Ch. 216 - 220

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Chapter 216

From Ji Qingqing’s attitude alone, Mother Ji currently didn’t dare to do so and she didn’t dare offend them easily. “How can any major event happen to me?!”

As they spoke, the doorbell sounded.

Father Ji went to open the door. It was Ji Chengxi.

“Chengxi, you’ve come back? Wife, Chengxi’s back.”

“He still has the audacity to come back?!” Mother Ji loudly shouted and her eyes looked around for something handy to hit him with. “Old Ji, go and catch him. No matter what, today I must break that leg of his!”

“Dad, Dad save me, I…  Sis! Brother-in-law!” Ji Chengxi haphazardly ran into the room. Suddenly, he spotted Ji Qingqing and Lu Lixing sitting on the sofa. As if he saw a ray of hope, he cried out, “Brother-in-law, you guys have to save me!”

Mother Ji gripped a feather duster with one hand and pointed it at Ji Chengxi. “What did you just call him? You know him?”

“I met him two days ago. Mom, let me tell you, the Internet loan matter got solved because…”

“Ke Ke!” Ji Qingqing coughed twice and interrupted Ji Chengxi.

When she heard him mention the Internet loan, Mother Ji’s stomach burned with rage. “You still have the face to mention about that Internet loan of yours?! Get out! I don’t have such a useless son like you!”

Ji Chengxi noticed the look his sis was giving him and understood. He quickly replied, “It’s resolved! The internet loan matter is resolved!”

“Over three million yuan and you resolved it? Are you tricking a ghost?”

“It’s true!” Ji Chengxi nervously looked at his mom’s feather duster and replied, “I reported it to the police two days ago and today they contacted me and told me that they’ve already started investigations so nothing will happen to me.”

Mother Ji was unconvinced. “It’s true?”

“Of course, it’s true!”

Mother Ji put down the feather duster. “I’m telling you, if you dare lie to me, I’ll beat you to death!”

Ji Chengxi let out a sigh of relief and looked over to Ji Qingqing and Lu Lixing. “Sis, brother-in-law, why are the both of you here?”

Ji Qingqing didn’t plan on remaining at the house. “It’s nothing much. We’re preparing to leave now.”

Father Ji who was sitting at the side glanced at the two of them. “How about having something before you leave?”

Mother Ji glared sharply at Father Ji. Is he intentionally making her more frustrated?

“No, we still have something going on so we’ll be leaving first.”

While she spoke, Ji Qingqing pulled Lu Lixing’s hand and left the Ji house.

When the door closed, Mother Ji flung the feather duster down and sat on the sofa. She fell silent momentarily and then started to cry.

“What wrong have I done in my life to give birth to such a daughter?”

Meanwhile, Father Ji quietly explained the situation to Ji Chengxi.

When Ji Chengxi finished hearing, he helplessly looked at his mom.

It wasn’t the first or second time they quarreled because of money and now their quarrels were getting more and more outrageous.

He sat beside his mom and sighed. “Mom, you shouldn’t act like this. Sister has already given you enough over the years. Now that she’s going to marry, she will have to form a new family and start a new life. How can you still ask her for ten million yuan? By doing so, aren’t you selling your daughter?”

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