The Big Burping Mermaid

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Once there was a thicc mermaid named Shivaree. Unlike her four beautiful older sisters named Aria, Cadenza, Fughetta and Melisma, she couldn't sing because every time she sang, she sounded like a dying whale. Her singing voice may be terrible, but she was incredible at burping on command. However, her sisters never liked to hear her burp whenever she did it around them, and she even got grounded a few times by her parents for causing disturbances with her burping, which was why she practiced her burping while no one was around.

One day, she couldn't take the no burping nonsense anymore, so she finally decided to stand up to her family and say to them, "I need to tell you all what I wanted to say for the longest time. I'm sick of you guys not accepting me for who I am just because I'm chubby and I can't sing as well as all of you. I've been grounded and punished by you for burping so much whenever you catch me doing it, which is the stupidest reason to do so because everyone does it every now and then, and it's a natural thing to do. Sure it can be annoying to hear me doing that so often, but what if that could be a distress call, or maybe a percussion-like sound as an accompaniment for singers for instance?" "Shivaree, the reason why we don't want you burping is because that it's not only annoying and disgusting, but it's not very musical as well," said her mother named Madrigal, "Plus, it's considered rudeness and disrespect." "I can't be expected to be just like you. It's not fair at all," protested Shivaree, "If only you accept me for who I am and treat me as you would to my sisters, I would gladly return the favor and treat you as my family. All I want from you is respect, fairness, kindness and love. Right now I'm not getting any of that from you. You're expecting too much of me and committing child abuse." "Child abuse?! We're not abusing you in any way," her father named Oratorio said irritatingly, "All we wanted from you is respect and courteousness of others! Is that too much to ask?" "Apparently so," said Shivaree as her eyes began to tear up, "I tried my hardest to be part of this family by doing what you're wanting me to do, but it's not working out because I'm not the type of person who sings and is expected to be perfect!" "You know what? Screw this! If you're not happy being our daughter, then you're permanently disowned!" Oratorio yelled at her in anger. Madrigal and the four sisters gasped at him for giving Shivaree such a threat. "Oratorio! You wouldn't dare do that to her!" Madrigal said angrily, "I understand that you're upset with her for what she does on the daily basis, but we're not kicking her out of the family!" "Yes we are!" Oratorio said with a glare, "She's a disgrace to the family with her disgusting burps and disrespect!" "We would only disown her if she did any horrendous crimes and terrorism," said Madrigal, "But since she did none of those, there's no reason to do that." "You know what? There's no need for you to disown me," said Shivaree as she wiped away her tears and glared at her father, "Because I'm disowning myself from you. Goodbye you poor excuse of a family. See you never." With that, she swam away. The four sisters realized how bad they treated her and silently cried with shame, while Madrigal comforted them. "I feel just as guilty as you girls are," Madrigal told them sadly as tears ran down her face, "If we hadn't gone too far on her, none of this would've happened."

Meanwhile, Shivaree continued swimming away from home until she saw something that dived into the ocean, which turned out to be a handsome pirate tied up in ropes around his arms and torso, and his mouth was covered in white cloth. She gasped in shock by seeing this. "I have to save him!" she said as swam up to him, grabbed him by the loose area of the rope, and did her best to take him up to shore. After she successfully made it to shore, she placed him onto the wet but sandy ground, untied him and did CPR on him. It took him a while to wake up from being unconscious. As the handsome pirate saw who was with him, he was surprised to see a chubby mermaid sitting next to him. "Shiver me timbers! A thicc mermaid!" he exclaimed. "Yeah, that's me," said Shivaree, "How come you dropped down into the ocean?" "The captain and his crew were disgusted with me liking bigger women," said the pirate sadly, "So they made me walk the plank, and that's how I got into the ocean." "Weird, my family were disgusted with me not being able to sing and burping most of the time," said Shivaree, "I swam away from home because of that, and during the process, that's how I found you and saved you from getting drowned." "Looks like we're a couple of misfits, am I right?" the pirate said with both of them laughing afterwards, "I'm Frisky Willy, whose real name is William. You can call me whatever you want." "I'm Shivaree. I'm sometimes nicknamed Shiva," Shivaree said, "Unlike other mermaids, I can't sing, but I can burp on command." "You can do that?" William asked with some interest, "I've always liked thicc girls who burp." "Oh, I see. Would you like to hear my burps?" Shivaree asked him with a blush. "Of course! I'm sure you'd do great," William said with a smile. Before Shivaree could demonstrate, she saw another person coming, which was why she suddenly headed back into the ocean and hid behind a boulder. "William! There you are!" a woman said coming behind him with an angry look, "What the heck happened to you? You're soaking wet!" "It's a long story Marian," said William. "Well I wanna hear the whole thing, so you better explain yourself dear little brother," Marian said while helping him get up from the wet sand, "Where have you been for the last seven years?" As both siblings were talking, Shivaree watched them leaving the beach. She was sad that she didn't get a chance to demonstrate her burping skills to William. She then discovered that he might be the one for her since both of them were misfits and got kicked out of their respective groups, so she knew what she had to do in order to be with him. "I need to see the sea witch and see if she can turn me into a human," Shivaree said with determination as she dived into the ocean and searched for the sea witch's cove.

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