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*Norah's POV*

I woke up what seemed like hours later, but I rolled over and saw that it was eight o'clock. I'd only been asleep for an hour.

My mouth was dry and my head was pounding and felt thick as I pulled myself towards the bathroom, my knees weak while I brushed my teeth and splashed my face with some cool water.

Feeling refreshed, I made my way downstairs and into the living room, where all the boys were sitting on couches in a circle with their girls next to them and a drink in all their hands.

"Hey gorgeous," Niall chuckled. "We were beginning to think you were dead or somethin."

"Not quite," I laughed lightly. "Do you know where Harry is?"

"Hot tub," Louis smiled. "Take him a beer, God knows he needs it."

They all laughed and I rolled my eyes as I turned around and padded into the kitchen, where I grabbed two beers and bag of goldfish that was left on the counter.

I could see Harry's strong shoulders above the steam in the hot tub and I stood for a second at the glass doors, just watching him stare up at the stars all alone. How cliché.

"I hate it when I wake up alone," I sighed dramatically as I walked up behind him. He turned and beamed up at me, his dimples popping as I shook my head.

His muscles flexed and glistened as he stood up and reached for me, his hands supporting my waist as he guided me into the steaming water and set me on my feet.

"I'm sorry you woke up alone," he grinned with a kiss between my eyes. "I'll try not to let it happen again, sweetheart."

"You better not."

I handed him his beer and he opened mine and his, then took a handful of goldfish.

"You're making them soggy!" I protested as I swatted his hand away. "Stop it!"

"Baby, I'm hungry," he pleaded with a puppy face. I rolled my eyes and he stole some more.

"Harold, I will kill you," I warned in a low voice. "Do not mess with my goldfish."

"Hmm, you know what I think?"

His mouth was inches away from my ear and I could feel the shivers run down my spine as his hands gripped my butt, making me shift slightly as I tried to create friction against him.


"I think you should be punished for being such a bad girl earlier."

Immediately my stomach clenched and I couldn't suppress the small moan that slipped out as his teeth grazed my bottom lip. This was what I had worked all night for, this was what I wanted so badly.

"What are you going to do?" I asked breathlessly as I kissed down his jaw and to his collarbone.

"You want to know?"

I nodded and had just bitten softly on his neck when I let out a gasp, my hands gripping his shoulders as his long fingers plunged into me and began pumping furiously.

"Say my name, baby," he commanded, his voice thick with lust and need.

And just because I was feeling evil and a little bit greedy, I decided to push him even further.

"Zayn," I moaned, letting my head fall back as I moved my hips against his fingers.

His eyes grew wide with rage and he pushed them in harder, making my toes curl under the water and a small mewl escape my lips. He pumped them harder and deeper and faster, bringing me to the edge faster than I ever thought possible. And just as my legs began shaking and my eyes squeezed shut, he stopped. Just left me hanging there on the edge, unfinished and pissed off.

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