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Jude is 8, Theo is 5, and Stella is 3 1/2

*Norah's POV*

I was fuming. While in a meeting earlier that day I had received a call that Jude and Theo went to the principal's office, which was apparently a major offense and required my immediate presence at their school. This also meant I had to pick Stella up from daycare and take her with me, not ideal either.

"Mrs. Styles, step in here please," the principal said curtly. She was a tall, extremely skinny woman in her forties, scary as hell in my opinion. Judging by Jude and Theo's faces, they agreed.

"Mommy," Theo whispered as I passed. His big green eyes stared up at me fearfully and I barely managed to squeeze his hand reassuringly before the principal waved me inside.

"Momma," Stella smiled, tugging lightly on my hair. "I'm hungry, mommy."

"We'll get you a snack later, baby," I promised quietly. "Do you want to play on mommy's phone?"

She nodded happily and I set her on the gray carpet with my phone and her juice cup. Much to my surprise, the principal informed me that she had already called Harry and he was on his way.

"Meanwhile," she sighed deeply. "You have a very serious problem, Mrs. Styles."

"What did they do?"

"First of all, Jude nearly gave another little boy a black eye. Secondly, he incited a riot in the cafeteria and frightened the lunch ladies, not to mention all the food that went to waste."

"A riot?" I repeated incredulously. "About what?"

"He claims another boy was picking on Madison but there were no witnesses-"

"Madison? Who is that?"

"Another second grader."

"Have you talked to her yet?"

"Miss Allison-"

Before she could finish the door swung open and Harry's cologne filled the room, as well as the smell of coffee and food.

"Sorry I'm late," he chuckled as he bent down and laid out a small napkin in front of Stella then put a little flower-shaped pastry on it. She clapped gleefully and smacked her hands on it, which of course ruined it and made him even happier.

"Hey," I smiled, my cheeks reddening as he kissed my cheek. "It's fine, Mrs. Raine was just explaining how Jude started a riot today."

Harry seemed more amused than upset. "Really?"

"Mister Styles, this is a very serious problem," she continued gravely. "Jude has a problem with people 'being mean' to other people."

"And there's a problem with that?" Harry retorted smoothly. Even when he was being half-accusatory he still sounded so sexy and in control, like he would never get angry because he knew he could win any argument.

"It's not his responsibility to play sheriff, Mister Styles. We can't have a Robin Hood character running down our halls, solving problems in any way he sees fit. That's not how our school works."

"Well clearly you have a problem with bullying anyway," I pointed out gently. "That girl was being bullied and Jude stepped in. He should be getting a sticker or something."

"We can't encourage students to take the law into their own hands."

"The law?" Harry shook his head. "He didn't pee on a f.ucking police car, for Christ's sake."

"Harold," I scolded him warily. "Don't curse in front of Stella."

"She's busy," he grinned. "And another thing: why is Theodore in here? Did he also start a riot or was he caught giving to the poor?"

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