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AURELIA LOOKED AT HERSELF IN the mirror, a gentle smile falling on her face as she glanced towards Jean who was trying to finish her homework before the two snuck out. She put two small braids into her hair, pulling them back and connecting them together. She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear before situating herself on her bed as she just watched Jean concentrate on her homework. There was no doubt in Aurelia's mind the redhead was pretty. She was so closed off from everybody, and it was understandable.

Aurelia knew of the things that were said about Jean Grey. She knew that people were scared of Jean because of the things that she could do. Jean was a powerful woman, and if she could control her powers enough, she would be one of the most powerful mutants that roamed the school for the gifted. Aurelia could be a powerful mutant too, if she wasn't too scared to try and attempt to gain control of her powers. She hated being scared of herself. She was so confident in everything else that she did, except for when it came to her powers.

Aurelia blinked when Jean's voice broke through the comfortable silence that ran through the room. The redhead had her eyes on Aurelia, looking at her with curiosity. Aurelia almost felt embarrassed for being caught staring, but the blonde had already taken one step today, so why not take another. What was the harm?

"Enjoying the view, Quinn?" Jean joked, offering the girl a small smile. Aurelia softly chuckled before shrugging her shoulders.

"It's definitely one of my favorite views." Aurelia admitted, biting her lip as she tried to hold back a smirk upon seeing the blush rise to Jean's cheeks. The redhead swallowed before smiling at Aurelia.

"I'm, uh, almost done with the homework." Jean said, clearing her throat.

"There's no need to rush." Aurelia told the redhead. "We've got all the time in the world." Jean gave her a small smile before turning her attention back towards her work. Aurelia stood up, walking over to her shelf and picking up a book before making herself comfortable on her bed once again, opening the book and reading until Jean finally spoke up.

"I'm finished." Jean spoke, standing up and turning towards Aurelia. The woman watched as Aurelia placed her book down, her gorgeous smile falling onto her face. Aurelia's smile always made a smile want to crawl up onto Jean's face. It was so contagious, and Jean loved it. Jean loved everything about Aurelia. She had since Aurelia had come to the school at the age of six. There wasn't a doubt in Jean's mind that she had always been infatuated with the girl in front of her, she just wished that Aurelia felt the same way.

"Let's go!" Aurelia jumped off the bed, grabbing her jacket and pulling it over her arms before carefully pulling her door open. She looked around before nodding to Jean. The two females made their way down the steps, before sneaking out of one of the back doors of the school and then making there way towards the lake. Scott sat there, throwing another rock into the lake. He immediately turned his head upon hearing footsteps, scrambling up off the ground.

"Finally!" Scott yelled at the two. "What the hell took you so long?"

"Oh hush up, Scotty." Aurelia said with a smile, joining her friends side as he placed an arm over the females shoulders. "Jean was finishing her homework."

"I've been here for an hour." Scott retorted.

"Well, who's fault is that?" Jean spoke up, though a playful smirk was on her face. Aurelia let out a laugh, clicking her tongue in amusement.

"Tell him, sweetheart!" Aurelia laughed, watching as Scott rolled his eyes.

"So. . ." Jean started, grabbing the two friends attention. "What exactly is it that you do out here?"

Aurelia removed herself from under Scott's arm, looking as Jean as she walked over towards the water and sat down on the edge of it. She patted the space beside of her, smiling at Jean. "Nothing really." Jean walked over towards the girl, taking a seat beside of her, watching as she took off her sandals and placed her feet into the lake. Scott joined Aurelia's other side, sitting crisscrossed as he hugged his legs.

"We mainly come down here just to get away from the school. Take a break from everything. On an occasion we tend to talk about our lives and how sometimes we truly hate our lives." Scott answered the female, shrugging his shoulders. "The usual."

"Well, the usual for us." Aurelia added. "Others probably come down here to make out or something. I'm sure someone's seen Scott and I sneak out here before and assumed we use it for something we don't. It's just peaceful, and relaxing out here. Listening to the calming water and the occasional splash it makes, the midnight creatures that like to lul people to sleep. I just love it out here." Jean watched the gentle smile that fell on Aurelia's face as she talked about the spot the trio were all sitting in. Aurelia had never truly looked relaxed until this very moment. The moonlight shining on her, enhancing her beauty by a lot. Jean didn't notice, but Scott watched as the Grey girl looked at his best friend, and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. Aurelia deserved to be happy, and to be loved, and he knew that Jean did as well. They were both so perfect for each other, he just wondered how long it would take for Aurelia to realize it.

 They were both so perfect for each other, he just wondered how long it would take for Aurelia to realize it

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