Ch. 136 - 140

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Chapter 136

When Lu Lixing woke up, the warm sunlight was pouring through the window from outside. The sky was already very bright.

As soon he turned his head, he saw the same scene he would see every morning. Ji Qingqing’s arm was wrapped around his waist, and she was clinging onto him like a little octopus.

Lu Lixing gently pulled Ji Qingqing’s hand away from his waist. He got up from the bed and stretched his body. Then, he checked the time; it was seven o’clock.

This was the most he had slept in months. It was common for him to work overtime until early the next morning, and since he had the habit of waking up at six o’clock every day, he barely received any sleep. This was the first time he had slept for seven to eight hours.

Today was also the first time that he didn’t have a pile of paperwork waiting for him after waking up.

Now that he had temporarily put his work on hold, he realized that having such a leisurely and free lifestyle was not bad.

There was a knock on the door while he was immersed in his train of thought.

Assistant Wen Rou and two makeup artists were waiting outside the door. They had been waiting outside for quite a while. The makeup artists were growing impatient because if this were delayed any longer, they would be late.

Wen Rou didn’t want to abruptly wake up Ji Qingqing, so she refused to knock on the door to disturb her. As a result, they waited outside the door for a while.

They were both caught off guard when the door to Ji Qingqing’s hotel room was pulled open. A tall and handsome man stood at the door. He was wearing the pajamas provided by the hotel and his hair was messy. He still looked drowsy after just waking up.

The two makeup artists were shocked speechless when a handsome man had opened the door to the hotel room. When they glanced at each other, they could see their own shocked expression reflected in each other’s eyes.

How could you still have the galls to roll around the bedsheets with a man when you’re filming a movie?

The entertainment industry was surely chaotic.

Wen Rou glanced at the two makeup artists and instantly knew that they had misunderstood. She cleared her throat and asked, “President Lu, is Sister Qingqing still sleeping?”

“Yes.” Lu Lixing replied in a hoarse voice and then headed to the bathroom to wash up.

Wen Rou walked into the room before the other two and tried to wake up Ji Qingqing.

The two makeup artists quietly set up their cosmetics on the dressing table. They glanced at each other when they heard the toilet flush. One of them asked the other, “Who is President Lu?”

“I don’t know, but he should be…” The makeup artist finished the sentence by mouthing the word ‘financial backer’ silently.

Ji Qingqing groggily rolled to the other side of the bed. After Wen Rou gently yelled for her to wake up, she finally opened her eyes in a daze. She covered her head with the guilt at the bright light flooding in from the window and asked in a muffled voice, “What time is it?”

“Sister Qingqing, it’s already seven o’clock. It’s time for you to get up, apply makeup, and head for the crew.”

“The crew…” Ji Qingqing whispered. It seemed as if she had dozed off again when she suddenly opened her eyes in shock. The grogginess from her eyes instantly disappeared as she asked, “It’s already seven o’clock?”

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