Corrupted Skid x Pump

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Pump is crying next to Skid, "Skid~ Skid~. Why? Come back!" "But Pump, I am your friend. We're best spooky friends!!" Skid responses, he's voice is echoey. "Then why are you scaring me!?" Pump says scared, with tears in his eyes and huddles in a corner, 'I'm scaring him? Oh god what kind of best friend am I were my own best friend is scared of me!?' Skid thinks. "I'm going to sleep..." Pump said turning away from Skid, Pump then left to the bedroom.

When in the bed room he lays down and starts crying in the pillows, Skid hears his crying and comes running, his heart breaks seeing him sad, he hugs Pump tightly, and whispered something, "I love you Pump. I always have. I won't ever hurt you." Pump looks up at him, tears in his eyes, "You do?" "Of course!" Pump hug him, "I love you too." He then kisses Skid "C-Can we look at the stars?" Skid asks, "Of course." Pump smiles happily. They walk out side and lay down.

Skid slowly put his hand on Pump's causing him to blush. They stay silent for awhile. "It's pretty." Skid's suddenly talked Pump. "It is, but not as much as you." Skid blushes, "I love you Pump." "I love you too." "...Why didn't you run away when I became corrupted?" "Because, I thought that I could turn you back, but it looks like I didn't have to do anything besides be there. I love you." Skid smiles, "I love you too." They stay their in till Pump starts to shiver, "Let's go back in side." Skid says, "Y-Yeah." Skid picks up Pump in a brittle style. They go back in side and he puts Pump on the bed.

Skid lays next to Pump and hugs him to warm him up, Pump hugs back. Pump then kisses Skid, both of them not ever wanting it to end, when they finally pull apart Skid whispers in Pump's, "Shh Go to sleep." "Right, of course, I love you." "I love you too." Skid caressed Pump's face, not wanting to look away. He keeped doing it intill he fall asleep. Both of them in each others arms, happy.

-I know that it's not that much different from the corrupted Pump x Skid ones and I'm sorry for that, but I tryed to make as different as I could with out making it a entire hairy potter book long because I get hocked.

Word count: 417

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