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For the next three days, Vinnie and Sophia ended up not talking because they couldn't bring each other to hear the other person's voice. Vinnie wasn't really handling it well.

Vinnie hasn't had any meals, just little food here and there. He barely drank any water either. Everyone was worried.

Sophia wasn't eating at all, she was basically surviving off of water for the past three days. Nailea, Chase and her friends would come over to make her some food but no matter what they made, Sophia wouldn't even take a bite out of it. All day, Sophia would just lay on her bed, blankets over her body and her phone in one hand. She was swiping through her pictures with Vinnie. And if she wasn't doing that she was crying under her covers.

Chase came over and brought some food again for Sophia. He let himself in with a spare key and placed one of Sophia's favorite foods on the kitchen counter. He walked around the house, fixing a few things that were on the floor and gave some food to Theo who laid sadly on his bed.

Chase walked to Sophia's room and knocked on the door before letting himsef in. He looked around and saw Sophia's suitcases in the corner of the room. Almost all of her stuff was gone in her suitcases.

"Sophia, please eat something" Chase said as he sat down on the edge of Sophia's bed as she uncovered herself and sat up.

Chase wasn't doing so well either. Most of him knows it is his fault that he didn't try hard enough to convince their parents to let Sophia stay. But he couldn't change their mind. This was happening for a while, over a month before they came to LA to tell Sophia the news. Before the Vinnie situation, once they found out that Sophia and Vinnie were dating, they immediately wanted to take Sophia home before "she got hurt again". Chase was really close to convincing them, but when the thing happened at Vinnie's birthday party, this made it harder for Chase to convince them, until it got to this point.

"I'm not really in the mood to eat right now chase" Sophia told her brother, who as he looked at her, started tearing up. "You okay?"

Chase's tears started falling down his cheeks "Soph I'm so sorry" he paused and took a deep breath "I couldn't stop them I'm sorry" Sophia grabbed her brother's hand and moved closer to him. "I tried but when they heard the news I couldn't stop them from taking you away" Chase cried as Sophia started tearing up as well.

"Chase it's not your fault." Sophia said as Chase continued crying. She moved closer to her brother and placed his head on her shoulder. "You tried the best you could, it's ok"

Sophia couldn't help but notice Chase's wrists when he was crying on her shoulder. Fresh cuts. the cuts were dry, looked like it was made yesterday. She saw dry blood on the cuts, and she just started letting tears roll down her cheeks.

After a while, Chase started to calm down. Finally, Sophia started getting the courage to start eating again, for her brother. So after they both talked, Sophia and Chase headed out to the kitchen and ate a little, Sophia not so much, just a few bites.

Later that evening, Sophia got the courage to take a shower and change her clothes before she and Chase watched a movie. They were watching some of their favorites. Sophia was having a moment of peace, but little did she know that wasn't gonna last very long.

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