Enemys to lovers Skid x Pump

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Skid and Pump hated each other. The reason? No one knows, but for as long as Anyone can remember, they were enemies. Little did anyone know both of them were hiding something. Something that would change their relationship forever.

Right now though they are stuck to each other by a string and are trying to break it, "Break dam it!" Skid yells out in anger, "Why out of everyone must I be stuck with you!?" Pump yells "I can say the same thing to you!!" they started arguing and yelling, still trying to break the string, "Break!" they keep pulling and pulling and pulling until....


"Oh shoot." Pump says before they fall to the ground. Pump land on the ground and looks up, "Yes!! Yes!! I'm free!!" he looks at Skid, "I'm finally away from-....Skid?" Pump looks at Skid. To see him crying, tears were streaming down his face, "What? Why are you crying!?" He gets closer to him and looks.

When Skid fell he landed on the pavement and on the pavement were a couple of nails. (I don't know if it's just me but my park has a lot of nails just laying around for some reason.) The nails had gone in his arm and side, "Oh...." Pump was frozen for a little intill Skid started screaming in pain. Pump snapped back to reality and grabbed him, "Come on!" Pump starts running.

They get to the hospital and Pump gives him to the doctors. After a while, the doctors come out, "He ok?" "Yes, he is. You can see him if you want." one of the doctors says, "Ok. Thank you."

Pump goes in. He sees Skid's torso and left arm Bandaged up, "You ok?" Skid turns to him, "Why are you here?" Pump shrugs, "Just wanted to see how you were doing." Skid looks down at his hands, Pump sits next to him, "Why did you help me?" Skid asks, "Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I want you dead." Skid us Quiet, "About that...." Skid turns to him. Pump looks at him too. Skid then asks, "You hate me, right?" Pump thinks, "I guess.... it's more like I just....dislike you." "Oh. Ok...." Skid looks down, "I know he both don't treat each other great but....recently..I have been feeling....differently.... it's a weird feeling." Pump chuckles, "What? Did you fall in love with me?" Pump said jokingly, not expecting Skid to respond to it. Skid looks at him and then back down, "Yes....actually...." Pump froze and he looks at Skid, "Really?" "Y-Yeah...." Pump is still for a moment and Skid get scared, "You can go if you want-" Skid was cut off by a soft tender kiss and a chuckling Pump, "I love you too." "Really?" "Yeah." Skid hugs him, "Thank you...." Pump smiles, "I guess that sting wasn't that bad. Haha!" "Yeah I guess not." they both smile and lay down to cuddle, happily, loving each other finally, forever.

And then the string reforms. They didn't mind though.

-Done! Hope you guys enjoyed it!

-Word count: 520

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