Chapter 5: The Idea

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        I'm dead. I thought to myself. I'm dead. I died. I am SO dead. I was crushed by a giant obnoxious ram head and my final moments will forever be remembered as me being arrogant.

        Wait, was I dead? I didn't feel dead. Then again, how exactly does one feel death, am I right? My eyes were closed, so I couldn't tell. After seconds of worry, I decided to finally open them.

        I expected to see God standing in front of me, but I instead noticed that I was standing in between a huge pair of giant metal legs. I followed the leg up, taking a step back as I realized that my life was save by one of the MANY Police Gunman. (These things are pretty fast.) I started to slowly back away towards the cafe, jumping behind the table that Grandmother Yoko and the others had turned over to create a wall around themselves.

        The Police Gunman was holding up the club with its silvery steel hand. He threw it to the side, causing it to land on top of the cafe. The metal ram head stepped back in disbelief as more Police Gunman arrive, surrounding him. (The gunman that saved me must have been the captain, seeing that his helmet was yellow while the other one's only had white.)

        "Halt!" The captain shouted. "You are direct violation of this area's code of conduct. You have shown acts of terrorization and vandelism. Please surrender and come peacefully. Anything you do will otherwise result in the Kamina City Police using brute or deadly force." The other Police Gunman took out their guns, aiming them at the giant ram head.

        The giant ram head held up his hands as the Police Gunman started to walk closer towards him. Yet, something inside me told me that it wasn't gonna be that easy.

        And I was right. The giant ram head started to open up its mouth-wait, strike that-he started to unhinge his jaw. The Police Gunman opened fire, but the bullets (or whatever those things shoot out) didn't have any effect on it! The inside of the giant ram's mouth started to glow a bright pink as the scouts finally had the sense to back way.

        "Gozu Cannon!" The giant ram head shouted as it released this beam of solid blinding blast of energy. The scouts jumped back, but the captain didn't make it. I heard the captain scream as he took a direct hit. As the beam fire past us, I ducked down behind the tables so that I wouldn't be blinded.

        I opened my eyes when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me over the wall of tables. I opened my eyes as I landed in a ditch. I hit my head on the ground, letting out a loud "Ow!" as the giant ram head crashed down onto the cafe, compleatly leveling it. I leaned up, noticed the destruction, and nearly had a heart attack.

        "Inoichi!" I turned around to see my Grandmother Yoko, covered in dust but okay, waving over to me from the window of a department store just across from me. I ran over, diving through the door and kneeling right behind the window next to my grandmother. She held my hand. I couldn't help but feel safe when I'm with her. (I mean, why wouldn't I? She's my grandmother.)

        I nearly threw up from the carnage that took place outside. That beast (who's name might be Gozu, seeing how it said it in the attack) had gotten ahold of his club and was swatting Police Gunman left and right, bashing right through them. Metal parts from the Police Gunman were scatter all around, both on the buildings and in the ditch. (Did I forget to mention that Gozu left a HUGH ditch in the ground from that blast earlier? Talk about clearing house...) Both men and women were ejecting from the midsection of each Police Gunman (which must have been where the cockpit is located.) Others...others didn't make it out. This massacre was so gut wrentching. I mean, seriously, what the hell Gozu?

        I stood up and ran to the back of the building, searching through all of the desk and drawers that where back there. I mean, I had to put this brain of mine to use.

        After a few minutes, I finally found something that I could use. "Yes!" I exclaimed.

        "Oh great." Sylvia replied. "We're on the verge of death and this bitch decided to go shopping."

        "I'm not shopping, I'm saving us." I answered. "Or at least I'm buying us time." I walked back to the front, bringing with me a bungee cord and a few pie tins (that just happened to have a few holes in them. Hey, I found them in the trash can under the desk. Don't judge me.)

        My grandmother placed her hand on my shoulder. "Do you have a plan honey."

        I pulled my goggles over my eyes, everything around shifting from the normals to haveing a yellow tint. "Of course I do." I smiled. "As soon as I leave, wait a minute and get out of here. Run down the street get yourselves home." I started to stand up and leave, but Grandmother Yoko grabbed my arm.

        "Inoichi..." She said. I could hear the fear in her voice.

        "Yes grandmother?"

        "...Come back home to me, okay?" She smiled at me.

        "Trust me, I will." I grabbed my stuff and walked out.

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