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Some time ago, there was a slim and helpless maiden named Marella. She had been nicknamed Slimmerella because of her really slim appearance and she never got her fair share of food, thanks to her fat mean mother named Judith and twin sisters named Griselda and Esmeralda. She was forced to clean up after them since they were too lazy to do it themselves, and do all the housework herself. Her biggest fear was that she was expected to always do as she was told, but if she disobeyed her mother, she would face being whipped as punishment. "If only they're willing to share food fairly with me and help me out with some chores, that would be greatly appreciated," she said to herself sadly as she was sweeping the floor, "That way, I wouldn't have to risk facing starvation and having stiff, aching muscles."

One day, there was an announcement saying that everyone was invited to Prince Nathaniel's birthday ball. As any abusive mother would, Judith ordered Slimmerella to stay home and clean the house while she, Griselda and Esmeralda were gone. As they left, Slimmerella swept, mopped, and dusted the house, and her whole body began to ache badly afterwards. "What an abusive family," she said sadly as she sat down to rest her body, "I wish I could get away from them and live a better life." Then out of the blue, the beautiful black fairy godmother named Joyce appeared and smiled at her gently. Slimmerella was surprised to see her and she asked, "Who are you?" "My sweet child, I'm Joyce, your fairy godmother," Joyce said, "Looks like you're all worked up and stiff. Here, let me help you relax your muscles." With a wave from her magic wand, sparkles went around Slimmerella and unstiffened and relaxed her muscles with ease. "Oh! I feel much better now!" Slimmerella said happily, "Thanks giving me my mobility back." "No problem," Joyce replied with a smile, "What else can I help you with?" "You see, I live with my abusive mother and twin sisters," Slimmerella sadly told her, "They're always greedy, selfish, and unfair, not to mention that they treat me like a slave. I suppose you can't do anything about it." "I wish I could help you with that, honey," Joyce said, "But I don't have the power to remove you from their care. However, I do have the power to disguise you as someone else. Since the prince's birthday ball will have refreshments, the ball gown I'm gonna make for you is indeed stretchable. That way, you won't have to worry about wardrobe malfunctions as you gain weight." "Gain weight?" Slimmerella asked, "Well, I'm always hungry since my mother and twin sisters don't give me a fair share of food." "Exactly my point. You're suffering from malnutrition," Joyce said, "I can tell by seeing some bones showing up on your body just a wee bit. Anyway, let me pamper you up and get you ready for the ball." With a wave of her magic wand, Slimmerella had a huge makeover. The sparkles went around her, cleaned her up, turned her servant dress into a gorgeous ball gown, her black flats turned into matching slippers, and added evening gloves on her arms. They also gave her a pretty hairdo, makeup on her face and some jewelry. "Wow! This is absolutely beautiful!" Slimmerella said, "I love it! Thank you! But what about transportation?" "Oh, right! I almost forgot," said Joyce as she and Slimmerella came outside, "You can't go to the ball without transportation! Let me fix that." With another wave from her magic wand, the old car from the garage turned into a fancy car and a goose turned into a chauffeur. "Wow, I never had my own chauffeur before," Slimmerella said as she got in the car. "Before you go, here's what you need to know," Joyce warned, "At the strike of midnight, everything will turn back to the way it was, except your weight of course, so it's best to leave about 15 to 5 minutes early just to be safe." "Okay, Joyce, I'll do my best to remember," said Slimmerella, "Thanks for everything." Then the chauffeur drove off to drop her off at the ball, which was about a few minutes away from home.

