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AURELIA CROSSED HER LEGS OVER one another, flicking her pen between her fingers as she bit on her lip, staring blankly at the her classwork that lay in front of her. Her mind wandered away from her work and to what had happened last night. She sat there on the grass, her feet splashing gently in the water as a wide smile covered her face. She glanced between Scott and Jean, watching in amusement as the two continued to playful banter about nothing in particular. But her focus was on Jean.

The red haired woman seemed to shine as she talked with Scott, an entirely new vibe coming off of her in waves. Every time Aurelia had passed Jean in the halls, she could feel how tense she always was, and how she felt fear for not being in full control of what it was that she could truly do. But everyone always seemed to radiate some kind of fear, so Aurelia didn't think much about it. But she wished she had. She wished she had paid more attention to the girl. And now that she had, now that she had truly seen Jean so relaxed and happily smiling, she couldn't help but think only about her.

Everyone always claimed Aurelia's smile lit up the room. But her smile was seen often around the school. It was completely different when someone who doesn't smile so often because they don't necessarily have a reason, smile. It's always heart warming to Aurelia to know that she could make the most complicated people smile. And when she saw Jean smiling and laughing with herself and Scott, she couldn't help but smile widely and feel like a goal of hers had been accomplished. Aurelia believed that she had made a new friend, and boy did she love making new friends.

"Miss Quinn?" Aurelia blinked, looking up to see her teacher standing there in front of her. Aurelia offered the woman a small smile. "Are you going to leave, or just sit there for the rest of the day?" Aurelia glanced around the room before realizing the class had been dismissed and she had just been sitting there, staring at nothing in particular.

"Sorry." She apologized before grabbing her things and quickly rushing out of the room, laughing gently at herself as she felt her cheeks heat up slightly. She pushed her blonde hair behind her ear before spotting Jean and Scott walking out of their class. She quickly skipped up to them, the two moving so that the girl could stand between them.

"Why are you blushing?" Scott questioned, casually swinging an arm around the girl as they made their way outside.

"I kinda just sat in my class for like five minutes without realizing she had dismissed the class." Aurelia answered, smiling in amusement at herself. Scott chuckled in amusement whilst Jean smiled. Aurelia turned her head towards Jean, smiling at the girl. "I see you've decided to join our little band of uncontrollable misfits?"

Jean looked at the blonde, chuckling before nodding her head as she smiled. "I have. If you don't mind of course. . ."

"Not at all!" Aurelia exclaimed. "I love making new friends. And besides, I was starting to get tired of Scotty over here, so now that you're here, we can ditch him and run off into the sunset." Jean laughed at this whilst Scott scoffed.

"I love you too, Ari." Scott muttered, making the blonde look up at him and smile.

"You know I love you, Scott." Aurelia laughed. The trio all sat down by a tree, pulling out their homework so that they could get it done and out of the way before exploring and doing whatever they wanted to do.

"Sure you do." Scott joked. Aurelia bit her lip as she smiled, her red pen flicking between her hands as she looked at him in amusement. Jean glanced between the two, watching them in amusement. The redhead didn't really have friends at the school, and she thought it would always be that way. Because Jean knew that she was dangerous. Jean knew that she could hurt someone with the flick of her wrist, and that terrified her. That made her keep her distance from everyone, and she wanted to do the same thing with Aurelia and Scott. But she just couldn't help herself. Aurelia was full of light. She smiled and laugh constantly, the girl not sure if she had ever seen the blonde frown. But, that wasn't the only thing that kept Jean there. She knew that both Scott and Aurelia struggled with their gifts, just as much as Jean did. And it seemed to Jean everyone could control their gifts except for her. But the two that were sitting there, joking around with one another, proved her wrong.

"Are you ready for your session today?" Scott asked, grabbing Jean's attention. Aurelia looked at her best friend with slight fear dancing in her eyes before she simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Am I ever?" Aurelia answered, sighing softly.

"Session?" Jean spoke up, glancing between the duo.

Scott glanced towards Aurelia, raising an eyebrow at the girl who simply looked at him for a moment before turning to look at Jean. "Everyday, right after I finish classes, I have a session with Raven in order to try and help me control my powers. It never works, so I have no clue why the hell I'm still doing it."

"It's helping you." Scott told the female.

"Helping me how, exactly?" Aurelia asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "I literally destroy a part of the building every time I use it."

"Trust me when I say you were ten times worse when I first met you." Scott told the female. "It's helped you a lot more than you realize. And you wearing that bracelet just holds your powers back."

"It keeps me in control." Aurelia answered. "And plus, I quite like it." She was sure that if she could actually see his eyes, the boy would be rolling her eyes.

"I didn't know that your bracelet was made to desensitize your powers." Jean spoke up. "I just thought it was a bracelet."

"That's the point." Aurelia smiled. "There would be a lot more accidents if I didn't have it on."

"Well, we plan to change that soon." The voice of Raven grabbed the groups attention. The three all smiled at the woman whilst Raven nodded for Aurelia to follow her. With a soft sigh, Aurelia stood up, turning towards Jean and Scott.

"I'll see you guys later." With that, Aurelia turned on her heel, following after Raven with a reluctant sigh.

" With that, Aurelia turned on her heel, following after Raven with a reluctant sigh

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