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AURELIA QUINN SAT THERE WITH a pen between her lips as she glanced over her school work. She was sitting outside on the ground, leaning against against a tree whilst finishing her last homework paper of the day. She couldn't wait until it grew darker, having always enjoyed the secret outings she and Scott would always have at the lake just a few miles away. Her head was pounding, making her wince slightly and bring her hand up to her head whilst the pen fell from her mouth and onto the ground beside her. She tilted her head slightly as if that would help the pain go away, but she knew it wouldn't.

There was one thing about Aurelia that no one knew, not even Scott knew. But, she had these headaches that would creep up every so often, pressuring her to do something she didn't want to. But this time she didn't understand. She had just used her powers that morning to prevent the headache from coming, but maybe Scott had gotten to her too quickly. She clenched her jaw for a second, forcing herself to push the headache a side before she let out a soft breath and opened her tightly closed eyes once more.

She knew that she should tell someone. She knew that what was happening with her was probably not a normal thing. It was probably damaging to her, but she didn't mind. It gave her an excuse to avoid using the powers she never wanted. She didn't understand what it was that she had done to the world, to be forced to have these powers. She thought she was a nice and good kid. Well, there was that one time in the orphanage, but she'd rather not talk about that.

A soft sigh fell from the blonde's lips before she picked up her pen and went back to her work. Every now and then she would glance up, allowing a gentle smile to fall on her face when she saw the other kids playing a game of basketball, frisbee, whatever they could do to distract themselves from the school work that they didn't want to do. Aurelia wished she was like them. She wished that she could so easily distract herself from the fact that she had powers. She wished she could use it to her advantage, but she didn't even know how to control it to be able to do such a thing.

She finished the last sentence, placing the period at the end before smiling in delight at the fact that she had finished her homework. She placed her paper in her book before closing it and forcing herself up off of the ground. She took her pen and twirled it between her fingers as she walked back into the school, handing in her homework even though it wasn't due until the next day.

She was content with herself. She enjoyed taking the weight of school work off of her shoulders, she felt she could worry about one less thing and focus sorely on her powers. Aurelia walked to her room, placing her book on her desk before deciding to change her clothing. She closed her door before throwing on a light blue off the shoulder floral dress and some white flats. The attire brought a bright smile to the young girl's face.

A knock came on her door, making her turn her head before walking over to the door and pulling it open. A smile fell on her face when she saw Jean standing there, the redhead seemingly nervous about something.

"Hello, Jean." Aurelia greeted. "You're a few hours early."

Jean gave a small laugh. "No, I'm not here for that. Well, I am. But I just needed to ask you a question. I wasn't bothering you was I?"

Aurelia chuckled at the girl before shaking her head. "Not at all, Jean. What's up?"

"I was wondering, if you don't mind of course, if I could leave with you when you go out. I just, I share a room with several others, and you have your own room―︎which I would love to know how you managed that―︎but I just thought it would be easier, you know. . ." Jean rambled. Aurelia couldn't help but find the girl's rambling absolutely adorable. She could read the woman's feelings, feeling the nerves roll off of her in waves.

"Would you just like to stay in here, for the night?" Aurelia quizzed. "I'm sure no one will mind."

Jean gave a small smile before giving the nod of her head. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all, babes." Aurelia smiled, butterflies flying through her stomach after realizing what it was that she just called her. She had to hold back a smirk when she saw Jean's cheeks turn a slight red before she cleared her throat and nodded her head.

"Al-alright. I'll see you tonight then."

Aurelia offered her another smile. "Until tonight." With that, Jean walked away and Aurelia closed the door, both women having smiles placed on their features.

" With that, Jean walked away and Aurelia closed the door, both women having smiles placed on their features

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