As Slimmerella got out of the car, she slowly climbed up the stairs to the front door. She was nervous due to not being able to get away from home in her life, and getting to meet Prince Nathaniel. She was let inside the castle by the guards and was amazed by how beautiful the ballroom looked. "Goodness," she said, "So many people dancing, talking..." She then remembered about the refreshments. "Oh, I need to get to the refreshments!" she said, "After all, my mother and twin sisters never gave me my fair share of food." She went over to the refreshments table and helped herself with a lot of food. As she ate the food, her belly got a few inches bigger. "The food's so good, I just want more!" she said as she went to the buffet part, got lots of food and desserts and ate to her heart's content. She got a bit fatter, and her belly got a few more inches bigger. She burped loudly by accident and excused herself as she continued eating, getting fatter and growing her belly. Prince Nathaniel was amazed to see her stuffing her face with food without shame, so he came over to her to get a closer look and maybe talk to her. As he said hi to her, Slimmerella turned to see him and exclaimed, "Oh! Jiminy Christmas! I didn't see you there! I'm so sorry for hogging over the food, it's just that I never get fed much!" "Hey, no need to be sorry," Prince Nathaniel said calmly with a gentle smile, "Food is on the house, so eat all you want." "Really? That's very nice of you! Thank you so much!" Slimmerella said happily, "Oh, I'm Marella by the way, but my family calls me Slimmerella." Prince Nathaniel laughed as he replied, "Nice to meet you, I'm Prince Nathaniel. Anyway, looks like you're not slim anymore, and you're no longer Slimmerella. You're a big beautiful woman now for your size. I love your new big belly." Slimmerella blushed in response to this and she thanked him. "Are you full yet?" he asked her. "Not yet," Slimmerella said with an accidental burp, "I still have some food left to finish up." "Okay, I'll just leave you to it then," said Prince Nathaniel as he was walking away. Then Slimmerella went back to eating. The more she ate, the fatter she got and the bigger her belly grew. Griselda and Esmeralda noticed Slimmerella getting fatter by eating a lot. "Hey Grissy, get a load of this fat lady," Esmeralda said, "She's more of a pig than we are." "Yeah, we gotta tell Mom about her," agreed Griselda as she and Esmeralda giggled. "It's like she's never eaten in weeks, or maybe months," Esmeralda added as they went to tell their mother about the fat lady they didn't recognize who was Slimmerella. As with Slimmerella, she finished her buffet course and let out a loud belch. "BUUUUUUURRRRRRP!" That got a lot of people's attention, and then they wondered who belched. Slimmerella turned red in embarrassment, ran away, hid outside and cried while sitting on the bench. She didn't mean to be rude in front of everyone; she just wanted to eat, that's all. Prince Nathaniel then saw her crying and came to her to ask, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Slimmerella turned to look at him and said, "I burped in front of everyone. Now they'll think I'm really rude!" "I heard it too, but I never thought that it would come from you," Prince Nathaniel said, "That was really impressive for a woman to burp like that." "Really? You like it?" Slimmerella asked. "Of course," said Prince Nathaniel with a smile, "You would win the burping contest with that burp." Slimmerella smiled and blushed at him. "There she is!" the man said as he pointed at her, "The incredible burper!" "Yeah, that was awesome!" agreed the other man, "Come back inside, why don't you?" Slimmerella was speechless and blushed harder since she never thought that people would like her burp. She and Prince Nathaniel went back inside the castle and a lot of people complimented her and gave her hugs. Judith, Griselda and Esmeralda got jealous of her good quality of her burping ability, and her physical appearance. "Ugh! What a show-off!" Griselda mumbled. "Yeah! She thinks that she can burp better than us!" Esmeralda added. "And not to mention herself being a big fatty!" Judith growled, "Girls, we oughta show her who's the biggest fatty around, and that's me!" But before they could do that, Slimmerella was already gone, and it was 15 minutes till midnight. "Where did she go?" Judith asked, "I wanted to confront her about being a big fatty!" As she was hurrying back home, Slimmerella unknowingly left behind her ring that slid out of her finger while running. The magic was beginning wearing off by the time she successfully got back by car. Her ball gown turned back into her servant dress, her slippers turned back into black flats, her fancy hairdo went back to a ponytail, and her makeup and jewelry vanished magically. Also, the chauffeur turned back into a goose and the fancy car turned back into an old car. However, her fat appearance was still there. "Good thing I got back before the magic wore off," she said as she was panting, "I need to rest now."

The next morning, as Slimmerella was cooking breakfast, Judith, Griselda and Esmeralda noticed her fat appearance. "Slimmerella, is that you?" Judith asked. "Yes ma'am, that's me," Slimmerella replied. "How in the world did you get that fat?" Griselda asked. "And how come you're fatter than us?" Esmeralda asked. "Um...I..." Slimmerella didn't know what to tell them, except this: "I ate a lot since I never got my fair share of food just about every day." "Well, no matter," said Judith, "Continue making us breakfast. And after that, make sure you clean the house like you're always supposed to do." "Yes ma'am," Slimmerella replied as she continued making breakfast. And of course, Judith, Griselda and Esmeralda left not enough of food for her. Then there was some knocking on the door. Slimmerella answered it and there stood Prince Nathaniel with the lost ring in his hand. "Any of you young ladies lost this ring?" he asked. Griselda tried on the ring, but her fingers were too fat. Esmeralda tried it on, but her fingers were too small. Slimmerella tried it on and it slid onto her finger like a glove. It fitted perfectly. "What?!? Why Slimmerella?!?" Judith, Griselda and Esmeralda exclaimed. "Marella, you're the one," said Prince Nathaniel as he knelt down his knee to propose to Slimmerella who's now named Marella, "Now that I've found you, may I ask you to take my hand in marriage and be my wife?" "Yes, I will marry you," Marella said happily, "Anything to live a better life!" "Then that's settled," said Prince Nathaniel, "On with the royal wedding!" At the castle, the wedding occurred, and when the royal minister pronounced the couple husband and wife, they had their first kiss. A week after the wedding, Judith, Griselda and Esmeralda had been arrested by the royal guards and had to serve 10 years in the royal prison for abusing Marella throughout most of her life. With that taken care of, Marella was now a princess, and she had been treated a lot better than before. Though she did add some extra weight, Prince Nathaniel still loved her so much, no matter what size she was.

Oddly Satisfying Fairytales: Fat Fetish and Feederism EditionWhere stories live. Discover now