Chapter Five

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After finishing her extra math lesson for the day, Maimi walked out of the school gates and headed towards her favorite supermarket. With each step, she hummed a soft tune, one that twisted all the gears in her mind as she couldn't quite place where she'd heard it before.

The song rolled off her tongue as if it had been played to her all her life yet the one person she believed would know of it, knew nothing about it. Maimi glanced at her phone, reading the text that appeared on her notifications.

She paused. Her humming coming to an immediate end. Maimi blinked, then blinked again. Her hands clammed up as she clutched her phone. Each breath that she released made her chest ache, yet her smile never ceased. 

Maimi put her phone away and continued to walk down the road, her humming beginning once again.

As she walked into the store, she smiled at its varsity. She'd only been there once before, on a midnight excursion, but it was by the far the best she'd gone to.

It was huge, filled with aisles and aisles of different snacks, candy, and more. The LED lights never failed to blind her and the same old man who stood at the single cash register, greeted her as if she were a regular.

Maimi grabbed a basket and ran towards the only aisle she needed to be in. She pulled out her phone and read over the list of items she'd been told to buy.

Shopping list <3

- bleach!!! <3 :) (^_^)

She smiled and tucked her phone away. She looked at each shelf and her grin fell. Her eyes scanned the shelves again and again but, of course, the conclusion didn't change. There was only one bottle left and it was on the top shelf.

Maimi stood on her tiptoes and pushed her arm out as far as she could muster to try to grab the bottle, but failed. She groaned, tilting her head back as she did so. The store was coming to a close soon and due to that, it held near to none customers left. She'd seen only two on her way to the cleaning aisle and knew there'd probably only be a few more scattered around. She doubted she'd find anyone to help her now.

She reached for her phone and reread the message she'd received earlier. A frown formed across her lips that deepened into her cheeks. Maimi knew she couldn't disappoint the people she cared for this easily but using her quirk wasn't an option either. It would be far too risky.

For a final attempt, Maimi stood up on her tiptoes and reached out once more but before she could give up, a hand swiped the bottle away. Maimi turned to see whoever the hand belonged to and a large grin appeared when she did.

"Bakugo!" She yelled, her heart skipping a beat after beat as she set her eyes on the boy. He was dressed in a loose black shirt, marked with a skull on the front and equally as loose jeans. His outfit wouldn't have suited many, but he was an obvious exception.

"Not now, you gremlin," He said, grabbing a bottle of dish soap off the bottom shelf, "I only tolerate you during school hours."

She smiled and tugged at the hems of her skirt, showing off her uniform, "Well, lucky for you I'm still in uniform. So, technically it still is school."

"That makes no sense."

"Yes, it does! Uniform equals school, I mean, you don't wear a uniform at home now do you? Checkmate Bakugo Katsuki. Checkmate."

The boy rolled his eyes and turned away from her. He grabbed one bottle of laundry detergent and laid it down in his cart. Maimi caught eye of all the items he had but especially noticed the many, many, cleaning products. It wasn't until she set her eyes on the bleach that she remembered why she was there in the first place.

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