Chapter 10: Rights

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Everything happened at record breaking speed. Once Justin had punched Annella jasper took action. Annella landed on the snow with a whimper as she held her jaw in pain. She watched as jasper launched himself at Justin at inhuman speed and threw Justin to the ground. He then went to struck Justin but was pulled away from him by two men. Annella looked to see who it was that held Jasper back, Jacob and Edward were the two restraining Jasper. Carlisle had reached Annella and knelt down pulling her face to look at him.

" Let me look." He said as he took her hand away from her wounded face. Her cheek was red and already beginning to bruise. Annella let out a whimper as Carlisle pressed his finger gently onto it.

" He just attacked me out of nowhere! He's an animal!" Justin yelled pointing to Jasper, trying to lay the blame for this on him. Emmett growled and grabbed his suit jacket easily lifting the full grown man to his feet. Emmet then began to dragged Justin away as Jasper ripped out of Edward and Jacobs grip. Jasper sent this man one last glare and rushed over to Annella.

" I am sorry. I should have stepped in sooner." Jasper whispered with sorrow as he saw her bruised chin. Annella smiled and chuckled as she took his cold hand into her own.

" I can take a few punches. " She said rubbing her thumb over his hand. Jasper smiled as he lifted her hand and kissed it gently,

" Not if a have anything to say about." He said softly to her. Meanwhile Emmett, Rosalie, Bella, Edward and Jenna had escorted Justin through the house and out the front door.

" Do not come back." Jenna scowled to the man she had thought was a perfect match for her granddaughter.

" You cannot deny me the right to see my betrothed!" Justin growled stepping forward at the old lady. But Edward and Emmett stepped forward.

" You are no longer engaged to her." Jenna hissed to him with a glare.

" You have no right!" Justin hissed.

" I have every right! Now go away and don't come back!" Jenna yelled at him.

" I will be back." Justin said turning around and walking away.

" We will be waiting!" Emmett yelled back menacingly with a smirk on his face. Justin quickly picked up his pace and left Jenna and Annella's house. Jenna sighed before turning to face the others with a sad look.

" I am so sorry about all of that. I guess that party is over." She spoke as Edward pulled Bella into his side with a soft smile.

" Its fine, we don't mind." Edward told her and Jenna smiled walking towards then. Emmett pulled Rosalie close and kissed the side of her head.

"We will help you clean up, Jenna." Bella smiled to the old lady, Jenna shook her head and flipped her hand to her.

" Oh nonsens," She began pointing a finger to Bella. " You will do no such thing. You are all guests here." Jenna protested.

" Please we insist." Rosalie backed up to her, Jenna quickly realising she was not going to win against to four young ones in front of her sighed.

" Very well." She said as she slowly walked back into the house, quickly followed by the four bodies. Jenna walked into her large house and looked to her guests.

" I thank you all for coming tonight, but unfortunately we will have to call an end to the ball early." She said as the guest sighed with disappointment. " Apologies as I know you have all been looking forward to this." Jenna finished off. Everyone soon began to stream out of the door with their jackets wrapped tightly around them, so not to be bitten by the winter air. Once they were all gone, leaving Jenna, Annella and the Cullens, the house fell into silence as they walked through to the living room, where Carlisle, Esme and Jasper were all sitting with Annella.

" Gran." Annella whispered softly with a smile to her granmother, who had a scowl on her face.

" You were right, Anne." Jenna said walking over to her and looking to the ground. " I am sorry I did not listen too you."

" So I don't have to marry him?" Annella asked with glee beginning to pump through her.

" No, my dear. You don't." Jenna smiled to her as Annella allowed a sighed of relief escape her lips and she turned to look at Jasper, who had placed a hand onto her lap and caressed her lap. They both smiled happily to each other as everyone walked out the room, leaving them alone together. Carlisle, Esme and Jenna stood at the door looking to Jasper and Annella; who were smiling and laughing together.

" I can't believe I nearly got her married to that man." Jenna spoke clearly upset with herself.

" You were only doing what you thought was best for her." Carlisle said while looking down to her, holding Esme by her waist.

" My only intention was for her to be safe, I will not be around much longer and I hate the idea of her being alone." Jenna said before looking back up to Carlisle and Esme with a determined look on her face.

" I have something that I wish to ask you." Jenna began, Carlisle and Esme knew what she was going to ask of them. "If anything is to happen to me, I need you too make sure she is alright."

" We will." Esme told her with a motherly smile. Jenna returned it and loosened her shoulders softly.

" Thank you." Jenna said looking back to her granddaughter who was leaning into Jasper's arms asleep. Jenna smiled happily seeing the loving gaze that Jasper had while looking down to her.

" He really does love her you know." Carlisle spoke to Jenna as they all looked at them.

" I can see that, I also know that she loves him. I see it now." Jenna spoke as Jasper placed a soft kiss onto the top of Annella's head and shifting so they were both laying across the sofa, embracing each other with smiles coating there lips.

" Her parents would be proud of her now, she has grown into a strong young lady. One that I am proud of to call my granddaughter." Jenna smiled before turning around and walking down the hall.

" You are all welcome to stay the night, there are spare rooms around the house you are all welcome to use." Jenna spoke as she walked to her own room. Esme smiled to her and nodded.

" Thank you." She said as she looked to Carlisle, knowing that they would not need to use the bed.

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