Chapter Twenty One

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Maimi clutched the doorway, her eyes focused on the arena meters before her. Her palms lined with sweat as she let out a shaky breath. After the match between Todoroki and Deku concluded, Maimi and Bakugo had been ushered to their respective rooms in mere minutes; neither had the time to even settle their thoughts on who they'd be fighting.

So, as she heard Present Mic call upon their names, her heart squeezed. She'd fought Bakugo many times before but this time, it was different. Things had changed. And while she couldn't name what exactly those 'things' were, Bakugo could.

He had no problem in fighting her, in fact, it had been something he'd been looking forward to. Sparring one of the strongest students in his class, and that student so happening to be the girl he'd fallen for was just an added bonus. Adding to that, his frustration and confusion about her - especially after she friendzoned him, only made that drive to fight her more intense.

The two entered the stage, meeting each other's glances as they stood on opposite sides of the arena. Maimi smiled at him, mouthing a simple good luck, as he nodded back to her. In the moment, neither paid attention to what was happening around them. The faint crowd didn't bother either of them any longer, they were there for each other. And each other, only.


Hearing Midnight's command, Maimi launched herself to the side, successfully evading Bakugo's firey blow. Noticing his furrowed eyebrows and gritty smile, she smirked.

"Aw, Bakugo, you look so cute when you do that." She teased, watching as his face ran a deep red.

Without sparing another breath, Maimi stomped her foot, watching as the earth cracked and separated, springing a boulder from its midsts. Bakugo, having been thrown off by her remark, had not a moment to react as she threw out her fist and the boulder hurled towards him, hitting him in the stomach.

Tumbling back, Bakugo huffed. Her confidence when she fought shone through with each move she made. It was as if she'd been fighting forever. And that only made his urge to win stronger.

Raising her palm, a turbine began to form, rippling in more and more air as it grew in size, "I really thought you'd put up more of a fight, Bakugo. Growing soft on me?"

But just before she could send it out, Bakugo charged forward, just missing her gust as he grabbed her ankle and pulled it out from under her. With a hard thud, she hit the floor.

He got on top of her, his knees cradling her hips as he raised his arm, sparks bouncing from his palm. A nasty smirk pulled across his lips, as she met his gaze, her eyes narrowing at him.

"How's this for soft."

Her eyes no longer met his. Instead, they focused on somewhere behind him, somewhere Bakugo couldn't see. And the grin she held sank into a frown. Growing agitated by her sudden absence, his sparks grew in intensity.

"Hey!" He yelled, calling for her attention.

Maimi blinked, looking back at him.

"Focus on me. This is our fight." He demanded.

Her heart twisted, as she slammed her hand down and watched as earth erupted from it and shoved Bakugo off her.  She grunted as she picked herself back up, but the energy she once had no longer remained. As if a dark blanket had been placed over the arena, Maimi could no longer raise her gaze, and the hair on the back of her neck raised.

"Ha, fucking finally."

Charging her again, Bakugo pulled his arm back and with one blow, he sent the largest explosion out he could. But his expectation for her to block it backfired miserably, as it struck her in the stomach and sent her hurtling back and out of the arena as she struck the wall, and slid down. Her shoulders slumping as she met the ground.

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