Fattycake and the Baker

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Once upon a time, the very obese king named Falstaffian and queen Larda had a fat baby princess who was named Fattycake. Growing up, she loved eating cake since it's her favorite food. The more she ate, the fatter she became. She loved her father more than her mother. The reason why was that Queen Larda had always been too busy admiring her huge self. When Fattycake was 10, King Falstaffian passed away due to kidney failure. Relieved, Queen Larda finally got to admire herself without any disturbance. "Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fattest of them all?" she asked proudly. "You are the fattest," was an expected answer from the magic mirror every time she asked the question, especially before and after King Falstaffian's passing. But 10 weight-gaining years later, when she asked the question again, the answer was different. "You are fat, that is true," it said, "But your daughter, Fattycake, is much fatter than you." That made her very angry when she heard this. "I'll have to do something about this," said Queen Larda, "But how am I gonna get my title back?" Then, she got an idea. "I'll hire my huntsmen to kill her," she said with a sinister smile, "And when she's dead, I'll be the fattest of all once again." She called her 3 huntsmen and gave them orders to find Fattycake, kill her and bring back her stomach. "But your highness," interrupted one of them named Fred, "She's very beautiful and very friendly. Why do you want us to kill her?" "That's none of your business!" Queen Larda shouted angrily, "And never question my orders again or face your death!" "Yes your highness," the 3 huntsmen said depressingly as they bowed down to her. "Now go! Go I say! Or I'll order my executioners to chop off your heads!" Queen Larda yelled. The 3 huntsmen hurried off to do their mission but were still hesitant about doing it. "I don't like the idea of killing Princess Fattycake," said another one named Stephen. "Me neither," agreed the last one named Ethan. "We need to warn her about the queen's awful scheme," said Fred, "And quick!"

Meanwhile, Fattycake, who's now 20 and morbidly obese, was spending time with her animal friends. Well, the animals were her only friends who understood her issues with her self-centered mother. "That does it; that's the last straw," she said, "If she's not gonna spend time with me as a family, then I won't be her daughter anymore. I'm gonna run away and find a place to live." Suddenly, the 3 huntsmen came up to her with their worried look on their faces. "Princess Fattycake, your life is in great danger!" warned Fred, "You must run and hide for your safety. We'll help you find a place to stay." "What's going on, boys?" Fattycake asked. "Your mother is extremely jealous of your weight and appearance," said Stephen. "And she's planning to kill you for that. That's why we're here to help you find a place to hide," added Ethan. "Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Fattycake, "That's terrible! Quick! Hide me!" Then, she and the 3 huntsmen travelled to a faraway land and found a big cottage-like house in the forest. "That's cool," said Fattycake, "It looks just like a dollhouse. It reminds me of the one I played with since I was a little girl. Thank you so much, boys." "You're welcome, Princess Fattycake," said the 3 huntsmen as they smiled at her, "Stay safe and good luck." And with that, they left the forest. The animals followed her the entire time during the travel. Fattycake was really curious of what could be inside the house, so she opened the door and went inside. "It's beautiful," she said, "Whoever did this must be very good at it." She suddenly felt really hungry and went to find the kitchen. "I wonder if there are any food around here," she said, "I'm getting hungry." The birds flew to her and brought her nuts and berries. "Thank you little birdies," said Fattycake as she started eating them. After she finished eating them, she was still hungry. "Hmm... Is there any cake around?" she asked, "It's been a month since I've had one." Luckily for her, there was a carrot cake in the display case, untouched. Excited, she went to it, opened the case and started eating it greedily. About a couple of minutes later... "BUUUUUURRRRRRP!" She was satisfied. "Excuse me," she said as she patted her humongous belly, "That satisfied my cake cravings for a while." Suddenly, the door opened wide from behind. She turned around quickly and saw the handsome baker with a surprised look. "An obese woman!" he exclaimed, "What are you doing in my house?" "Um..." Fattycake began frantically, "The 3 huntsmen sent me here for safety since my crazy mother was planning to kill me! Please don't send me away! Please!" The baker was shocked when hearing this, so he asked, "Why would your mother want to kill you?" "That's what I wanna know," Fattycake said as her blue eyes began to fill up with tears. She sat down on the couch and sighed devastatingly. "You see, I've just been informed that she's very jealous of me," she explained, "Ever since I was little, I never got to spend time with her since she'd been too busy hogging the mirror every day to admire herself. She seemed that she didn't want anything to do with me as her daughter. After my father died, I had nobody to talk to except my animal friends." "I'm so sorry to hear that," said the baker, "Please, make yourself at home. I'm Peter by the way. Who are you?" Fattycake then introduced herself. "I'm Fattycake," she said with a smile, "I'm a princess of the Obesian Kingdom." "You seem more like an average maiden to me," remarked Peter. "I really am a princess," insisted Fattycake, "I always dress like a maiden. I can't wear ball gowns like other princesses since they're always too tight." When Peter noticed that his carrot cake disappeared from the display case, he asked, "Where did my carrot cake go? It was for my father's birthday." "I ate it," admitted Fattycake, "I can't help loving to eat cakes. I'm very sorry about that. I didn't know that it's for something special." "You're forgiven," said Peter, "I wanted to bake something anyway."

Oddly Satisfying Fairytales: Fat Fetish and Feederism EditionWhere stories live. Discover now