44. *

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Last chapter of part two

Then there will be a couple chapters like ten (idk yet) in part three then we're finished :(

*Norah's POV*

"And don't forget to give Jude his organic ravioli in a couple hours," Harry told his mom with a firm expression. He had been making a list of emergency numbers and a very strict schedule, even though she was a mother herself. It was clear Harry didn't trust her with Theo or Jude. I was just ready for lunch.

"Har, come on," I groaned, tugging at his black T-shirt. I was so used to seeing him in suits and ties (or nothing at all), it was almost a shock for me when he emerged in dark jeans and his signature black V-neck. It automatically put his tattoos on full display and made him look ten years younger. I felt like a cougar next to him in my light green sundress and flats, my hair in a braid down my back. I looked older than him for once in our lives.

"I'll be fine, Harry," his mother cooed, a smile growing on her face as she wiggled a finger above Theo's interested eyes. "I raised you, and look how you turned out."

He made a face. "I'm not sure that makes me feel any better."

Finally finally finally, I was able to drag Harry out of the house and into the Range Rover, although he was so fidgety that I actually had to bribe him with sex.

"This place doesn't look very organic," he pursed his lips at the little local sandwich place I had picked out.

"But I like it," I answered softly. Immediately his eyes rolled and his arm went around my waist, his head nuzzling into my neck as I smiled triumphantly.

We sat down inside and I ordered something with salmon while he got a steak footlong, typical Harry. Even when we ate a huge breakfast only hours ago, he acted like a man that had been starved for years. But there was something oddly interesting about watching him eat. He was so focused and adorable, especially when barbecue sauce dripped out of his mouth and onto his chin. Precious.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He grinned through a mouthful of greasy sandwich.

"Um, no reason," I answered sweetly. "I just love you so much, that's all."


"Potty mouth."

"I have the potty mouth? If I remember correctly, you're the one who had a very potty mouth this morning. In the shower, right? Don't you remember that, princess?"

I nearly choked on my salmon flatbread and a few families looked at us, all the mothers throwing Harry a dirty look after giving him an up-and-down and murmuring about his tattoos. He was grinning at me and he just looked so happy and carefree, I wanted those nasty women to stop looking at him like that. He was mine, anyway.

"What's the matter?" He asked, the smile still on his goofy face. "You look pissed."

"No, I'm fine," I assured him as I squeezed his soft hand. "How's your sandwich?"

"Uh, fine. What is wrong with you?" He repeated, chuckling a little as he followed my line of sight over his shoulder. "Oh." His eyebrows furrowed. "Oh."

"They're just being mean," I said quietly as he set his sandwich down and wiped his mouth. "Har-"

"I have to piss," he muttered, throwing his napkin on the table and breezing past me as I sighed. They were still looking at him like he was some punk kid, someone they needed to keep their children away from and he was right, it was pissing me off.

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