Beauty Within the Beast

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Once there was a beautiful and slender young princess named Ava. She was a spoiled brat who wanted nothing more than expensive gifts and to consume the finest foods in the world. One night, the enchantress appeared in her room to tell her off for being cruel, greedy and prideful. When Ava tried to send her away for pestering her, the enchantress placed a curse on her by transforming her into an ugly ogress. "For your cruelty, greed and pride, you are now cursed by being an ogress," she said, "In order to break the curse, you will have to find the right man, show love to him and wait for him to say that he loves you. If you don't do so within the next ten years, you will remain an ogress forever. And I'm sure you don't want that to happen." "No, I don't," said Ava, "But how can I show love to people if I'm an ugly ogress? That's just plain impossible!" "That's the point of the curse," said the enchantress, "People will walk away from you based on your appearance. Unless you manage to get someone to love you for your loving personality, the curse will be broken." Then she disappeared. Ava just sat down on her bed and cried. Nine years passed, and she was still an ogress. She never found anyone to show love to because she wasn't a lovable type of person, even if she tried many times to become one. She had gained a lot of weight due to stress and anxiety. Her servants were worried about her and tried their best to cheer her up. However, all she was interested in was privacy and food.

Meanwhile, a young peasant man named Bob was strolling through the village, buying food to last him a while before going back out to buy more food next time. Even though he did make money for butchering and selling meat, he didn't get paid as much as he needed to support not only himself, but his mother and younger brothers as well. When he returned home one evening, his mother asked if they wanted anything while she would be out. Ken and Dan asked for lavish items and Bob asked for a rosemary. While she went out on horseback, she arrived at the castle, dismounted from the brown horse, and found some rosemaries. As she was about to clip off a piece, she caught a glimpse of a princess who was an ugly ogress. "Get off of my castle grounds!" the princess demanded, "Or I will have my guards to send you to the dungeon!" "I'm sorry if I intruded your castle, but my son wanted a rosemary to flavor his meats along with his other spices," said the mother. "You trespassed onto my castle, and I'm giving you one more chance to get out of here," Ava warned. The mother begged for mercy and pardon, but Ava refused to give her any of those and ordered her guards to lock her up in the dungeon. The guards obeyed her command, and the horse ran off to Bob's house. As the horse made it to the house, Bob came outside and noticed that his mother wasn't mounted onto it. "Something's not right," he said with a stern voice, "Something happened to my mother, and I need to find out what. Come, Hazel, show me where she is." He mounted onto the brown horse known as Hazel, and they dashed off to the castle where the mother was held as a prisoner. Bob dismounted from Hazel and began wandering around the castle to find his mother. As he finally found her in the dungeon, he was about to get the keys to free her until the door swung open and there stood Ava, the ugly fat ogre princess. "Another trespasser I see," she said in a dark voice, "And a handsome one too. Well, no matter. No one frees my prisoners unless they have my permission." "Well, this lady here is my mother," Bob said to her sternly, "She didn't mean any harm period. It's wrong to imprison an innocent person, and I hope you know that." "You dare try to tell me it's wrong to imprison trespassers?!" Ava asked him angrily, "Trespassers are trespassers, and they deserve time in the dungeon!" "Like I said, my mother did nothing to you or your property," Bob said, "If you don't mind freeing her, then we will leave your castle and never come back. If you refuse, then I will-" "Join her in the same cell? Yes you may," Ava interrupted as she unlocked the door, pushed him into the cell, and relocked the door, "You and your mother will stay here for while until I feel like freeing you." "That wasn't what I had in mind, but that works for now," said Bob, "I was going to say that I would do my best to please you with my fresh meats. I'm the local butcher and I know how to cook meats too." "Wait, you can cook meats?" Ava asked excitedly, "Why didn't you say so? I'll tell you what, cook me the finest rotisserie chicken and I will free your mother. If you fail, then you and your mother will be in the dungeon." "It's a deal," said Bob. Ava let him out of the dungeon and led him to the kitchen where he could cook meats and other finest foods. "Now, begin making the rotisserie chicken because I'm starving!" she before leaving the kitchen. Bob then looked around the kitchen and found the right herbs for the chicken. Then he looked around for the whole chicken to cook. He looked in the fridge and found nothing, but as he looked in the meat room, he saw a lot of meat and found the whole chicken. He then went straight to work with making the best and finest rotisserie chicken for Ava. A few hours later, the rotisserie chicken was done cooking and plated it beautifully with cooked redskin potatoes and carrots. As he called for Ava, Ava ran to the dining room with an excited look on her face. Bob presented his rotisserie chicken to her and she was extremely awed and shocked at how beautiful the rotisserie chicken looked. "Oh, my, gosh!!! That chicken looks appetizingly beautiful!!!" she exclaimed while clapping her hands with excitement and joy, which made Bob blush in bashfulness, "Now to dig into it to see how fine and good it is!" She then ate the whole chicken bite by bite since she absolutely loved the taste, including the potatoes and carrots. Bob was shocked and couldn't believe how an ogre princess could eat like a savage beast. Ava then felt stuffed like a turkey and let out a loud... "BWOOOOOOOAAAARRRRP!" Then she wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Man, that was the best and finest rotisserie chicken I've ever had!" she said happily, "Now as promised, I will free your mother." After she freed Bob's mother, Bob's mother thanked her, mounted onto Hazel, and rode straight to home. As Ava went back inside the castle, she had a sudden feeling that Bob might help her lift the curse.

