Neo Pump x Hellbeat Skid

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"Why can't I just be happy for once like I used to be!!" A little demon skeleton screamed, "What did I do that was so bad!?!?" He weeped and his tears were covering the floor of his abandoned house completely, "I just wanted a friend!! Sure the people I befriended were demons, but I didn't know better!! I was 8!! And I didn't know that they were bad!!" Skid was crying so hard that he didn't notice someone open his old creaky door, "Hello?" Now he heard that, "Who's there!?" "O-Oh hi! I'm sorry I couldn't help but notice that your crying. Can I help you?" Skid growled at them, "No go away!" He then mumbled, "I don't want you to be like me when you die." He looked at the kid and sow that they were a pumpkin, "O-Oh..s-sorry..I just..wanted to help.." They looked like they were going to cry, Skid felt bad, maybe if they did become friends, would it really be that bad? "H-Hey! I-I'm sorry..." The Pumpkin shock his head, "No it's ok. I'm use to it by now." Skid got up and hugged them, "I'm still sorry. I should've have done that." The pumpkin blushes, "What's your name?" Skid looked at them, "Skid." The pumpkin smiles, "Pump." Skid smiles, "That's a nice name." Pump blushes, "Yours too." Skid blushes, "Thanks." They sit down and talk.

-Time skip, 2 years later.-

"Puuuuuuump!!" Skid jumps on Pump, "Hehe. Hey bud!" Pump was so temporary to kiss the demon but he know that would be weird and Skid wouldn't like it, that made him sad, "Want to get ice-cream!? Or go to the graveyard!? Or! Or! We could get candy!!" Pump smiled at his happy friend, "Let's get candy!!" "Yay!!" They run to the candy store.

When there they ask for two candy kans, Kaven the candy guy throw them candy from behind the counter, "Take it and leave please!" They take it and run out the door, in to the woods, to Skid's old abandoned house, to eat their candy.

"Wow this is really good!" Skid smiles, "Hehe. Yeah!" And finish their candy and talk some more, "Hey Skid..." Skid looks at him, "Yeah Pump what is it!" Pump blushes, "Well I want to tell you something." Skid confused, "What is it Pump?" "W-Well..we've been friends for a long time now..2 years." Skid smiled, "Yeah! And I've been so grateful for what you gave me!" Pump blushed, "Yeah. Me too, and I wanted to say..." "What is it?" Pump looks down, "Well..Skid I..I.." Skid hugs Pump tightly, "Pump whatever it is I promise I won't judge. Your my best and only friend!" Pump smiles and take a deep breath in, "Skid..I love you!!" Skid shocked, "Look I understand if you don't like me back, or don't want to see me anymore, but you deserve to know." Skid smiles, "Pump..I love you too. I love you so so much, you have no idea!" Skid then kisses Pump, Pump kisses back before they pull away, "I love you." "I love you too, Pump." They then kisses again and cuddle on the floor, "Now and always."

-Alright this is the opposite of the Neo Skid x Hellbeat Pump one, what you think?

-Word count: 545

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