Chapter 15: Second Attempt, Second Stand!

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"Inoichi!" Syliva screamed, banging against Gurren Lagann's face with a long pipe. "Inoichi wake up! Wake up you stupid bitch!" She kept pounding with the pipe, the pipe starting to bend in an awkward shape.

With the pipe useless now, Sylvia threw it to the side, proceeding to pound on the giant face with her fist, tears running down her face. She was bruised up in several places, cuts lining her arms and her legs. She was over on the south side of the city helping people evacuate when she saw Enki run past her and something inside of her told her to follow. When she arrived, she found Gurren Lagann laying in a pile of rubble and she suddenly grew worried, not about the Gunman but about the girl inside. She climbed up onto its massive body, making her way to the chest where she found the face that she thought Inoichi was inside. Inoichi had to be alive, right? As annoying and stubborn as the girl was, Sylvia didn't want her dead! She had to be alive!

"Inoichi!" Sylvia screamed her name again, pounding one last time before giving up, her hands bleeding from the amount of force she applied to the metal. This was it, she had to accept it sooner or later. Tears began to flood her eyes, rushing down her face rapidly as she let out a wailing cry, morning what looked like the loss of her...friend. She hung her head, resting it against the icy metal, not aware of the shadow that was growing over her.

"Well well well!" A devilish voice cried out. Sylvia quickly raised her head, turning around to notice the menacing Mo-Shogun that towered over her. She froze, fear taking her over as the Mo-Shogun laughed evilly. "Someone call a plumber because it looks like this girl's pipes are leaking!"

"Nice one!" A Twinboekun complimented as it appeared from behind the Mo-Shogun. They both glared down at us, a low laugh being heard from inside one of them. Sylvia scrambled downward towards the midsection, trying to open Gurren's mouth.

"Just give up already!" Mo-Shogun taunted. "Why prolong your own demise?"

"Shut up dammit!" She protested, throwing the pipe at it, tears streaming down her face. "Shut the hell up! I'm not gonna stand here and listen to the bullshit coming out of your mouth!"

The Mo-Shogun took a step back, showing a bit of intimidation. The two gunmen looked at each other. "Do you want to die girl?!" The Mo-Shogun hollered at her, holding up his fist in anger.

"I don't care if I die!" She let herself smile, clenching her fist in excitement. "As long as I stop you from taking my dream! If Inoichi's going to get her ass handed to her, I'm going to be the one to do it! So come at me bitch! I don't care if you're fighting behind that oversized tin can! I will pry that open myself if I have to-!" The floor below her suddenly gave away, Gurren's mouth opening wide, swallowing her whole. Sylvia landed in the chair below, looking around frantically, confused. The screens hissed to life, showing the outside world, a Twinboekun staring right at her.

"Hey!" It called. "Why'd you do that? Get back out here!" It ordered, tapping on the screen. Sylvia curled up in a ball, eyes wide with fear as she tried to push herself further and further into the Gunmen, trying not to be seen.

The Twinboekun raised it's fist high above it's head, metal loudly screeching against each other. "I said get out here!" He exclaimed in fury, bringing his fist down. His fist was only a few yards away from Sylvia, who closed her eyes, awaiting death, before it was stopped instantly.

There was silence. Syliva was rocking back and forth, wondering if she was already dead. She hesitated slightly as she opened her eyes, her eyes growing wide with hope seconds afterwards. The fist had been blocked by the only Gunmen that was on her side.

"Hey!" Inoichi called from inside Lagann's head, holding back the fist with all her might. "You've got a lotta nerve making a move like that!" Inoichi giggled. "You didn't even take me to dinner first. How rude!"

"Wha-How are you alive?!" The Twinboekun recalled his fist, taking a few steps back, Mo-Shogun behind him, his hand already on the hilt of his dagger.

Gurren Lagann stood proud, the afternoon sunlight gleaming off the service of his crimson metal coat. "I never died in the first place you bolt head!" Inoichi pointed at them, Gurren Lagann did the same. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to take me down! Inoichi the Scavenger doesn't fall to the likes of you!"

"You're alive?!" Sylvia exclaimed, catching herself. "I mean you're alive. just great."

"Oh please, you know you missed me." Inoichi smirked.

"Shut up."

Mo-Shogun drew out his dagger, trying to look intimidating. "No more games! We're killing you now!" He charged at them, Sylvia curling up once more while Inochi caught it with ease, snapping the dagger between her hands.

The Gunmen jumped back, frightened. Inoichi smiled, twin drills erupting from Gurren Lagann's fist. "Sylvia, you better hold on to something down there! We're about to get back to fighting!"

Sylvia looked around, grabbing onto the two handles on either side of her, a rush of energy taking over her. "Inoichi, what is this I'm feeling?"

"It's spirit Sylvia!" Inoichi answered, pulling her fist back for a punch. "It's fighting spirit! Use it!" She charged at the enemy gunman, shouting a battle cry.

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