Chapter 4: The SURPRISE!

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        It was around nine o'clock the next morning when I awoke to a hot plate of pancakes awaiting for me to put them out of their pefectly cooked misery in the kitchen. As soon as I was done eating, we got dressed for the day and made our way out into the world! Grandmother Yoko and I made our way around the city, leaving no stone unturned. I've been around Kamina City before, but I've never really taken the time to stop and explore. I'm always in a rush looking for things to make new, but I never get a chance to stop and talk to the people. (Apprently, whenever someone is challenge by someone that you know is obviously going to beat their ass, you're suppose to shout "Just who the hell do you think I am?!" People these days...). Grandmother and I stopped by this small cafe around one o'clock that afternoon for lunch. It was rather sunny, so we decided that it would be best to each our lunch at one of the tables they had placed outside. After eating my roast beef sandwich and drinking the last of my iced tea, I leaned back in the chair and relaxed. At least, I was going to if not a certain stringbean of a bitch hadn't showed up.

        "Well if it isn't the dirty scavenger." Sylvia said with her ever so annoying voice. (And if you haven't already noticed it by now, when I said that "friends" can me Inoichi The Scavenger, I meant all of my enemies.) "Is someone enjoying a day with their grandma?"

        "I was until your scrawny ass showed up." I replied. "Don't you have to go and suck the life out of anything today?"

        "Well, for your information, I was coming here to eat my friends." I leaned up and noticed the usual four that were following her around. "And I do believe that you're sitting at our table."

        "Says who?"

        "Says us. We always sit here."

        "Well I guess you're not SITTING here today!"

        "Now girls," Grandmother Yoko finally spoke in a soft soothing voice, "didn't you two used to be the greatest of friends?"

        "Uh! As if!" Sylvia shouted. "That was until Inoichi turned into a dirty back-stabbing bitch."

        "Say what now?!" I stood up, forming fist with my hands. "I'm not the one who turned the whole against me! I've spent this whole summer with people picking on me and it's all because of you!"

        Sylvia raised an eyebrow, as if she was offended. "Do you actually think that you have the audacity to talk to me like that hole digger?!"

        "Oh I'm about to put a hole in your head if you don't-" I was on the verge of knocking her ass flat on the ground when a tremendous CRASH erupt behind me.  Sylvia froze with the expression of fear plastered across her face. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't wanna turn aroudn myself, but curiosity got the best of me and I slowly turned my head to peer behind me.

        Only about a block way from us, a tower of smoke bellowed up to the sky. As the smoke cleared, it slowly revealed the sharp polished white teeth of (and I have not been drinking anything!) a giant mechanical head. The mouth took up most of the face. It kinda looked like a ram, with its beady red eyes on the back of its shiny purple snout. Long curved horns positioned themselves just behind its eyes, gleaming bright enough to put the sun to shame. From the cornors of the mouth, stubby purple and black arms poked out, his right one holding a golden club that was long enought to reach the end of its snout. It started to stand up, revealing two short black legs underneath it. I looked over at grandmother, who, to my surprised, didn't seem scared of the beast. The expression on her face looked as if she'd seen the thing before. (Not sure how. I mean, Grandmother Yoko told me that she used to be a principle for a school.)

        The beast lifted up its club and slammed it against the ground, causing everything thing around me to be sent up a few feet into the air, only to come down hard. I landed on my ass, which started to hurt a lot as that thing formed what looked like a smile across its face.

        "Well would you look at all the little people!" She growled, separating his teeth just enough to talk. He raised his club up again, slamming it against the ground and sending up once more. (I barely have an as to begin with. If this keeps up, I'm gonna be flatter than the sidewalk.) It took a step forward, causing the ground to tremble a bit. Which each monsterous step, the ground shook more and more. It took me a minute to figure it out, but the realization nearly gave me a heart attack. That thing was headed for us. No! NO! If that thing to to us, it would kill everyone, especially my grandmother!

        To this day, I still have no idea what the hell came over me. But I somehow ignored the world shacking underneath me. I stood up, my fist ready to fight. Maybe I was blinded by the fear of losing my grandmother, but before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of the street, stading before the mighty beast.

        "Hey! Ugly!" I shouted without any regret.

        The giant ram head stopped only a few years in front of me, guiding it's red eyes down to look at me. It parted its teeth to speak, letting out a soft wind with each word.

        "Who the hell are you?"

        I folded my arms across my chest, trying to make myself look intimidating. "You mean you've never heard of me?" (I don't know why I decided to go with the tough girl  additute, but I liked it. :D) I could feel a grin coming across my face. "The name's Inoichi Littner, the greatest inventor that this world has ever known! I have traveled across many plains of existence (a lie), solved an endless string of situations (another lie), and defeated the strongest of beast! (Okay, I know. Not the best impression I can have on this thing, but a girl's gotta try!) If you actually think that you're gonna terrorize this town, you've got another thing coming!"

        The monster didn't even take a second to start laughing. "You? Defeat me?" I found it a bit weird that it didn't show any emotion of happiness while it laughed. "You're nothing but a weakling!" He raised his club up into the air, holding it high above his own body. "And I'm gonna put you back underground where you belong!" He swung his arm down, the club headed right towards me! There was no way I would be able to dodge that! I tried to move my feet, but I couldn't! I was petrified, and running out of -


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