Blood friends Skid x Pump

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-I don't know about blood friends that well so don't shame me on this.

Pump was crying on his hotel bed, he wanted Skid and only Skid, no on else, but he know that Skid wanted him dead so all he could do was cry and imagine him in his arms. "Skid~ Skid~ Why!?~ Why!?~ Pump crys and crys hoping that one day Skid will change his mind, but he knows he wouldn't, but he wanted to hug him so much and kiss him all over, he wanted Skid forever, but he knows Skid wouldn't change his mind. Little did he know that he already did.

Skid sits in all alleyway playing with a knife as tears fall from his eyes and drop on its edge. He softly crys has he wishes he hade just deal with the pain of being not loved, but he has dug a hole so deep he can't get out of it unless a miracle happens, what he wanted most in the world right now was someone special to forgive him and that someone special was Pump, but Skid know that Pump would not forgive him, not after what he did. So he sat and cried, knowing what he had to do next, that is what made him the saddest, he had gone to far to turn back, he had no choice but kill Pump, but he did not what to, "Pump~ Pump~ Why?~ Why did I do that?~

Skid know where Pump was, so he went to the hotel and snuck through the window. The Skid tracker went off but because Pump is a heavy sleeper, plus he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep recently, so he did not wake. He sow Pump sleeping on the bed, to him he looked like angel, he was so peaceful, so perfect, he loved him. He snuck in the window and sat next to him. He looked down at the sleeping pumpkin and sow tears flowing down his face, making him sad, he did not want him to be sad, especially when it's going to be his lest emotion. Skid put Pump in his lap and rocked him as he hummed, "Daisy Daisy~ Give me you answer do~ I'm half crazy, all for the love of you~ It wont be stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage~ But you look sweet upon that seat of a bicycle made for two~" He then put Pump's head on his chest where his heart is. Pump then seemed to calm down. Skid looked that him and raised the knife ready to stab Pump, he then shot it down, but stoped a inch away from Pump's chest. Skid started crying as he curled up next to Pump's body. Skid hugs Pump, and cried in is chest, he couldn't do it.

Pump woke up, to see Skid crying in his chest, at first he was scared, as he respectably should, but then started to slowly calm down. Pump looks at Skid, his heart melts when he hears Skid's soft crys. Pump hugs Skid and lifts his head to face his, Skid is surprised by this, not knowing that Pump would wake up. Pump found Skid's face to be cute. Pump cupped Skid's face, "Skid? What are you doing here?" Skid did not know what to say, he just froze, "......I-I.." Skid started crying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Pump looked at him and hugged him, "I got you back!" Pump said with a huge smile, "Yeah.. yeah you did." "S-Skid." "Y-Yeah?" "I-I...I love you!" Skid was shocked, he stumbled on his words "I-I... I love you too." "Wait really!" Pump was shocked, he totally thought he was going to get rejected, and before he know it Skid kissed him. It felt great, and he noticed that Skids teeth were pretty sharp but it didn't matter to him, he finally got what he wanted, and he was not going to let it go and did not care. Pump pulled away for air and hug Skid tightly, "Mine." Skid blushed and let out a chuckle, "Then your mine as well." They cuddled, before Skid asked a question, "W-Why d-do y-you c-care?" Pump looked at him, "W-What do you mean?" Skid looked down, "W-Well when every one was cooing over you, i-it j-just seemed l-like y-you h-hated m-me!" Skid said, crying, Pump looks at him with a sad sympathetic look, "S-Skid... I-I... I did not like it." Skid looks up at him, "W-What?" "I said I did not like it." "B-But whats not to like about being loved?" "W-Well t-they were extremely creepy, and some wanted me to go home with them. I did not like it much at all." "O-Oh..." "And plus.. I-it's your opinion that matters." Skid blushes, "It broke my heart that the person I loved did not like me." Pump crys, and Skid hugs him, "Shhhhhhhhh, I'm here now and l love you more then everything." Pump smiles along with Skid, and they kiss again, they cuddle on the bed and soon fall asleep, happy, and they are going to figure out a way out of all there problems, together. They love each other and nothing in the entire world is going to change that.

-Awww. I think this was the best oneshot I did so far.

Word count: 915

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