Chapter 261 - 270

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"Now?" Chen Shuyi followed Lu Lixing's gaze and looked at the camera that he switched off.

To be honest, he was very puzzled by all of Lu Lixing's actions during these two months.

He had always known what kind of person Lu Lixing was.

He was reserved and dense with feelings. When he went overseas to study, he was an 'ascetic monk.' In his eyes, women were not as attractive as the exam questions in his book.

If he didn't explicitly indicate that he wasn't interested in both females and males, Chen Shuyi would have gotten worried that he, himself, was liked by Lu Lixing.

But up till now, Chen Shuyi still found it hard to believe; Lu Lixing and Ji Qingqing hadn't reached two months of dating yet and they were already at the stage of marriage discussions. It was so much so that Lu Lixing, the ascetic monk, participated in the program for the sake of Ji Qingqing; this very man who didn't understand what was 'romantic' and was dense, actually intended to publicly announce his relationship with Ji Qingqing during the program.

It wasn't that Chen Shuyi felt that announcing the relationship during the program wasn't right; it's just that deciding one's lifetime soulmate in two months was a little too hasty.

Compared to Lu Lixing handling his work with seriousness and care, Chen Shuyi felt that he was more reckless concerning his feelings and his future.

He stopped smiling and asked seriously, "Have you decided?"

Lu Lixing didn't reply. He got up and switched on the camera, making use of his actions to let Chen Shuyi know his answer.

The live-stream room which had closed was opened again and the number of fans online rose sharply.

Afterward, Lu Lixing returned to the sofa. He fiddled with his phone and smiled. Then he gave Old Lu a call.

The phone rang a couple of times and got quickly picked up.

"Grandpa, it's me Lixing."

Old Lu was vigorous for his age and his voice was clear and loud. "Lixing ah, what is it?"

Lu Lixing replied, "Nothing much. I just wanted to ask how your health has been for the past two days."

"I'm doing pretty good."

"What about Aunt Pei?"

"Aunt Pei is also doing pretty well too."

Chen Shuyi signaled to Lu Lixing to bring the phone over and Lu Lixing tapped on the speaker.

"Hello mister, I'm Chen Shuyi."

"Shuyi," Old Lu chuckled. "You sure didn't come to see this old man for a very long time. What? Your work is that busy?"

"My bad, over the next two days when I'm free I'll bring Zhenzhen over to visit you."

They casually chatted for a bit. After a moment of silence, Lu Lixing continued, "Grandpa, I have something I want to ask you."

"What is it?"

Without hesitation, Lu Lixing replied directly, "It's about my wedding date."

When Lu Lixing finished saying that line, the captions in the live-stream room instantly exploded.

【Wedding date?????】

【Wedding date??? Wait... did I hear wrongly just now? Sisters did you guys hear it? President Lu just asked about the wedding date. Is it the wedding date that I'm thinking of?】

【Ah ah ah ah ah my god!! What sort of big secret did I just hear?!!! Does Lu Lixing know that the camera is filming? Does he know it's live-streaming?"】

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