XXIII - "Bets"

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I stared at the white-haired girl standing in front of me, holding up a pumpkin-shaped basket. "Trick or treat!"

"What-" the white-haired girl looked over at Eijirou who was laughing.

"Eri, it's Christmas, not Halloween," he said, crouching down to be the same height as the girl.

Eijirou and I were now back at the dorms with the rest of the class. Winter break went well and Kanjou texted me saying she won the bet and got to take that girl she liked on a date.

"Whose kid is this?!" I yelled out, looking at the girl, whose smile turned to a frown.

"That's Eri," Eijirou said, getting up from his crouching position to look at me, taking Eri in his arms, "she's the girl Midoriya, Tsu, Uraraka, and I saved during our first work-study."

"Oh, right," I looked at the girl who was now smiling again, "the infamous Eri."

"Daddy said onii-chan will be coming to celebrate with us here, too!" she called happily, Kaminari froze up when he heard her say her older brother was coming over.

He hurried towards the three of us and looked at Eri, as if trying to find the joke in her tone. She simply kept up her smile, Kaminari looking away with a groan.

"Of course he's coming," he mumbled, leaning onto me. I glared at him and he hurried away from me as he realized he was leaning onto me instead of Eijirou, "did your Dad say anything about your Pops coming too? I need to talk with him."

Eri shrugged and Eijirou put her down as Deku came into the room, calling out for Eri, who called out to him as well.


Eri swinged the sword she took from the gift exchange back and forth, Tokoyami watching in interest as the six-year-old yelled some moves that the main character from her favorite show uses.

"Eri, put that down," I turned to look at Mr. Aizawa, who was stood next to Shinsou. Eri did as he said and frowned down at the sword, and then back up at the teacher.

"Onii-chan!!!" she called, running over to Shinsou, "Sparky asked if Papa was coming," she looked up at her Dad and brother, her brother shrugging and her father nodding.

"Yes!" Kaminari called. How the hell did he know about their family situation-- Know what? Never mind. He annoys Mr. Aizawa so much it's only natural, "Shin did you get my present?" he asked, hopping over to Shinsou.

Shin? Did he just call him by a nickname?

"No?" Shinsou furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Kaminari with a confused gaze, "also don't call me that."

"No can do, bossman," Kaminari chuckled, putting his arm around the purple haired boy, pulling him towards the tree, "I'll give it to you then."

"Is Denki really doing this?" Eijirou asked, putting his arm on my shoulder, leaning onto me to look at Kaminari.

"He does face time Mr. Aizawa a lot," I answered, shrugging, "I mean I guess it's only natural he knows about his family. He's also pretty close with Present Mic."

"Loud blond bond," Eijirou joked. I chuckled and pointed over at Sero and Iida, who were both very much flustered as they were standing under the mistletoe that Mina set up a few minutes ago, "do it, pussy!"

"Do it, pussy!" I yelled with Eijirou, the rest of the Bakusquad joining in, as well as the Dekusquad, except for Deku, who didn't say the last part.

The two sighed and shared a short kiss, the two squads cheered as the two dark-haired boys coughed and kept on with what they were doing.


"Time to go home, Eri," Aizawa said as he picked the tired six-year-old up. She rubbed her eyes as she nodded, rubbing her head into his chest, "Hitoshi, are you coming?" Mr. Aizawa looked towards Shinso, who shook his head no, "alright."

Mr. Yamada bowed down to the class as a gesture to say goodbye and the three left.

"So who wins what bet," Mina called, the class blinking and then laughing between themselves.

"I have the list," Iida stood up and walked towards the kitchen, opening a cabinet and pulling out a binder, closing the cabinet behind him, "the amount of yen owed is there too."

"Awesome," Mina took the binder from Iida as he sat back down next to Uraraka, opening up to the first page and grabbing the pastel pink highlighter Yaoyorozu made for her, "first bet- Mr. Aizawa is gay, 1,000¥..."

We all cluttered around, each person who owed a certain amount put it into a pile of that certain bet, then the ones who won split it between themselves.

"Last one!" Mina called, raising the highlighter high, "Eri calls Shinsou onii-chan!" She called, Shinsou freezing, the cup of coffee he had staying next to his mouth.

He pulled away the cup and put it down on the table, "you guys bet on that?" Shinsou asked, Kaminari and I looking at each other and coughing.

"The winners of the bet," Mina said, highlighting the page, making her pause, "Kaminari and Bakugou."

"Wait," I stood up, Kaminari following suit, "I made a bet on that?" I really don't remember that... Maybe I was drowsy?

"Yeah. You said it might be likely," she answered and then looked at the sum, "holy what-" she looked over the sum again and froze, muttering something before she read it out, "you two have to split 190,000¥ between yourselves."

"190,000¥?!" Kaminari and I yelled at the same time, watching everyone, including Shinsou, put 10,000¥ onto the table.

"Shin? You bet against it?" Kaminari looked down at Shinsou, who cleared his throat.

"She only started calling me that a week ago," he explained, putting down the bill, "she asked Kota what it meant, he explained, and then she started calling me that."

"Weird," Eijirou mumbled and looked up at me, "when did Kone start calling Kanjou, Kanjou-nee?"

"When he was 6," I turned to Eijirou as Kaminari split the 190k to two, one bill staying in the middle of the piles as Kaminari looked it over, "but his parents explained it to him, not a friend."

Shinsou glared at Kaminari as he put 10k into his hand, "she's your sister, you shouldn't even bet over the fact she calls you her brother."

Shinsou sighed and took it, putting it back into his pocket. "Fine."

"Also who the hell are you two talking about?" Mina pointed at me and Eijirou and he bit his lip.

"My cousins," I answered and took the 60,000¥, "I'm gonna go to my room. Goodnight, losers." I waved at the class and made my way towards the stairs with around 120,000¥ in my hands.

Winning never gets old.

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