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nervous. Walking down the halls, turning the corner, she made her way into the room in which Charles was sitting. He stopped what he was doing, glancing up to look at the blonde who stood there, as if silently asking if she could come in. He nodded, and she closed the door behind her, sitting down in front of him. Charles studied the girl for a moment, watching as her eyes darted around the room.

     "Aurelia." Charles calmly spoke her name, making the girl jump as she looked at him. "What's wrong?"

     "How did my parents really die?" Aurelia asked, tears already forming in her eyes. "I believe you when you say it was an accident, but everything else I'm a little hesitant on. You lied to Jean, and we see how that turned out, so Charles, if there is something you aren't telling me, I'm practically begging you to tell me."

     Charles looked at the girl for a moment. He knew that Aurelia was nice, everyone in the school knew that, but he also knew that she had her breaking point, and knowing about her family was right at that line. He closed his eyes as a sigh fell from his lips, before deciding it would be easier to simply just rip off the band-aid. "You have a sister."

Out of everything he could have said, somehow letting her know that she had a sister was something that did not occur to her at all. Her mouth opened slightly, words unable to form as the four words ran through her head. She had a sister, an older sister she assumed. And she was only just learning about her.

     She swallowed thickly, stuttering out her words. "I-what-what is she like?"

     "She is the reason your parents are dead."

     "What?" Her brows furrowed as a tear slipped down her cheek. She shook her head. "What-what do you mean?"

     "Her name is Raelynn Quinn." Charles informed her. "She looks just like you, same blonde hair and everything, only older. Like you, Raelynn has special abilities of her own. She's the reason why we knew where you were, why we had the chance to take you in, because she wanted us to. I told her to come as well, but she said that she was too dangerous to be around anyone."

     "Why did she kill them?" Aurelia whispered. Her voice almost sounded broken. "Why did she kill our parents?"

     "Like I said, the death of your parents was an accident. Raelynn's powers are. . . complicated. She hadn't figured out a way to control it. Whenever she goes to sleep. . . her dreams become a reality. Dark or light dreams, doesn't matter. They physically come to life, and they walk around, and sometimes they harm people that get in the way." He watched as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "Your parents woke up, knew what was happening, and tried to get to her. But her nightmare got to them first, and they were killed. You were so young, and there was so much blood everywhere, I didn't think that I six year old girl deserved to remember something so traumatic as that."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊━︎━︎ J. Grey ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now