Minus Skid x Minus Pump.

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-I don't know much about Minus Skid and Pump so if you do and this is not accurate, please don't yell at me about it. I might redo it if I learn about them more.

Skid and Pump are dead. How you may ask,? Welllll.. that were exploring a old abandoned house, when a plank of wood with lots of nails sticking out of it, fell on top of them. They screamed for help, but no body came. In the end they died from blood loss. But don't be sad they won't be dead forever. (None of Sr.Pelo's creations are.)

Pump's POV:

I wake up. I'm confused, I should be dead. I feel different, as in I don't feel anything at all. I see Skid, he looks different, but I don't care. I try to move but can't. I want to yell but can't. I want Skid, he makes me fell better, I love him, I don't care what he looks like, I will love him no matter what. I can't move, I just hope that Skid wakes up and notices me here.

Skid's POV:

I wake up. I feel different. I look down, I have no legs, one arm, and I don't think my costume is costume anymore. I look around and see Pump. I ran to him. He looks different too, I touch him, he's limp. He's dead. I start crying, no no please no. No! Pump! I grab his body. "I promise I won't ever let go of you. I promise."

-4 years later.-

-Note: Skid want insane and is refusing to believe that Pump is actually dead, so he acts like he's still alive.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Their goes another person. They scream and run away when seeing me. Expect Nightmare but- anyway.. I look at Pump, I smile. I lay down on a little bed I made and think, 'Todays the day. I am going to do it.' I looks at Pump, he's so cute, I lay next to him and hug him. I look at him, "Hey Pump, your my best friend you know? And I need to get something off of my chest... you have been the only one there for me and you have been my best friend for a long long time even though it only feels like couple of weeks, and I just wanted to say I-I... I love you! I-I h-have for a long time now."

Pump's POV:

He loves me!? It's been 4 years since I've been stuck like this. And I'm only learning this now! I thought he thought that I am dead! Ah! Who cares he loves me! And I love him too! I only wish I could tell him... Next thing I know he kissed me, oh how I wish I could kiss back, but I can't, I can't even cry. He all of a sudden picked me up and put me on his chest, he cuddles me and falls asleep. He's so cute. I look at him. I then feel something, I haven't been able to in a long time, I move my arm. I move my arm! I quickly wake him up, "Skid! Skid!" He wakes up confused, "Wha-? P-Pump!?" I smile and start crying, "Pump!" He hugs me and we talk, I tell him that I could hear very thing and that I loved him. We kiss then cuddle and fall asleep, I love him, no matter what, I will always love him. I love you, Skid. I love you so so much, and I promise, nothing in the entire world will ever separate us. I promise, I love you so so much.

-Hehe sorry I don't know much about Minus Skid and Pump so if you do and this is not accurate, please don't yell at me about it. I might redo it if I learn about them more.

-Word count: 653

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