Chapter Twenty-One

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The candles flickered softly, casting long shadows all around them, and Arielle smiled as she looked down at her sleeping husband. It had a been a wonderful day, even if Thranduíl made it clear he wished to have the dwarves out of Mirkwood by sunset the next day.

She sat on the low wall, overlooking a small garden. The scent of honeysuckle wafted through the air, tickling her nose while the warmth of the evening breeze wrapped all about her. She settled back against a rough stone column and just peered up, trying to see the night sky through the trees. All for naught. All she saw were branches and leaves and vines. Once, it felt comforting, it meant home. Now? Now, it was suffocating to her. Home was no longer on the floor of a darkened forest. Instead, it was in a cozy stone cottage at the end of a cobblestone lane, with sprawling meadows and a lake all were welcome to share. It was her garden large enough to make certain the people of the Blue Mountains would always have food if they needed it.

Her gaze traveled to the dwarf sleeping soundly beneath fine white linens, snoring softly. Home was with Thorin Oakenshield.

He rolled onto his side and opened his eyes. It took him a moment to focus, then he said, "Is something the matter, princess?"

"Not at all."

He sat up, the linens pooling about his hips and her cheeks grew warm as he rose from the bed. Would there ever be a time when she wasn't in utter awe over the sight of him in all his glory? Her dwarf was beautiful. Absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful.

Thorin strolled over to her as if without a care in all of Middle Earth. "What time is it?"

"Late. We slept through supper, I'm afraid, but we can go raid the kitchens, if you like."

"I'd have to put on trousers, wouldn't I?"

She eased from the wall. "I don't mind you walking about naked, but the others might take exception to it."

"Oh, you do not mind me this way, you say?" He closed the space between them and slid his arms about her waist.

"Not one bit." She draped her arms about his waist, linking her fingers. "But, to be honest, I am a bit sore..."

He chuckled. "I think I've hit empty, princess. So, perhaps it would be best for both of us if I dressed once more."

Without thinking, she slid her hands down over his backside to give the firm mounds a teasing squeeze. "I think I'm ready to go home to the Blue Mountains, Thorin."

"Are you certain? This is your home, after all."

"No." She shook her head. "It is no longer my home. My home is with you, in a cozy stone cottage."

He smiled, brushed her lips with his, then turned to go back over to the low chest at the foot of the bed, where his trousers lay. He dragged them on, and she bit back a sigh at the sight. No matter what state of dress—or undress— he was in, he was magnificent.

And this magnificent dwarf was hers.

He disappeared into a long, black tunic, his voice slightly muffled as he said, "I assume Thranduíl has suggested we take our leave soon."

She waited until his head appeared through the neck of the tunic. "He has, but nicely."

"Ah, meaning he will not be poking our backs with blades. At least," he tucked the tunic into his trousers and reached for his gold belt, "not at first."

"Oh, that isn't nice," she came into the room, shaking her head, "considering he didn't have to let us stay at all. Although, I do wish I could see Elwin once more."

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