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*Norah's POV*

It was three o'clock in the morning when I heard little Theo's scream echo through our baby monitor. I groaned and looked over at Harry, who, judging by his soft snores, didn't seem to be waking up anytime soon. Not that I blamed him. Theo was only a month old and although he was a very happy baby during the daylight hours, he hated the nighttime. I just told myself he was afraid of the dark. Harry said he was doing it on purpose to be an asshole.

I hurried to Theo's large nursery that was ocean-themed, all the walls painted a beautiful blue with sea creature stickers stuck everywhere. It was a gorgeous nursery, designed by my mother and Gretchen, who insisted on doing all the work.

I carefully took him out of his light blue wooden crib and cradled him to my chest, his cries fading into wet sputtering sounds as his big green eyes stared up at me. He already had my eyes and the small amount of hair on his head told me that it would turn out like Harry's. All in all, he was the perfect mixture of us.

"It's okay, mommy's here," I hushed, gently rocking him side to side and patting his tiny bottom. After only a few minutes I heard footsteps behind me and two strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Go back to sleep," Harry ordered, his voice still thick and hoarse with sleep. "I'll get him."

I didn't protest and handed little Theo over to Harry, watching with a proud smile as Harry gently snuggled him to his bare chest.

"Daddy's here," he cooed, his eyes looking down at Theo like he was his entire world. "Daddy's gonna get you all changed and fresh and clean, okay big guy?"

With a smile still on my lips I left the nursery and flopped down in bed, my eyes immediately closing as exhausting overpowered my will to stay awake and thank Harry.

I was in that weird place between sleep and awake when I heard Harry's yawn and felt the bed dip next to me.

"Thank you," I managed to mumble softly as his ample arms draped over my body.

He let out a deep breath and nuzzled his head into my neck, his eyes closing seconds after mine. "No problem, baby. Just promise me a blowjob in the morning, yeah?"

"I thought you had work," I laughed lightly.

"It's Saturday, darling."

I snuggled back into him and smiled, my lips pressing softly to his knuckles as he hummed.

"You make a really hot mommy," he chuckled as he turned on his back and I cuddled under his arm. "You know that, right?"

"I have stretch marks," I pouted. He looked down at me and frowned, his hand stroking my arm gently as I let out a deep breath.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do! I found them in the shower last night, they're everywhere."

"Princess, you just gave birth a month ago. Your body can't just magically put everything back in place, right?"

"I don't want flab," I whispered fearfully. "I really don't want flab."

"You don't have flab," he rolled his eyes, planting a big wet kiss right on my cheek. "And even if you did, I would love every fucking inch of you."

Since it was clear we wouldn't be getting any more sleep that night, we propped ourselves up on some pillows and turned on Say Yes to the Dress reruns while Harry continued kissing my neck and cheek.

"You're happy it was a boy, right?" He questioned quietly as I fiddled with his long fingers.

"Of course I'm happy."

"You didn't want a girl?"

"We can have a girl next time," I smiled, his hand around my waist moving down a little while I giggled.

"I'm not sure about that."

Now it was my turn to pull back and look surprised. "You don't want another baby?"

"Not for awhile," he frowned, kissing my temple lightly. "I'm so tired I look like a character on the fucking Walking Dead, babe."

I pouted playfully and laughed, which soon turned to squealing as Harry trapped me under his muscular form and began tickling me.

"Harry!" I cried through my laughter. He just chuckled and started kissing me sloppily, his hips grinding slightly into mine as I finally realized what his final goal was. "H-Harry, stop it! I know what you're trying to do here."

"Shh baby, just kiss me," he mumbled with a grin. I cupped his strong jaw and let my tongue slip past his soft lips, a small moan escaping my mouth as Harry squeezed my hip. "Mm, your lips are so fucking perfect, Nor. I miss them around my-"

Suddenly a loud cry erupted between us and Harry groaned, his forehead resting on mine before he cursed. "Shit, I'll get him."

"No, let me," I smiled, kissing his cheek lightly. "He wants to sleep with us."

"He wants your tits," he grumbled as he rolled his eyes and shuffled into the bathroom. "So do I, by the way!"

"Don't be jealous of the baby," I snickered quietly and left the room.

Theo had made a mess all over himself so after using almost a full packet of wipes, I finally gave up and just took him into his adorable little light blue bathroom. It matched Jude's, and a homemade welcome poster from him still hung on Theo's mirror. I smiled every time I saw it.

After washing him nearly head to toe and dressing him in fresh pajamas and a clean diaper, we were ready to face his very horny father.

"Harry," I sang, my hips swaying gently as I cradled Theo's soft skin to my T-shirt. "I brought you a little gift."

"I swear if you brought me another shit-filled diaper-" he began to ramble as he emerged from the bathroom, still wiping his hands on his boxers. "Ah, something much better," he finally grinned. "Mommy is such a cute little tease, isn't she?"

"Don't put dirty thoughts in our son's head," I rolled my eyes. "He's barely a month old."

Harry began humming softly as he wrapped his arms around me, trapping Theo in between our chests as his big green eyes began to drift closed.

"He really is perfect," he murmured as he stroked Theo's full cheek with his index finger. "You did a really great job, Nor. I'm proud of you."

"He's yours too," I answered in a whisper, my eyes never leaving his beautiful little face. "You did half the work making him."

He kissed my forehead. "Hm, I guess you're right."

"I invited your mom over to see the kids," I blurted. Harry's eyes widened.

"No you didn't."

"It's good for them to spend time with their grandparents, Har. It's important."

"I don't want Anne teaching Jude how to fucking crochet or whatever the hell she taught you!"

"It was knitting," I giggled at his crazed appearance. His messy hair was sticking up all over the place and his boxers were on unevenly, one side hanging lower on his hips and his socks clearly two different colors. Not to mention his bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep. "And they're coming over to watch the kids for a couple hours so we can go to lunch."

That snapped him out of his crazy state. "Lunch?"

"Yes Harry, real food. Not Cheerios, not take-out, real food."

He licked his lips and I knew I had won...again.

How do you guys like the baby's name?

I'm not changing it so hope you all like it

too bad if u don't lol

is anyone else emotionally unstable that Nina dobrev is leaving V diaries bc

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