Chapter Six

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Using her spare hand, Maimi pointed her index finger to the sky. She slowly spun her finger, the air around both her and Bakugo creating a barrier over their heads.

Her small and yet precise use of her quirk caught the attention of the boy whose hand so gently held hers. He'd only ever seen her quirk be used against him or their other classmates and to see her now using it so carefully; he admired it. He admired the control she had over it.

All he wondered was how she trained it and for how long. The more he thought, the less he heard as Maimi chattered on - their hands never leaving each other. The girl, though she said nothing about it, was surprised by his touch.

It wasn't aggressive nor rough like the ones she'd experienced before. His hand was soft and warm; it was a touch that reminded Maimi of the feeling of a new blanket during the winter months. She had no idea a mere connection of hands could comfort her this much, and the soft smile that deepened into her cheeks only proved her more wrong.

Bakugo, though, had a different opinion. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the girl before him. The vexation that engulfed his chest as well tore apart his mind. He wanted to yell at her for something he couldn't quite put his finger on. And the more he looked at her, the angrier he got.

He hated the idiotic way his face heated up every time she'd squeeze his hand, the only thing Bakugo didn't care too much for was how rough her hand was. Her palm was laced with callouses and her knuckles scarred. It was an obvious result of her training her quirk, but it only made him wonder more about her and question his own self.

What was she doing that he wasn't? What did he have to do to see the physical impacts of excessive training that she had? He sighed under his breath and watched as Maimi continued to hold the barrier of wind over their heads.

She had no look of struggle on her face. All she held was a smile that seemed to brighten as they walked on. The irritation he felt didn't fall away, however, but his admiration for her control challenged it.

Glancing over her shoulder, Maimi smiled at the boy and squeezed his hand, "Are you okay, Bakugo? You're not talking much."

Knowing she'd see his face heat up, Bakugo turned his cheek. He rolled his eyes at her, scoffing as he did so. Bakugo believed he was in the clear, his face cooling down, but just as he could insult her, Maimi squeezed his hand again.

And this time, it wasn't his flushed cheeks he needed to worry about.

"Your hands are clammy." She giggled, swinging their hands back and forth.

"Shut it, airhead."

The girl looked up to the sky, amazed by the storm above. Though she appeared calm to Bakugo, this was the first time she'd ever used her quirk for something so trivial. To see the sky at all it's force controlled by a mere twist of the air brought chills down her back.

So much power in one girl.

The mere thought gave her a frown. Her breathing becoming heavier as her mind traced back to the times she'd been told that very phrase before.

Bakugo smirked, "Whose hands are clammy now?"


Her voice was cold. A complete shift from what Bakugo had seen minutes ago. He watched as her as she slowly continued to swing their hands back and forth. Her eyes stayed on the road ahead of them but he could tell her mind was elsewhere.

Airhead | Bakugo Katsuki Where stories live. Discover now