Chapter 321 - 330

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Ji Qingqing sneered as if she just heard a joke. She looked at Shen Weiwei defiantly and said without any shame whatsoever, "Didn't you say that you're willing to give me everything? You didn't tell me not to include your sweetheart."

Shen Weiwei clenched her lower lip and took a deep breath. "You weren't like this before. Have you forgotten that we're best friends?"

"Best friends must know how to share, isn't that what you said?" Ji Qingqing glanced at her with contempt. "Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. No one's watching. Who are you pretending to be pitiful for?"

She continued, "But since you discovered it, let me just say it. Everything has always been yours! Isn't it unfair? When we both entered a club in college, you were accepted, but I was brushed off. After graduation, we applied for the same company twice - you were the only one admitted."

"But this time... I finally found the man that I like. Why should I give him up just because you told me? I won't bear it anymore... Chen Dong is mine!"

The grievances on Ji Qingqing's face showed how much she had endured for many years. They were vividly expressed in her words and expressions. She looked at Shen Weiwei with resentful eyes, then with joy as she saw her ashen face. But she seemed to be conflicted as she turned her head very quickly and bit her lower lip.

Shen Weiwei got up and grabbed her hand. "If you still treat me as a friend and separate from Chen Dong, I can treat this as if nothing had happened."

"As if nothing happened?" Ji Qingqing smiled ironically as she sent her an unbelievable look. "You now know that I like Chen Dong... but you still want me to separate me from Chen Dong?"

"Do you think I would give you the chance to be with him in the future? What would that make of me?" She threw away Shen Weiwei's hand. "Dream on!"

"What I hate most is meeting hypocritical people like you pretending to be a pitiful white lotus*. People like you act as if the whole world owes you. Let me ask you, does Chen Dong like you? Did he confess to you? Are you dating?"

*T/N: typically describes a female who pretends to be innocent and pure on the surface, but is actually a scheming person.

She continued, "You have such guts to demand me to separate from him. Why? Is it because you can act more pitiful and innocent than me? What makes you better than me?"

"We're in a fair relationship. I haven't schemed against other people, nor have I snatched him from you. So, why are you yelling at me? Let me tell you, I just want to be with him because I love him - and it has nothing to do with you. Even if I'm not with him, I won't let you be with him!"

Shen Weiwei said indignantly, "But he doesn't like you at all!"

Ji Qingqing smiled softly. "Does it have anything to do with me whether he likes me or not? I don't care as long as I like him. We're in a relationship!"

"Remember," she looked at Shen Weiwei with deep eyes and said sharply, "I will never, ever give him to you! Over my dead body!"

Faced with Ji Qingqing's aggressive stance, Shen Weiwei's aura became a lot weaker. She was originally very good at acting pitifully, but after Ji Qingqing interrupted her flow thrice, she felt she was being overpowered, so she couldn't help but feel panicked. It even affected her momentum as her tears did not fall for a long time.


Director Ren stopped and blatantly showed his appreciation to Ji Qinqing. He spared no effort to praise, "Although Miss Ji is not from a science class, she has great potential and good explosive power. In time, she'll have a promising future. As for Miss Shen..."

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