Quickly Spotted This Beautiful Girly

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  • Dedicated to To all Fans :)

Chapter 13: Quickly spotted this beautiful girly

🍟Mariah🍟<- yes I luv ths

I woke up when I felt the plane touch the runway.

I looked over to see Conor still passed out, some habits die hard. I had actually gotten him to wake up for a alarm. Looks like I gotta start it up again.


I whisper in his ear and kiss his forehead although he's buried in the plane blanket.

His eyes open on cue.

"We land?"

I nod and he yawns.

I stretch just as he copies.

We stand as I grab my pillow.

(I'd never go anywhere with out it if i'm traveling....#fact)

He pulls out bags out of the top and he lets me carry mine for once as I think he's trying to wake up.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean into it as we get to a rental thing.

"I don't want the fans to maul me if they find my see my black range rover so something incognito."

He laughed nervously.

"You've never met my mother before have you?"

He shook his head.

"Never had the chance."

"Well be cautious...."

His eyes widen.


We get into the car as the guy hands us the keys, takes our luggage and sets it in the trunk.

I haven't really seen Virginia since I visited a year ago, when my mom wasn't here. Olivia was tired of California and she enjoys having Anths family near.

My mom thought its far from California so she moved.

We drove off in a nice BMW, not really helping your cause, Conor.

"So what did you do since I see your sleep is heavy again?"

I laugh.

"I would hardly sleep, I'll was always laying there staring out the window at the city lights until I'd pass out. You were all I thought about."

I blushed.

"Well, that just means I need to move into your bed so you can get back on your sleep schedule, although I don't fly with that 6am bullshit!"

He started laughing hard.

"Hell no! Conor! No more 6am, at least 7:58 am. I think I'll die if I do more 12-6 sleep shifts. You might lose me. I think I'm seeing the light....no.."

I know what your thinking:

'Your going back to his bed already!'

Well it feels right and besides I couldn't sleep those nights either.

I was starting to pass for 25-26 when I'm 20!

"I think I can score us 7:45 but that's the latest."

I smiled.

"That's something I can talk to Max about."

He knows when I go talk to Max I end up coming out with a better hour than I was starting with.

"Well then...look at Mrs Negotiator here.."

We pulled up to Anths and Olivia's.

They were outside, I had sent her a message telling her we were near.

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