Chapter Twenty Nine

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Maimi sat on Bakugo's bed, her math book and multiple textbooks and calculators sprawled over his sheets. She attempted to page to where exactly she faced an issue, but that just so happened to be every page.

Hearing Bakugo enter his room, snacks in hand, Maimi watched as he very quietly closed his door - much to the disdain of his mother who said otherwise.

Her eyes lit up as he handed her a bag of miniature cookies, and sat down next to her. Maimi was beyond happy to hear that Bakugo would tutor her, and even more so to hear that she didn't have to go home so soon. She could continue to live in bliss, just for a little while longer.

"Okay. Here's a practice test, I'll give you an hour for it." Placing the thick pile of paper in front of her, Bakugo sat back up and headed over to his desk.

Her smile fell into a frown.

"You're not gonna do it with me?" She said, cocking her head to the side.

Bakugo didn't even have to turn around to know she was upset. Groaning, he rolled around in his chair and lifted his own stack of papers.

"I'm doing one on my own. C'mon airhead, the quicker you get it done, the quicker I can see where you're screwing up."

Looking down at the paper and then back to him, she couldn't help but pout, "What if I get stuck though? Aizawa usually gives me tips and stuff!"

He gave her a blank stare.

"No wonder you're fucking up then, you're not gonna have someone giving you 'tips' in the actual exam, kid." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You need to learn to do it alone."

"Fine but,"

"No buts."

"Just one,"


He turned back to his desk and Maimi sighed. For the next hour, the girl sat huddled over his bed, scribbling in her answers to equations she didn't quite understand. And by the timer went off, she let out a huge sigh of relief for it to finally be over.

Bakugo walked over to the bed and took his place right next to her. He lifted the test paper, briefly skimming over the answers. His eyes flickered over to her, somehow in an hour, her bright expression had changed to a look of nothing less than exhaustion.

Placing his hand on her back, he gently rubbed it. His fingers trailed up and down her spine, as he attempted to soothe the scar that math left. Maimi looked at him, a soft smile gracing her lips.

"While I grade this, I want you to try a few of those English exercises I marked out earlier."

Again, her smile dropped.

"No break?" She moaned.

Bakugo was at his wit's end with trying to teach Maimi. It was arguably worse than Kirishima, and for a moment, he wondered how Aizawa managed for so long. He looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Shut up and work!" He yelled, gripping her paper.

Maimi blinked at him, "You know, now that I think of it, it's been a while since you've yelled at me."

Growing red, Bakugo threw his arms up in frustration, "Oh wow, you? thinking? That's possible?"

Reaching for her cookies, she pulled open the bag and handed him one. Her eyes sparkled as though that was the remedy he needed to calm down. But when he didn't even look at the cookie in his hand, she knew she had failed.

"Okay, that was a good break, now it's time for English, please go do your work, Katsuki." She grinned.


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