The next day at Bob's house, Bob heard a knock on the door. As he answered it, it turned out to be one of Ava's guards delivering her message to him that she wanted him to come back and visit her so she could talk to him about something important. Bob agreed and followed the guard to the castle to see Ava. As he went inside, Ava was overjoyed to see him. Then they were in a room when she could talk to him about the curse the enchantress placed on her for her cruel behavior. After hearing the story, Bob felt sorry for her and comforted her by saying, "It's never too late to redeem yourself, even if it's too late to change back into a human. Though we just met, so I'd like to take it easy and be friends with you for now." He even volunteered to stay at her castle and comfort her all he could, and he did so in about a month. He was given lavish clothes, food, a room to himself, and more during the time. Then, while in his room, he felt homesick and wanted to return home because he missed his mother so much. He noticed the mirror on the nightstand, picked it up and looked into it, but instead of his reflection, it showed his mother being sick, which concerned him. He asked Ava if he could go back home to take care of his mother, and he was granted permission and was told to be back in 2 weeks. She warned him that if he didn't come back to the castle for too long, she would eventually die from her condition of obesity. However, she gave him a ring and told him to place it onto his finger and he'd be at a destined location in a snap. He did so and disappeared from the castle. and appeared at his home to take care of his mother.  Outside the castle, Ken and Dan overheard the situation and hurried back home. As they were there, Bob was surprised to see them. "Ken and Dan, we didn't expect to see you so soon," he said. "We needed to get away from our wives for a while," said Ken, "They've been nagging us about having kids, when we don't want kids." "Sorry to hear that," said Bob. The lavish clothes he was wearing that was given by Ava and his story about his new temporary home made them very jealous. Then they made a plan to sabotage his relationship with Ava. When the day Bob had to leave, the brothers insisted him to stay a couple of days longer. A couple of days later, Bob placed a ring onto his finger, disappeared from his home and reappeared to the castle, fearing that Ava would be dead by now. As he found and entered her room, he found Ava laying on her bed unconscious. He ran to her with tears in his eyes, crying out to her, "Ava, please don't leave me! I love you!" As those three magic words were spoken, an aura surrounded Ava and turned into a white silhouette for a moment, and finally turned back into a beautiful princess in her original weight before the curse. Bob was shocked and amazed by the transformation. "Wow! Ava, you're very beautiful!" he said with astonishment. Ava got out of the bed and happily hugged him, thanking him deeply for helping her lift the curse. "At long last, I'm a human princess again!" she exclaimed happily. Bob cleared his throat and was about to propose to Ava until Ava went ahead and proposed to him instead. Bob didn't see that one coming, but said yes anyway. On their wedding day, they were happily married and Bob was now a prince. Now they lived in the same castle Ava lived. Bob's first order as prince was to sentence Ken and Dan to serve their lives as servants full time indefinitely until they admit their mistakes. That might be a harsh punishment for them, but it's fair for what they did to him was selfish and wicked. As for his mother, Bob gave her everything she needed to pay the rent and have enough food to eat. She could even move into a wealthy home if she wanted to. And so, everyone except Ken and Dan, lived their lives happily and peacefully.

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