoes. Tonight is probably a night I won't forget. First off, Vinnie won the fight, and second, we had an 'moment' in public. And we didn't even care. Before I used to be careful when Vinnie and I would go out in public, we didn't want our status all over the internet. Even though we knew it would get on there anyways.

I honestly love how Vinnie respects me, just like how every girl/woman should be treated. I believe that in a relationship the love and respect should be equal, not one respects or loves more than the other. Vinnie also doesn't spoil me, which I like. I don't like being spoiled. And plus, I always need to get it myself. I'm used to it.

While Vinnie took a shower, I sat on my bed with my phone in my hand. I scrolled through my Instagram, reading comments, responding to those comments. I was never offended with comments about me. Call me a bitch or call me ugly I don't really give a fuck. But saying bad or rude things about my friends or family is literally crossing the line.

I remember one time I posted a cute photo on instagram of me, Chase, and Emma. I had brought Emma to Chases music studio because Chase had wanted me to give an opinion on a song he was working on. A day after I posted the picture, there were comments about Emma. I got so pissed. I blew up on Twitter. I was mad that they were hating on a six year old, who I was babysitting. I was lucky that Mrs. Porter didn't get upset.

Some of my tweets.

"Y'all are no fun. The little girl in the picture was my neighbors daughter, she had trusted me to take great care of her."

"The girl is six. Six. And she was just standing there with Chase and I. She is standing there smiling. What's so bad about that? You all are just finding things to cancel me for and tbh I fucking hate it."

"Listen, if you don't like my post, then idc. But don't leave any hate on my friends or family. That's crossing the line."

Of course I got canceled after posting those tweets but I wasn't going to let it pass. The poor girl only stood and smiled next to me and chase. What was so wrong about that?

Vinnie finally exited the bathroom after some time had passed. I grabbed a random shirt and some pajama shorts from my suitcase and walked into the bathroom.

I combed out my hair after I changed clothes, took off my jewelry and some of my rings the laid still on my fingers. I washed the makeup off my face and did my normal skin care routine. I tied my hair up into a bun and walked out the bathroom with the clothes I changed out of in my hand.

"So.." I hear Vinnie say as I stuffed the dirty clothes in a plastic bag "wanna watch a movie?" He asked "your pick of course"

"Sure, I'm in for a movie" I smiled and sat next to Vinnie on the bed. We picked out a movie, a scary one according to the description, and we just watched as the night went on.

Narrators pov

As the night went on, Vinnie and Sophia just sat next to each other barely watching the movie since they couldn't stop talking. It was like they couldn't get enough of each other, almost glued together.

Vinnie loved every part of Sophia, not just because she was beautiful in the outside, but also had a good personality. She was badass but has a soft heart, was confident about her opinions, and doesn't let people boss her around. She's not plastic, or two faced. Sophia just seemed so much more pure than other girls out there, especially in the media world. She wasn't with him for clout, but actually has feelings for him. Something Vinnie always wanted in a girl. And she wasn't just a pretty face, she was smart, independant, and always wanted the best for other people. Apart from her happy personality, Sophia could have bad days, Vinnie understands. Some hardships could get to hard for people to rise up from and you just break, Vinnie understands that. He knows how it feels to be on the edge of breaking down, or bursting out of anger, but still having a smile on his face. He loves Sophia, very much. Vinnie wanted to be with Sophia through everything, if it's big as going to a really big photoshoot or if its just going with her to visit Chase. He knew that Sophia was really worth it, someone that is worth fighting for. From her dark brown hair to her feet, everything was perfect to Vinnie. He wouldn't let a single thing hurt Sophia, he always wanted her to be safe. And he would never think to cheat or hurt Sophia, or any other girl/woman.

Vinnie in Sophia's perspective was perfect for her. He had that charming smile, nice body, and a huge heart. The way Vinnie treats Sophia, is literally every girls dream come true. Vinnie wasn't just there for the good, happy times but there also when Sophia needed him. Vinnie seemed more than Kevin, like the relationship was meant to fight for. She wanted him until she couldn't, until he would break it off, until they got sick of each other that they had to break up. She never wanted Vinnie to go away, if they would live forever she would always want them to be together. Of course, it was up to Vinnie if he wanted to with her forever, but if she had to decide, Sophia would always want them to be together. Vinnie just seemed different, like he would actually be there when she needed him. Vinnie was tough, but had a big heart. Everything about Vinnie was to love. And of course he isn't perfect, everyone has mistakes, even people who seem perfect like Vinnie. Sophia loves Vinnie as much as she loves herself, And she does hope that if she and Vinnie start dating, what she does is enough for him.

It was now much later into the night, the two lovebirds are now almost asleep watching a movie. Vinnie had moved into Sophia's arms, laying his head on her chest. He was almost asleep, but still talking to sophia.

Sophia grabbed the remote without waking Vinnie, and shut off the movie they were watching. Sophia ran her hand through Vinnies hair as she listened to Vinnies soft snores.

Sophia got the sudden urge to move. Well, she really couldn't. The whole weight of Vinnie was on top of her and it kept her from moving her legs and body. She carefully tried squirming from under Vinnie to go to the bathroom really quickly, but every time she moved - or every time she tried to move - Vinnie would always drag her back under him.

"Vinnie.." she groaned "I have to go to the bathroom" Sophia mumbled as she squirmed under sleeping Vinnie

"You'll take to long, stay here" Vinnie grunted as he dragged Sophia under him again "you can go in the morning"

"Oh come on, I won't even take three minutes in there" Sophia mumbled again "I'll go as fast as I can"

"Fine. Don't take long" Vinnie gave in and moved off of Sophia.

"Thank you!" Sophia huffed as she crawled out of bed and scurried to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Vinnie - who was half asleep and patiently waited for Sophia to come out of the bathroom - was laying there on the edge of the bed almost falling off. He heard the toilet flush and the door to the bathroom unlocked. Sophia walked across the bed and climbed back in. Immediately Vinnie placed himself on top of her, once again laying on her chest.

A/n: I'm back home now, but, I have school in about two days. I'll try to post some chapters during the week but it might not be as much as it was when I didn't have school. Thanks if you understand. But if you don't then, sorry 🙂

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