Trick or treat Skid x Pump

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It was ACTUALLY spooky month, and Skid and Pump were getting ready to go trick or treating. When Skid was ready he went to check on Pump, but when he got there he sow Pump wearing something on his costume and it read, "I simp for skeletons." "I Simp for skeletons?" Skid question, "Yep, hehe." "Hehe." "I got you one too." Pump says as he pull out a shirt, "Awwww thanks." Pump gave Skid the shirt, it read "I Simp for pumpkins" "Hehe, so true." Skid chuckles.

They went out side to be greeted by a giggling Nightmare. They went trick or treating and got a lot of candy but then Pump had to go the bath room.

He went to find a house that would let him use their bathroom. He found one and used it but when he was walking back to Nightmare and Skid, a girl came up to him.

"Uh Hi! Can I help you?" Pump asked trying to be nice. "Um yes can I have your number?" "What?" Pump rubbed his eyes making sure that this is real, he released the girl was also wearing a skeleton costume. "Um sorry I have boyfriend." "Forget him." "Excuse me!? I don't even know you!" "But you Simp for Skeletons." Pump was getting mad, "Yeah but I already found the one for me and they are the most gorgeous, kindest, caring, beautiful, pretty, thing in the world! Now if you don't mind I have to go back to him and my friend!" "Your missing a great opportunity.~" The girl said in a flirting tone, this got Pump really mad so he yelled, "Shut up!!!! I don't ******* care!!!! He the one for me and nothing is going to change that!!!!" Then Pump heard a voice, "I told you his loyal!" "Huh!?" Pump sees Nightmare recording with her camera, he then turns back to the girl to see the, girl take off their costume to reveal Skid. "I am sorry we thought it would be funny but you got serious." Pump was shocked, "I-I Oh god I am so sorry Skid, I did not know it was you!" "Hey it's fine at lest you did not cheat on me." "Yeah... hey let's go get more candy my bag is still not full!" "Ok!" Skid agreed, "Yay!" Nightmare yelled in excitement. The three friends went on trick-or-treating until it got very late, they had a great actual Halloween.

But of course in their books Halloween is all year long, so the people in this neighborhood better enjoy this night because next night they're going to have to deal with Skid's and Pump's and Nightmare's silly shenanigans again.

-Hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 455

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