Chapter Twenty

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Maimi looked around the stands, barely able to focus on her opponent ahead of her. Her cheeks flamed a deep red as no one gave her any sound of praise. Instead, all the pros stared at her, the sound of her last name shocking them all to silence.

Her class watched her form growing smaller as they knew the emotions she was enduring. Clenching his fists, Bakugo shook with rage. His breathing became only more rigid as no one said anything further.

Kirishima glanced at him and felt his anger all the same. Everyone in her class did. Other than Todoroki, no one knew why the pros all stayed quiet but they weren't going to stand for it. They would not allow their classmate to be pushed down.

Not today, and not ever.

Kirishima walked towards the front of the stands, Deku and Uraraka closely behind him. They could barely remain composed as the entirety of class 1A began to yell and praise the girl down below.

Their voices bellowed through the arena, as Bakugo joined in, his pitchy yells catching Maimi's attention as she stared at them.

Though, she didn't smile. She stared at them, her eyes wide and shocked as a feeling rushed through her veins; one, she was yet to name. Her stomach twisted as she could barely help her lips pulling into a large grin.

Maimi turned back to her opponent, Tokoyami. Her breathing relaxed as her friends continued to cheer the two of them on. She laid back into her stance, placing her right foot only slightly behind her as she awaited Midnights's call for the start of the match.


Leaving no time for her opponent to react, Maimi swept her hand through the air. A sharp gust of wind expelled from it as Tokoyami narrowly evaded its path.

He gasped for air as the girl sent one after the other, not once leaving her original position. But as she sent the fourth wave out, she halted her quirk. This tactic clearly wasn't working.

Her eyes met Tokoyami, who was yet to even use his quirk, and she sighed.

Raising her palm again, she pushed out one, large gust but just as the boy sprung out of the way - Maimi stomped her foot on the ground.

Earth cracked the floor of the arena as it sprung up, hitting Tokoyami in the chest as he fumbled back. And with one final gust, Maimi pushed him out of the arena.

As she let her arms fall to her sides, Maimi looked at Midnight, who in turn looked back at her. She had her eyebrows narrowed as she quickly looked away as she raised her flag and brought it down - the match was over.

But no applause came.

After her entrance, she wasn't at all surprised but it didn't keep her face from turning a deep crimson shade. She clenched her fists and turned around, ready to leave the viewer's eyes but, a voice kept her in place.

"As pro's, we are taught to defend and support our civilians, especially those who yearn to become heroes - no matter their backgrounds. How any of you are able to call yourself heroes is embarrassing when you're so able to put down a sixteen-year-old girl."

"No matter your opinions on the student, it's embarrassing any of you call yourself heroes when you're so ready to put a child down."

Maimi raised her eyes to the booth where she heard Aizawa's voice boom. But instead of a smile showing up on her face, all the girl could feel was her stomach twisting. The crowd began to slowly and half-heartedly clap as she couldn't even bring herself to look at her classmates who she could hear praising and yelling for her and Tokoyami.

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