Chapter Two

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As the hours ticked by, the school went on as usual. Well, usual for anyone but Bakugo that is. Today held a new silence. One he hadn't felt since he began enrollment at U.A.

He looked over to the empty desk beside him and rolled his eyes. Bakugo couldn't begin, nor wanted to imagine where Maimi was. But three lessons had passed, and with each minute the class spent in the absence of the blonde girl, Bakugo found it more and more unusual.

It wasn't like her to skip, and with the tiresome amount of energy she had the day prior, there was no way she was sick.

And even with the unanswered questions, Bakugo had due to her absence, he couldn't hide the relief that melted off his shoulders. Finally, he could be alone without the vexatious noise that Maimi constantly expelled.

Or so he thought.

The door burst open, and just like that, the sweet pleasure he'd felt, ceased. Bakugo waited for the usual overly excited greeting Maimi always gave, but it never came. He looked up from his work and furrowed his brows as the girl who always carried far too large of a smile, now held nothing but a slight grin.

Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka all waved and said their hello's to the girl, but she only gave a small wave back. Maimi approached their teacher's desk and awaited the scowling she knew she'd endure.

"Watanabe, you were marked absent on the registry. You're going to need to go to the front office during lunch." Midnight said, her eyebrow raised.

She sighed and nodded her head. Maimi turned around to head towards the front office, but Midnight stopped her. The R rated hero kept her grip on the girls shoulder tighter than usual, and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I said, during lunch."

The students all raised their heads and looked around at their friends who all held the same reaction. None of them had ever seen their teacher this strict before. The mood she had with everyone else was entirely different from the one she had with Watanabe Maimi.

Maimi met her eye, "Sorry, miss."

"Go sit down." Midnight released her grip and folded her arms. The blonde, again, nodded and followed her command, taking a seat in her usual spot; one seat off of Bakugo's.

Bakugo watched as he took her seat, and awaited the over the top greeting she'd always save for him but it never came. She slumped her shoulders and rested her chin on her palm. Her eyes heavier and heavier with each second Midnight spent talking about the artist, Édouard Manet.

Time grew still and her eyes shut for what she believed to be seconds, but the piercing sound of the bell told her otherwise. Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the girl ahead of him but brushed it off. She was already a weirdo to him. A change in demeanor should've been of no surprise to him, and yet he couldn't help but find it strange.

Bakugo stood up and began to walk towards the door. He assumed today may just be the day she'd leave him alone, but he thought too soon. Just as he passed her desk, Maimi grabbed his wrist. Her grip gentle and relaxed, but she held on nonetheless.

He looked down at the slumped blonde girl and scoffed at her small hand barely wrapped over his wrist.

"Wait for me." She whispered, lifting herself up as if a task. Maimi dropped her hand from him and pulled her bag over her shoulder. Her eyes didn't meet his though, but he noticed hers.

They were lined with dark creases that overshadowed the warmth her eyes usually brought. If she had slept, it wasn't more than one or two hours. That was certain.

Bakugo didn't comment though. He had never seen her look so disheveled. She carried neither the smile nor annoying optimism she usually had. It wasn't that he wanted those traits of hers back. In fact, he despised those most. The pure feeling of irritation it brought to his chest ignited a whole new type of rage Bakugo didn't know he had.

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