Chapter Twelve

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"Katsuki, why don't you invite your little friend over for dinner tonight? I'm making your favorite." Mitsuki cooed, peeking her head around the door of his bedroom.

Laying in bed, staring straight up at the ceiling with his arms behind his head, Bakugo rolled his eyes. She'd been calling Maimi 'his little friend' or worse, ever since she'd met her. There was barely a day that went by without his mother mentioning the girl.

"Shut up, mom."

Knowing she'd only continue to pester him, Bakugo rolled out of bed and quickly shut the door on her, uncaring to the face she made when he did so. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she bit down on her lip.

Banging the door, Mitsuki yelled out, "You did not just slam the door on me, Katsuki Bakugo-"

Back in his original position, he sighed. While he'd done his best to stay focused on his work and training, he couldn't lie that his mind was equally filled with the face of the girl he saw every day.

And the pestering by his mother didn't help him in calming the thoughts about her. He didn't want to become more distracted than he already was and the more he dismissed the way he felt for her, the worse it became.

"If you're not going to invite her, fine! But I invited the neighbors and their kids over for dinner too, so you better be nice!"

Jerking up, his eyes wide as his blood boiled in response to what she'd said. He gritted his teeth together, his chest flustering with both rage and annoyance as he grabbed his phone.

"Why the fuck would you invite those idiots, those kids can barely cross the street by themselves!"

Talking through the door, Mitsuki grinned at her son's insult, "They're your age, Katsuki."

"Even worse!"

Huffing, Mitsuki leaned against the door. A glimmer of hope remaining that her son would open it but it remained shut. His mind was now occupied with two harrowing matters: Maimi and the annoying children he'd have to be around that night.

"Yeah, well, they'll be here at five so if you want to invite Watanabe, you better hurry kiddo."

As he turned over to his side, staring at his phone screen. The sound of his mother walking away calmed the irritation he was consumed by. And yet, he was now unsure whether to text the girl his mother spoke of or not.

He could no longer lie that her presence calmed him, but did he want to further confirm it with her by his side that very night? It was a truth he just wasn't quite ready for.

Opening up his messaging app, he read the name he'd saved her by: Airhead. And continued to read the parentheses, Maimi, herself, had typed in: Airhead (not rocky).

Shaking his head, his mind continued to wander off. While he wouldn't label what he felt for Maimi, he still wondered if she too felt the same blistering heat he did whenever he looked at her.

Stupid. He thought. These feelings he felt, were nothing. Just the result of him being around her for too long. Nothing more; nothing less.

And either way, no matter what these feelings were, it didn't stop him from opening their chat and typing the very invitation he'd been against.

Bakugo: My mom wants you to come over for dinner. She won't shut up.

Immediately regretting his words, his chest twisted with cringe. He went to delete it but before he could, she began to type back.

Airhead (not rocky!): Awww sorry Bakugo but my grandma said I gotta stay home and help her do stuff :( tell your mom I said hi though!!$ <3333

Reading the message, Bakugo couldn't hide the disappointment that unfolded in his stomach. The dread that came after was far worse when he realized he'd have to handle those idiot children alone too.

Bakugo: Dumbass, now I'm stuck with some damn extras.

Watching her type, Bakugo rolled onto his back as he read her new message.

Airhead (not rocky!): Awww is someone missing me?

The smirk that arose along his lips countered the irritation it equally brought him. She always knew what to say so effortlessly. Her confidence astounded him with how often she was put down by her peers and by him.

Bakugo: Fuck off, dumbass.

Rereading the message he'd sent, he began to second guess it. His mind wandered off to a place of even further confusion as he asked himself if he should treat her nicer. Perhaps then he'd receive a different reaction from her. But was that something he wanted at all?

A part of him like how their dynamic already was. He could say whatever he wanted to her and she'd take it and throw it right back at him. And even with that, there was a mutual kindness to one another that came in different forms whenever needed.

How she'd bring him cupcakes and he'd bring her lunch, or when she'd give him combat tips and so on.  As he thought on, his cheeks flushed a soft red. He couldn't have been more grateful that he'd locked his door at the moment. Hearing the sound of his phone go off, he looked back to the screen.

Airhead (not rocky!): I spoke to my grandma, she said I can maybe come for a little bit!!!& is that okay??????! LET ME KNOWWWWWW xoxoxox

As he read each word, his stomach twisted with something he couldn't quite understand. He read the message once and then twice. The feeling never leaving him. His eyebrows furrowed specifically on the last word, as he thought, what the fuck is xoxo?

Bakugo: I don't fucking know, just show up airhead.

Seeing her type, the thought he had stayed ever so present.

Airhead(not rocky!): Ok Okok! What do I wear!!! A dress?? Or a skirt? Or,,,

And in a moment, his thought changed as the image of Maimi in a dress consumed him. His blush returned as he scoffed. The girl probably would look like a box, he tried to think.

But with the way even the UA uniform complimented her perfectly, he knew his thought to be a load of bullshit. She'd often show up to school with her hair unbrushed and knotted, mascara smudged along with her eyes and dirt on both her knees and shirt and Bakugo never thought anything of it.

Because even when she'd show up all messy, her smile never quite ceased. Nor did her determination. She'd still train all the same and know nothing in math and act as if she did.

And Bakugo would still look at her with the same admiration, even if he had to stand a meter away because she smelt of dirt.

Bakugo: I don't care, just be here around 5

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