Chapter 7: Ram Hunting!

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Gozu backed away in disbelief, still clutching onto its bottom half of the club. I could tell that it was having its Oh shit moment.

"Hey! No fair!" It shouted, waving its arms and stomping its feet like a angry toddler. "No fair, no fair, no fair!"

Viral stared right at Gozu. "You come into my home, create a mess, and now you're throwing a tantrum over fairness?"

"I'm doing what my orders told me to do."

"And what exactly are these orders?"

Gozu chuckled. "Now wouldn't you like to know?" In one swift second, Gozu launched himself up into the air, holding his club over his head. Enkigann crossed his sword in the shape of a star, shielding himself from the on-coming attack. Gozu's club collided with his shield, and we were pushed back a bit towards the end of the street. Enkigann nearly fell over, but Viral managed to keep us upright. Gozu charged at us, his club flailing in the air.

"I'm sick of your games!" Viral shouted. Enkigann sheathed his swords, forming a fist with his hands, and stood as if he was preparing for his own counterattack. Gozu slid to a stop in front of us, his club making its way down onto us. Enkigann, without even hesitating, grabbed a hold of the club with his two left hands, one holding onto the club itself and the other one holding onto Gozu's forearm. Gozu's eyes stared at us. I could just tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't expecting that.

Enkigann tightened his grip around Gozu's forearm. I could hear the metal inside slowly being crushed down, crumbling underneath Enkigann's hold. Viral's smile grew larger and I have to say, the guy looked like he was having one hell of a good time with this battle.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" Gozu was in a panic at this point.

"I'm sending a message to your master!" Viral launched his arms forward, causing Enkigann to do one swift kick into Gozu's mouth. Gozu's arm finally broke off, loose wiring going everywhere. Fragments of Gozu's teeth were sent sky high as Gozu was sent flying down the street into another building. Enkigann threw Gozu's arm back at it, breaking at a few more teeth.

Gozu unhinged his jaw like before and the inside began to hot pink again.

A lime green screen popped up in front of my face. It showed a green outline of Enkigann with red lines branching out from it. Viral looked over and smiled at me as Enkigann crossed his arms across his chest, standing in a defensive position.

"Inoichi!" Viral ordered me, "Hit that button to your left!" I turned my head to find a crimson button about a foot from my face. I pulled my arm out from under Viral's and slammed my fist against it.

Enkigann's crest on the screen began to glow bright red. I looked outside to see a red light had taken over the very top of our view. A soft humming sound resonated around us as Enkigann changed into a position, seeming like it was charging up power for something. Adrenaline was pumping in my veins as I was stupendously amazed by what happened next.

"Gozu Cannon!" A bright pink laser was fired from Gozu's mouth, heading directly towards us. I wanted to close my eyes, but something in me didn't allow it. I thought we were dead for sure. I mean, Did you SEE what that thing did to the Captain?

"Not today!" Enkigann was fully standing up now. His crest on the screen nearly blinded me because of how red it was now! Jesus Christ, what was going to happen now?!

"Enki Eclipse Cannon!" From above us, a solid red beam of energy shot out, colliding with Gozu's laser. It didn't even have to put of a fight. Enkigann's blast broke right through, flying down the street at Gozu and not taking any stops along the way! Gozu didn't even get a second to dodge as the red energy blast tore right through his mouth and came out on the other side, leveling the buildings that stood in its path.

The blast quickly faded away to nothing. Gozu stood there, a gaping hole in the middle of its head, with the color out of its eyes flickering in and out. After a second, Gozu's legs collapsed below him, sending his jaw crashing down against the city street and its upper jaw bent in half in the folds of the lower one. The yellow and red in his eyes completely vanished, leaving nothing but a dead carcass slumped against the ground. Enkigann walked over to Gozu, grabbed the remaining arm, and slung the metal head over his shoulder and onto his back.

"What do you need that for?" I asked.

Viral paused for a second. "I was thinking about scraping it for parts. You never know."


"Now let's go find the other half of that club so I can strip it of the metal when we get back to the factory. But first, you need to get out."

"What? D: But why?"

"Because it's cramp in here! DX"

"-_- Fine." Enkigan's chest mouth opened up and I climbed into his hand. But instead of setting me down on the ground, Enkingann put me on his shoulder. I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Okay, so you came from the north, so that means that Gozu's club landed somewhere over those buildings east of us now."

Enkigann's chest mouth closed up, but I could still hear Viral's voice through some kind of speaker system. "We'll have to walk around the buildings to avoid any further damage."

So Viral, Enkigann, and started our way around the corner to find the other half of the club. Viral was about to tell me what Enkigann was and how he came about having him when Sylvia suddenly came frantically running around the corner, drenched in sweat, soot, and a bit of blood...what?!

She stopped cold when she saw the forty-five foot tall Enkigann carrying a giant ram head on his back. I could notice her slim figure and golden brown from anywhere.

"Sylvia?" I shouted down. She looked up at me in a panic. "The hell's wrong with you?"

"Inoichi?!" She shouted back, taking a step back as she processed everything. "How the hell did you-You know what? Nevermind that! You need to get you ass down here now!"

"What's got your panties in a bunch?"

"It's not me!" She paused for a second. "It's...It's your grandmother!"

"Wait what?!"

"We were trying to escape and your grandmother and I ran down this ally because we heard all the chaos that was happening and this...this THING came out of the sky and it was gonna land on top of me, but she pushed me out of the way and.." Sylvia stopped talking.

"And what?" My mind was being flooded with the possible thoughts that my grandmother might be somewhere DEAD right now.

Enkigann dropped the Gozu body, grabbed Sylvia with one of his left hands and placed her one his other shoulder.

"We need to get to Yoko NOW!" Viral announced. I held on tight as Enkigann made a quick dash around the corner and towards the alleyway.

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