Chapter 13

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After Jaehyun replied with a okay, Taeyong started panicking. and it was bad. He didn't know what he would wear or what he would say. he hoped he wouldn't break down. After 10 minutes of panicking bad, he wore the clothes that he chose and took deep breaths before leaving the house. 

It was a 10 minute walk to the cafe so Taeyong just kept practicing what he would say. Jisung was old enough to stay by himself, if there was some problem Taeyong had taught him how to work a phone. 

Taeyong reached the cafe and took more deep breaths to calm himself. He saw ten working, but there was no Jaehyun insight. 

"tae!" Ten called out, smiling at the sight of his best friend. Taeyong smiled and waved back. He sat down on a table and kept fiddling with stuff. Ten looked at Taeyong who looked nervous. Ten smirked and went back to the changing room to get Jaehyun out.

"Jae, Tae is here. He looks nervous for some reason, ca you go check on him?" Ten said, looking innocent. Jaehyun nodded and calmed himself before going out and seeing Taeyong looking down at his hands. 

"Hey" Jaehyun said softly not wanting to scare the boy. Taeyong looked up and greeted back. 

"Want coffee?" Jaehyun asked. 

"Sure" Taeyong said. Jaehyun nodded standing up. 

"Americano?" Jaehyun asked and Taeyong nodded. Jaehyun went to get their drinks and came back after a few minutes with two drinks in his hands. 

"Um. Look, i'm sorry about the kiss. I really should have asked your consent. I guess, i was to caught up in the moment and my feelings too that i didn't think about consent. I'm really sorry. I just wanted to ask if we could go back to being the friends we were?" Jaehyun smiled.

"Y-your feelings?" Taeyong asked in a small voice. Jaehyun' ears turned red.

"I like you. I know we haven't really known each other for long. But i guess as i first saw you enter the cafe with jisung it was love at first sight. From then on it was just fate that brought us closer i think" Jaehyun replied and Taeyong was speechless not knowing how to say anything. Taeyong wouldn't admit but Jaehyun was a whole gentleman. 

"Don't worry, it's fine if you don't reciprocate my feelings. I understand. But can we go back to being friends?" Jaehyun asked again letting out his hands for Taeyong. Taeyong sat there trying to process everything he could. 

"Take me on dates" Taeyong said after a while. Jaehyun choked on air.

"W-what?" Jaehyun asked again thinking he misheard what Taeyong had just said. 

"Take me on dates. I need to know if you are worth it or not..." Taeyong said again, with a crimson red taking over his face. Jaehyun smiled brightly, his dimples popping up. Taeyong melted at the sight of Jaehyun's dimples.

"Okay then. Where do you wanna go?" Jaehyun said, not removing the whipped smile from his face. 


You're welcome ;) 

Also, am i going to fast or is it fine?

Thank you for showing so much support to my books. I am not good with all this but thank you so much. it means a lot :DD

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