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*Norah's POV*

"Harry, help me," I whined for the hundredth time. We were setting up tents in the beds of these two huge rental trucks and I had no idea how to set up a tent. Harry did, I knew he did, and he was just leaning against a tree, drinking a beer and laughing at me. What an ass.

Nate wasn't helping Gretchen either but at least he was off getting firewood and sticks. Harry wasn't doing anything.

"Baby, just put that stick straight," he instructed with a grin. "No sweetheart, the other stick, the orange one."

"There are two orange ones!"

"Because they were supposed to be attached three instructions ago!"

"Don't yell at me," I pouted, trying to connect the two sticks, which weren't fitting together properly. Great, now I had a defective tent.

"I'm sorry, princess," he chuckled, his chest pressing to my back as I smiled to myself. "Let me help you."

He reached around me and easily fit them together, then pulled a little string and the whole tent popped up in a millisecond.

After he was done, his hands rested on my lower tummy and I laced my fingers with his, keeping them both just above dangerous territory. His lips pressed gently on my neck, making me sigh and lean back into him.

"Help me!" Gretchen screeched as Nate pointed at her sad excuse of a tent and laughed. "Nate, you asshole!"

Harry's chuckle vibrated through my neck and made me giggle, which made him laugh even harder.

"Stop laughing at me!" Gretchen groaned. Finally Nate set the sticks down and helped her but she was still pouting as she crouched down and tried to start a fire.

"Jesus," Harry grinned against my neck. "I'd better go help her before she kills us all."

"Good plan."

I watched as he walked away, hands shoved in his sweatpants and his dark hoodie fitting perfectly to his frame. I hardly ever saw him in casual clothes so this was almost making me drool, which wasn't helped by the fact that we'd be spending the night with my sister. No sex for me or Harry tonight, no matter how absolutely delicious he looked.

Once I tore my eyes away from his strong shoulders and defined biceps, I decided to finish unloading Harry's Range Rover. The first few items were light- sleeping bags, s'mores materials, some weird grill thing, and a bunch of hamburger buns. But the last one was tricky...the big cooler. My nemesis since a camping trip when I was seven, the same one that left me with two broken toes and a bruised hand.

"Harry," I called, weighing my options of carrying it or asking him to.

He didn't respond so I let out a deep breath and put my hands on it, trying to budge it even just a little. Nothing, no movement at all.

"Need any help?" Nate's quiet voice said from behind me. I turned and nodded, letting out an embarrassed laugh as he easily set it on the ground in front of me. "There you go."

"Thank you," I smiled warmly. "I called Harry but you know, he has the most severe case of selective hearing I've ever encountered."

"Really?" He chuckled as I carried one side of the cooler and he took the other. "But guys call that 'there's a football game on and you're talking about the bills we need to pay.'"

I laughed loudly and almost dropped my side until Harry's hands wrapped around mine, steadying the cooler and sending a chill down my spine as my laughter quickly subsided.

"Baby, why don't you go help Gretchen with the fire," Harry suggested through gritted teeth. I nodded and obediently crouched next to Gretchen, who was growing frustrated.

"I have a lighter," I interjected as she rubbed two sticks together.


"Yeah, here," I laughed, flicking the lighter on and easily lighting the fire. She gaped at me.

"What the hell? You had that the whole time?"

"You never asked," I shrugged. She flicked my arm and I winced, falling onto my back as I giggled and squirmed away from her hands that were now tickling my sides.

"Norah," Harry's voice said roughly from above me. I bit my lip.


"Would you like to accompany me to the resource center so we can get our pass?"

"Yeah, sure."

He offered me a hand and I jumped up, punching him in the shoulder playfully as we began the walk. He didn't react.

"Don't be angry," I cooed, wrapping my arms around his solid waist and holding him back for a second. "Har, come on. I'm sorry for laughing at Nate's joke, okay? I love you."

He tried to resist smiling but his lips broke into a grin and he cupped my face, kissing me as people stepped around us on the path.

"We have to move," he grumbled against my lips. "Baby, we're blocking the path."

"Just one more second," I giggled, twirling his curls around my finger. "Okay, I'm done. Let's go."

We got to the resource center and Harry got the key, somehow managing to woo the old lady running the place in the process. I think he may be leaving me for her.

"We can't be flirting and doing...other things tonight," I whispered as we neared the trucks again. "I'm serious, Har. I don't want Gretchen having another thing to hang over my head."

"Nor," he pouted, his hand slipping down to my butt. "Our wedding is coming up. We're supposed to be fucking all the time."


"Fine, fine. But I'm not promising that I can keep my hands off you in my sleep."

"At least try, please?"

"Yes, darling," he grinned as he left a warm kiss between my eyes. "Anything for you."

I leaned into his side and let him keep his hand on my butt, even though he was migrating into more dangerous territory.

"Har," I warned as we watched Nate set up the grill. "What did I just say?"

"Aw, fine," he pouted, removing his hand with a huff. "I'll just keep my hands to myself then."

He crossed his arms tightly and shoved his hands into his armpits, still scowling as we sat down around the small fire and helped Nate grill the burgers. Such a child, I thought to myself as I gazed at Harry across the fire. Even so, he was gorgeous.

"So Harry," Gretchen began as I took a sip of my beer. "What's your job like?"

"Lots of paperwork, lots of business meetings," he grinned. "But I love it. It's everything I ever wanted since I got the idea in my head. It's perfect."

"Shouldn't you be saying that about Norah?" Gretchen raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

Harry beamed at me. "You know, she's better than perfect, I like her a lot more than my company. She's prettier and I don't have to signature very much when we're together."

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