Chapter 16: Steak For Dinner!

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Enkigann slid backwards, shards of his final sword scattering about. It looked up, Osuushigann confidently trotting towards him, steam bellowing from its snout.

"You were a fool to think you could really take me on, much less defeat me you has been!" Grepearl mocked as Enki started standing up, throwing the hilt to the side.

"I never thought that I could take you on." Viral answered, balling his fist. " I was only buying Inoichi time. An untrained warrior taken to battle only leads to death. I gave her time to collect herself, calm herself down." He assumed a defensive stance. "Besides, my body is immortal, so even if my Enkigann is damaged, I can still live on!"

"Sure you do!" Osuushigann lowered his head, preparing another charge. "Let's see how that body of yours holds up when you have my horns through you!" He charged forward, a thick cloud of brown smoke picking up behind him, all four limbs on the ground, increasing speed like a mad bull, drawing closer and closer to Enki, Grepearl laughing maniacally.

"Not today!" I shouted with rage, my fist colliding with Osuushigann's face, metal creaking against metal. Osuushigann was launched to the side, slamming right through a few buildings before finally skidding to a stop. crashing through another structure. I shook the paint off my hand, hurrying over to Enkigann, opening up the communication call with Viral.

"Nice to see you could finally show up." He stated with a smile, wiping a stream of blood off his forehead.

"Nice to see that you're still alive." I replied. "Just barely though. You're out of weapons. Good thing I came along huh? Where's Yoko?"

"She's helping citizens evacuate from the surrounding area." He pointed up towards the enemy's ship. "Then she's going after that thing, seeing if she can bring it down from the inside."

"She's going after their ship? That's insane!"

"Not as insane as me helping her after this. As you can see, I am in dire need of replacements" We turned our heads towards the low rumbling to the far right of us. From the debris rose Osuushigann, one of its horns cracked horrible, its eyes rose red.

"You know, I didn't have anything to be doubtful of when I first got here," Grepearl started, Osuushigann stretching out its steel limbs. "I thought this was going to be a walk in the park, a stroll even! I was even considering letting you live, maybe even taking you home as a pet! But after a punch like that, you're gonna be maggot meat!"

"Those are big words coming from a guy inside of a giant metal version of himself." I rebutted. "Of course, that's probably the only thing you're gonna be inside of anytime soon!"

Grepearl laughed, Osuushigann's horns glowing a bright orange before becoming engulfed in long tongues of fire. It pawed the ground, large piles of stone being kicked up behind it.

"Not to burst your happiness bubble here," Sylvia popped up on the call, "but if you haven't already noticed, Sir Rams-a-lot is about to impale us!"

"I know that. Viral, get outta here. Go help Yoko." I tightened my grip around the handles. "I can handle this."

Viral nodded before disappearing, Enkigann jumping off into the distance. I dug my heels into the ground, ready to protect myself. I could feel it, the energy passing through my Gunman, back to me, our beings becoming one.

Sylvia grabbed hold of her handles, looking beyond scared. "Are you sure we're ready for this? I don't even know what I'm doing!"

"Just make it up as you go, because we don't have time to think!"

"Blazing Charge!" Grepearl charged towards us, a streak of red flames being left in his wake, the ground shaking with every mechanical hoof that hit the ground. I stood my ground, horns ready to catch him. Sure enough, he was only feet away from me before my instincts kicked in, causing me to grab the horns between my palms, waves of heat soaring off the metal interior. I released my grip, slamming my head against his, face to face with the bastard. He scowled at me, his vibrant red eyes piercing through my being, metal grinding against metal as he pushed against me, trying to make me yield.

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