Chapter 12

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Nialls POV

I pace back and forth yanking at my hair and throwing down my hand to my sides thinkingabout how management would hate to explain a bald superstar before they find there way back up again. I hear the door click open and my head snaps up. It's only Simon & Josh. I groan in frustration and go back to pacing. 

"Jeez Mate, I just came to say sorry, your not that made at me are you?" He asked. In my mind it clicked that he was implying he was the master mind behind the party. I'll kill him later.

"Niall..." Simon asks carefully, "where's Lux?" 

"I don't know! She hasn't come back since she ran out there!" I yell pointing towards the windows before ripping my eyes away from the now raging blizzard. Simon eyes grow wide and Josh's jaw forms a O. Simon whips out his phone while Josh comes over to tell me how sorry he is, but I can't hear a word he says. I hear Simon talking to Harry and then Louis. He finally calls Liam and lets out a sigh and starts rubbing his head. He mutters a string of words under his breath before hanging up. 

"Andy said that he was at the park with Taylor when he ran into Lux. He said Lux left at the same time as them,but that was 3 hours ago," Simon took a breath, "Niall, dose Lux know how to get home?" 

Shit. I grab my coat and run down the steps out the door. I auto start my car and speed of hardly before Simon and Andy can hop in. I whip around the corner barley turning off the far before I'm out again. 

"LUX!!" I scream, "LUX!" I'm turning in circles but everything white. I see a flash of beige and I run over to it. It was just a damn bush. I trudge back yup the hill to the park. My head study's the ground till I hear a noise over the howl of the wind. I hear it again, so faintly. "Dad, t-tr-turn around-d," I fallow the orders. I meet the dazzling vibrant blue eyes and non stop chattering teeth. I pull her into my arms, because you can see her skin through her coat and because she right here. 

"D-d-dad," she stutters through her nonstop teeth kiss her forehead, not giving a fuck what she would say or think, it's not like she can run. I scope her up bridal style and carry her to my car, and it's snowing so heavy now I could only locate it by the lights and hardly even then. Apparently, grabbing the keys was a figment of my imagination. Josh was now in front making room in the back for Lux and I. Luxs lips are bluer then her eyes, her jaw won't stop, and she's colder then penguins in the South Pole. I run the pad of my thumb on the outline of Luxs cheek bone and push back her hair. I grip tighter every time she shakes, which is almost every seconded. We pull up and I sprint to the door with her still in my arms and soon she's lying on her bed. Her room only have white bookshelf on a wall with her bed pushed up against it but the rest was white so she could do what she wants with it. It's been longing for her for the part 5 years. I pull the crisp white covers over her freezing body and get up to grab a hot chocolate. I almost yelp when Jack Frost slams me in my wrist.

"Please stay, please don't leave me again, please," she lets the words escape her lips from her position on the bed. How the hell do I say no? Easy, I don't. So I crawled in and curled up next to her, trying to get damn jack frost off my daughter. It'll be fine if I'm freezing for 100 days after this as long as she's okay. 


Simons POV (see that coming? ;D) 

I walk into Luxs room after Niall was done going all ape shit to find them cuddle up. I've learned by now not to question it. I sigh and shake my head whipping out my phone to call Britney and Demi. Brit for her expert motherly advice and Demi because she would only  like I was begging her to, if I promised if I would call her the seconded we found Lux. I order josh to make some soup while I pace out into the hall to avoid the loud banging. I do Demi first because she at the top of the list on my contacts. I cock my head as I hear a ring come out of the stair well. I hear a hello ring out from my phone and the stairwell at the same time. I creep over to the top of the steps and see Demi rubbing her balled up hands onto her eyes smearing her already smeared makeup. 

"BOO!" I say from behind her. She just looks up with a hmm. Age then goes back to cuddling into her coat while turning on her side and I just chuckle at her. 

"C'mon, up you go," I mutter as I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her up. She tries to push me away but fails miserably, she doesn't even remove her hand from my stomach. 

"Are you okay?" I ask her as goosebumps form over her body and she shivers. She nods but cuddles into my chest shaking. I led her into Niall's and all the way to the guest bedroom. I slowly lower her onto the bed before taking off all her jewelry so she dosen't choke in the night and then sliding off her shoes. I look to her forehead were beads of sweat form. Looks like Brit will have her work cut out for her. Shit Brit! I get up to call Britney but a voice moans out, "Simon stay, it's hurts Simon it hurts," Demi's broken voice pleads to me," please make it stop Simon, make it stop," I feel my heart hit the floor shattering into pieces like looking like the stars that dot the midnight sky when I realise how bad it really is. I sit on the ground next to the bed and pull my shoes off. I grab Demi's hand and begin to rub circles on it and grab my phone with my other. I call Britney while grimly studying Demi's pained face. On the seconded ring she picks up. 

"Hello?" She says

"Brit we need your help," I say quietly. This would be a long night. 


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