Curlylocks and the Three Pigs

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There was a young girl named Sherilyn Thompson, who was nicknamed Curlylocks because of her long curly blonde hair. One day, she was granted permission by her mother to walk in the woods, as long as she never talked to strangers. As she was walking in the woods, she saw a cottage big enough to fit 150 people, and approached to it. Curlylocks opened the door and walked right in. "Hello?" she called, "Anybody there?" Nobody answered. "Oh well," she said to herself, "Might as well explore this place while I'm here." As she was exploring, she saw unlimited amount of food and drinks in the kitchen. "Well, I am a bit hungry," she said as she went to the kitchen table with three bags of different snacks laying on top of it. First she tried the first bag and it made her lips pucker. "Too sour," she said as she tried the second bag which made her mouth burn, "Too spicy!" She then tried the last bag and it made her gag. "Too salty," she said as she looked around for more food. She looked in the fridge and took out a banana pudding to try out. "Just right," she said after tasting it as she then ate the whole thing, "I'm still hungry, I gotta find something else that's fit to eat." Curlylocks with a pudgy belly looked in the cabinets for anything that might satisfy her taste. She took out a box of cheese crackers and ate the whole thing too, along with a bag of barbecue potato chips, a box of animal crackers, a bag of white cheddar popcorn, and a bag of trail mix with her belly growing bigger within each feeding period. Now feeling thirsty, she found a 2 liter bottle of coke and within minutes, she drank the whole thing which caused her to unleash a loud belch. "BUUUUURRRRRRRRRRP!!!" Her belly had grown big enough to hurt after consuming so much food, so she decided to sit down to let her belly rest. She sat on the big wooden chair which felt uncomfortable for her bottom. "Too hard," she said as she then sat on the armchair which caused her to sink, "Too soft for my liking." She finally sat on a comfortable chair which she rested her back upon it. Unfortunately, due to her heavier weight, the chair broke in half as she fell down with it. "Oh dear, I guess that chair was too fragile," she said with a big bworp, "I guess I'll sit on the couch." She then sat on the couch and sighed. Her belly was making gurgling and grumbling noises as she rubbed it gently with both of her hands. About half an hour later, Curlylocks yawned a bit. "I'm getting a bit tired," she said, "Let's see if there are any beds upstairs." As she went upstairs, she went to a room that was surprisingly big enough for three beds. She first tried out the first bed that had a pretty hard mattress. "Geez, what kind of mattress does this bed have? It's too hard," said Curlylocks as she then tried out the second bed. But that bed had a mattress that was liable to make her sink into it. "Wow, this is unbelievably too soft," she said as she lastly tried out the last bed that felt just as comfortable as a kitten's soft fur, "That's much better." Then she dozed off onto the bed.

Meanwhile in the forest, there were a family of three pigs; Mr. Boar, Mrs. Sow and Little Piglet. Unlike most pigs, they were very polite and always did their very best to keep themselves clean. "Boar, are you sure leaving the door unlocked is a good idea?" Mrs. Sow asked, "There's a good chance of intruders trespassing into our house without us knowing." "Relax honey, no one's gonna mess with our house," Mr. Boar reassured her, "Besides, there's an alarm to let us know who entered our house uninvited. If a trespasser triggers it, the siren goes off and we'll be sure to hear it in the distance." "Mom's right Dad, the intruder might get away before we could catch it," Little Piglet pointed out, "Let's go back to our house and be sure to lock the door before we continue our walk." As the family walked back to their house to lock the door, they immediately saw that their house wasn't very tidy and organized like it was before. There was a broken chair in the living room, and their trashcan was filled with empty snack bags and boxes. "Who in the heck destroyed our house?!" Mr. Boar exclaimed in anger. "Let's hope they didn't mess up our rooms too," added Mrs. Sow with a worried look as she, her husband and their son entered the house. They went into their kitchen and noticed that their food had been touched. "Somebody's been eating our food!" they exclaimed. "And look! That person ate up all of my famous banana pudding!" Mrs. Sow pointed out with concern. "Yeah, and all of our snacks are gone!" Mr. Boar said with irritation. "And the soda's been chugged down too!" Little Piglet said as he held up an empty 2 liter bottle. "Let's check out the living room," said Mr. Boar as he, his wife and their son went to the living room and found that their chairs were messed with too. "Somebody's been sitting in our chairs!" they exclaimed. "And mines broken in half!" Little Piglet cried, "That was my favorite chair!" "Let's check our room," said Mrs. Sow as she, Mr. Boar and Little Piglet went upstairs only to see not only their beds being touched, but they found a girl sleeping onto Little Piglet's bed. "Looks like we found someone who might be behind all this mess," Mrs. Sow whispered, "Should we wake her up?" "Nah, we'll wait for her to come downstairs and she'll be going through us," whispered Mr. Boar with a smirk, "That way, we'll teach her a lesson about coming into others' houses without their consent."

A few hours later, Curlylocks woke up from her nap and when she was going downstairs to leave, she came across the family of three crossed pigs. "Well hello there," said Mr. Boar, "Did you enjoy your nap?" "Um..." Curlylocks said nervously, "Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!" "Relax sweetie, we're not gonna hurt you," said Mrs. Sow, "Though we are quite disappointed that you broke into our house while we were gone." "I didn't know you guys live here," said Curlylocks as she cautiously continued going downstairs slowly, "I'm sorry for intruding your house. The door was open, so I got in and helped myself. I'll just leave so you can get your house back," As she went to the door to get out of the house, she was stopped by Mr. Boar who said, "Before you go, there's something you need to do for us." "And what would that be?" Curlylocks asked. "Since you broke our son's chair, you must buy him a new chair," said Mrs. Sow, "If you don't do so within three days, we will sue you for property damage and trespassing." "Fine," said Curlylocks sadly, "I'll pay for the chair and I'll be out of here." And she managed buy a new chair within two days of hard work. "Here's the new chair," she said as placed the new chair next to the soft chair. Little Piglet was excited to try it out and it felt just as good as before. "Happy now?" Curlylocks asked. "Yes ma'am. Thank you lady," said Little Piglet with a smile. "You're welcome I guess," said Curlylocks as she said goodbye to the family and left. 

A week later, luckily for Curlylocks, her mother knew the pig family for a long time, so she decided to take Curlylocks a long for a visit. As they arrived at the house, she knocked on the door and Mr. Boar answered to see her and Curlylocks standing in their doorstep. "Deborah! It's nice to see you again my dear!" he said happily, "And I see that you brought the girl who intruded into our house." "This is Sherilyn, my daughter," said Deborah, "I'm sorry for the incident she caused. I made sure that she won't do that again, right Sherry?" "Right," said Curlylocks. "Alright, come on in," Mr. Boar said with a smile as the two ladies stepped inside, "So, what brings you two here this fine afternoon?" "Well, I figured that I could introduce my daughter to you since you haven't met her properly," said Deborah, "You see, she's fixing to turn 18 this weekend, so we were wondering if you three are planning to go to her birthday party at the county fair." "That sounds fun!" Little Piglet said with excitement, "Can we go, mom and dad?" "Since we don't have anything to do that weekend, then yes we'll go," Mrs. Sow said with Mr. Boar agreeing. At the county fair, the birthday party was a blast. Mr. Boar won the pie eating contest, Mrs. Sow won first place for best dessert, and Little Piglet and Curlylocks went to a lot of attractions under Deborah's supervision. Well, that made up for the incident Curlylocks caused, and both families lived in harmony ever since.

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