VII - "Develop"

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I rubbed my hands together, pulling out sweat from them. Small explosions came out from them, making me flinch a bit. I guess my quirk was just undeveloped.

Maybe the bone structure isn't a part of whether or not you have a quirk? 

Either way, dad's quirk is activated with lightable fluid, and mom's quirk was to make a sort of lightable fluid as her sweat since glycerin is flammable, so maybe I can't control it since I have anhidrosis, which is one of the main reasons I don't like to wear the school jacket. 

I looked away from my laptop and towards the pills that stood on my desk, I looked back at the article and took out my phone, texting my dad to ask if we can go see the quirk specialist again and my psychiatrist.

Maybe the medicine is causing it? I shook my head to get rid of the thought and kept on reading through the article about the condition I've had since I was a kid- come to think of it, I've been taking those pills ever since I've known myself.

They help my anger management issues, making me a bit more calm at times but it is still hard to not burst out yelling at times. I try my best...


The doctor looked over the prescription, "it might be a cause," she said, looking at one of my feet and activating her quirk, pulling out an x-ray page from her coat, "it seemed like the third bone merged with the second one with time, might be why your quirk is starting to slowly develop."

"Wait? Katsuki, did your quirk start manifesting?" my mom turned to me, pulling up one of my hands, which was lacking sweat. She touched my cheek and shook her head at dad.

The doctor stood up and grabbed a sheet of paper, "look, manifesting a quirk at a later age is rare, but not unheard of," she pointed at a sheet of paper, "with the fact you also have a rare condition as a side effect from your meds, you might need to get a new prescription or stop taking them altogether."

"If he stops, his anger will get worse," mom said calmly and sighed, "we need to talk to the psychiatrist."

My father nodded and thanked the doctor as we made our way out of her office, some of the 4-year-olds waiting for their own appointments snickering at me. Damn brats-

Mom hit me over the head, knowing full well I was cursing those kids in my head, "just don't pay attention to them, Katsuki, that's what made you take those pills in the first place."

"Not my fault I got your awful temper," I grumbled and stuffed my hands into my pockets, pulling out my phone and texting my friends to stop spamming the chat because my phone keeps vibrating.


"The psychiatrist said we can try not taking the pills for a week," my dad said, my mom, nodding in an understanding manner, "we'll ask Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Ishiyama to make sure you don't burst out."

I nodded and stepped out of the car, grabbing my bag, "I'll see you on Sunday," I called as I started walking towards the school, turning towards training ground gamma as soon as I stepped through the gate.



"Bakugou!" I called, waving at the blond who smiled back at me, turning back towards the wall in front of him and rubbing his hands together. I made my way to his side and tilted my head, "whatcha doing?"

"Trying to sweat," he said in a dead-pan voice, pointing his right hand towards the wall and causing it to explode, he laughed maniacally and looked towards me, clearing his throat, "why are you here?"

"Well, Aizawa asked me to go make sure you're fine and supervise," I shrugged and sat down while leaning onto one of the buildings, Bakugou nodded and turned towards a building with a thicker wall, jumping up and down and shaking his hands.

He wiped his forehead and turned both of his hands towards the wall, "DIE!!!" he yelled as a big explosion tore the wall down, chunks of concrete and metal flying around. His smile- it looked crazy. 

He had so much anger in his eyes, the smile being a smile of victory. It's the sort of smile Shigaraki has. "Hey, Bakugou?" I stood up, the blond shooting his head to look at me, "we should probably head back."

Bakugou shook his head and walked towards me, "let's have a fight."

"WHAT?!" I yelled, taking a step back, "NO! WE'RE GOING BACK, NOW!" I took a hold of his wrist and started trying to pull him towards the dorms.

Bakugou simply stood in place. I looked back towards him and he pulled his hand out of my grasp, exploding a street light's pole and walking out of ground gamma. 

This isn't him- he's more aggressive than usual. What happened?

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