Chapter 12: Two Heads Are Grosser Than One

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First thing to work on: The element of surprise. Charging into battle screaming the words "You're all gonna die today!" was technically not the best way to attack something that didn't know that you were there in the first place. Also, and I know that this may not be the time for this, but the Einzer's that we were fighting were so cute! X3 I want you to just take a moment and imagine this black and purple Gunman with shark-like heads, little T-Rex arms right below the jaw, and two long legs that remind me of backwards kangaroo legs. Oh, and the tail's a ten foot long rotating cannon

"What part of abusing them did you not understand?!" Viral shouted angrily over the video feed as Enkigann took out two of his swords and sliced away a good handful of Mo-Shogun left and right. I commanded Gurren Lagann, who was reduced to punching and kicking the Gunman like an angry toddler who didn't get the toy he wanted. These Einzer were lightning fast, zipping from one area of the battlefield to another in mere seconds, shooting what felt like pellets at me in a great fury. The Mo-Shogun tried fighting me, but a simple kick to the face it it was pretty much an easy goal scored. 

"They're dwindling down!" I exclaimed, tossing yet another Einzer clear over the crater wall. I couldn't help but feel both excitement and a bit down. I mean, we only took Gurren Lagann out of retirement only so that we can fight these...these things! I still have no idea what these things are and where they came-

I was interrupted by the thunderous bellowing of what sounded like a giant snake. I turned the head around to watch the titanic cluster of smoke fluster up to the sky, the source being the top of Dai-Gunzen Mach 2. A jumble of black and purple Mo-Shogun and Einzer flooded out, leaping off the deck of the ship and ground pounding the street below, damaging it even more than it already was. (God dammit! I have to fix that later! DX) I clenched Gurren Lagann's fist, ready to beat the robotic mess out of some more Gunman. The smoke started to clear as another group of unfamiliar Gunman landed on the ground.

When they came into full view, I nearly puked right there in the cockpit. These things were so horrific! I couldn't even look at them directly without feeling a bit sick. These Gunman looked like two black robotic heads unwillingly connected on the sides, their jaws hanging open as they were being gagged with one long robotic arm coming out of each mouth, both clenching a dark purple fist. One leg sprouted out the bottom of each head, two sharp horns poking out the top of them. The left one stared at me with its small orange eyes, the one on the right staring at Enkigann the same way, but with green ones. A whole squad of seven stood before us, eagerly observing and waiting.

"Viral," I asked without taking my eyes off of the disgusting Gunman, "what exactly are those things and what part of hell do we need to send them back to?"

"If I remember correctly, those are Twinboekun: Who heads that work as one." I heard him let out a low growl. "And with two heads means two pilots. Inoichi, this won't be easy. With two of them in there, they'll be able to attack faster."

"So you're telling me that I'm gonna have to actually think before I act now?" I crossed my arms. "Well that's not fun. -_-"

"Do you wanna have fun or do you want to stand a chance against these things?" Enkigann drew out its remaining two long samurai swords, forming two X's in front of him. "Now would be a good time to make use of your Spiral Energy and fight!" Enkigann charged forward into battle.

"Wait! Viral!" I tried calling out to him, but he so engaged in fighting that he didn't hear me. I gritted my teeth as I jumped left to dodge a Twinboekun's oncoming punch. This thing was fast! And it was a lot taller than the Mo-Shogun. The Twinboekun came up to half of Gurren Lagann's height, so they're gonna have an easier time attacking.

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