IV - "DIE!!!"

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I looked over Bakugou who was screaming at the TV in his room as he shot his opponents. I can't remember what game it was, all I was really intrigued by was how Bakugou was yelling aggressively.

I smiled to myself and leaned back into the bean bag I was sitting on. Kaminari was yelling with him, and sometimes at him when he stole his kills. I turned my head to still look at the two.

Bakugou had his tongue sticking out when he wasn't screaming, an intense look in his eyes, as if he was craving killing stuff, even if it was just a video game.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through whatever. I looked up from my screen as Bakugou stood up and pointed the controller at the TV, rubbing the number of kills he got in comparison to Kaminari.

"Eat shit, Pichu," Bakugou blew a raspberry at Denki, who flipped him off.

"Kiri, can you take my place? I don't wanna play," Denki asked, standing up from the carpet and making his way towards me. Just as I was about to take the controller my phone vibrated, lighting up with a message from Mina calling me to come to her room ASAP.

"Oh-" I stood up quickly and picked my phone which has slipped to the floor with me standing up. "I gotta go help Mina, sorry Denks."

Denki sighed and turned to Bakugou. I hurried out of the room and rushed through the hallway to get to the girls' side of the 4th floor.

I ran past a confused Uraraka and made my way to the last door on the floor, Mina pulling me into her room immediately. Mina pushed me onto a chair that was set in the middle of the room. 

I looked around me in confusion. Why was the room so dark...

Mina moved her desk lamp towards my face, shining it towards me, "Eijirou Kirishima." Hagakure said, leaning from Mina's bed to take a closer look at me, "we have brought you here to ask you a single question."

"Okay?" I covered my eyes from the lamp, "but can you turn the lights on? That lamp is too bright." 

"No," Mina said simply and slammed her hand onto her desk, realizing the scene didn't quite look like an investigation room. She looked at her girlfriend and sighed, tilting her head and nudging it towards the light switch.

Hagakure stood up and flipped the switch on while Mina turned off the lamp and turned the lamp head away for me. "It's a simple question, so you better answer truthfully," Hagakure flopped back onto the bed, the sheets bouncing as she sat down. 

Mina nodded and bent herself to be face to face with me, I looked at her expressionless, it felt like she was staring into my soul and she backed off after nodding.

"Do you what Denki's deal is?" Hagakure asked, "like- who does he like? Jirou? Sero?" she moved from one side to another with every name she said.

I blinked. "What prompted that?" I asked, leaning back into the chair, "he likes both of them."

"Yeah- but... in a romantic  way," Mina pointed a finger, "we're trying to set him up so he has no reason to perv out with Mineta."

"I answered you," I shrugged, "honestly." I put a finger up, "he isn't going for Jirou because she's into Yaomomo," I pulled up a second finger, "he's scared to ask out Sero, and I doubt Sero is into him, but..." I tapped my second finger, "we can try to find a way to set them up though."

Mina blinked, I can only assume that Hagakure did too, not that I can tell. They looked at each other and just dragged out an "ooooh."

Mina clapped, "Let's prompt a double date!"

"I wanna see how it plays out too!" I stood up, looming over Mina, "I also doubt Sero will not see past the friend hangout excuse."

Hagakure stood up and raised a hand, "what if we ask Bakugou to ask him? Say it's a bakusquad meeting?"

Mina put her hand up to her chin, tapping her finger against her lip, "that does sound like a good idea... But how do we get Bakugou to agree to that?"

"We tell him the plan," I prompt, Mina hitting me on top of my head, "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"Why do you think that's a good idea?! He would make fun of us," Mina explained, continuing to hit my head repeatedly, forcing me to harden my head, making her move her hand away and I turned my head back to normal.

"He won't, I promise," I turned around and shot a smile at the girls, "he'll agree, whether he likes it or not."

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