Stolen... - chapter 9.

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Ava's P.O.V

I was at star labs and cisco was freaking out.

"My cold gun was stolen!" Cisco shouted throwing his hands in the air.

"Calm down Cisco," Caitlin asserted.
I sighed last night cisco's cold gun was stolen. I couldn't help but think that Leonard had something to do with it...
I shook my head. Getting rid of the thought.
"You okay," Barry asked concerned.
"I'm good its cisco you should be worried about," I said pointing at Cisco's meltdown barry chuckled.
I walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Cisco Detective West is on the case." He looked at me. "Your gonna call your dad?" I rolled my eyes. "No silly me," I said smiling. "Thanks, ava." He smiled.
"Okay, I think we should start with the security footage," I suggested.

•Time skip•

We all surrounded Cisco on his computer.
"Okay roll the clip," I said in my 'serious voice.' Barry laughed. We watched the video and to our surprise.

A S.T.A.R. Labs janitor stole the gun. "the janitor did it!?" Cisco said shocked.

I hummed. "Why would the janitor want Cisco's cold?" Barry raised a question. "Because speedster that is not the janitor." Everyone looked at me for the answer. "I was staying late at star labs yesterday don't ask why. But the janitor already cleaned and left so whoever's wearing that janitor uniform is an imposter," I explained smiling at their surprised faces. "Nice Ava's creepy obsession with this place finally paid off," Cisco commented. I playfully punch him in the shoulder. Cisco ran a Facial recognition system. On the janitor and we found out his true identity. Basil Nurblin. "Who's the hell is Basil Nurblin?" Caitlin asked sarcastically. "Basil Nurblin a disgruntled toy company employee." Cisco answers. "A toy company employee?" Barry questioned. I sighed. "Look up his home address and other places he might be barry and I will find your cold gun," I said bluntly. "I'll send you guys the location."

•Time skip•

Barry and I went to the location Cisco gave us. "We're here," I said to cisco over comms. We whore casual clothes. We didn't want to scare the poor guy even if he stole Cisco's cold gun.
"Okay, he should be on the six-floor room 20," he told me and Berry.
We entered the establishment. Asking the attendant questions. "Yeah, he came in last night wearing a janitor uniform and a trench coat caring a bag... Wait are you guys cops?" She said whispering the last part. Barry and I glanced at each other. 'Where kinda like Kate Warne and Will Pinkerton male and female detective duo.' I thought (Look it up.) Barry gave me I smile and answered the attendant's question. "I'm a forensic CCPD." He said showing the woman his I.D. "And she's a reporter from-"
"Central city publishers," I said finishing his sentence. I held out my hand offering a handshake she accepted it shaking my hand. "He should be there he hasn't left since yesterday." She told us we nodded and left. "Thank you." She smiled.

We went upstairs to his apartment. Barry knocked on the door. But there was no response. Barry and I shared a worried look. He knocked three more times. Before trying to unlock it but the door was closed."The doors locked." He grounded. I smirked taking a hairpin out of my hair. Barry moved out of the way. Allowing me to do my thing. "What are you doing?" He asked looking out for anyone watching. "Picking the look Barr." He gasped, "Where did you learn to do that!?" He whispered-shouted. "That's a story for next time, the doors open," I smirked getting up.

I opened the door. With barry following behind me.

I gasped. Finding Basil Nurblin's dead body on the floor. Barry and I rushed over to Basil's dead body. I placed my middle and indexed finger on his neck checking his plus. He felt cold his skin icy blue. I cried a little I've never seen a dead body before especially like this. I stood up tears falling from my eyes. Barry hugged me I nuzzled my face into his chest. Sobbing quietly.

Time skip•

We eventually called the police Joe interrogated Barry and me.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that," Barry said comforting me. "It's okay barry this wasn't your fault."

No one's P.O.V

Joe invited you to stay at the house he didn't want you staying alone at home.

You accepted. Turns out barry ended up taking your room when you moved away from Central City with your mom. "I'll sleep on the couch." He announced. "You mean the lumpy couch downstairs if anyone's sleeping on it. it would be me." You said grabbing a pillow. "No, it's fine-" you cut off barry by saying. "It's okay it's your room after all." You took up one of the blankets and left.

Time skip•

Sleeping on the couch felt uncomfortable. No surprise there you sighed sifting and turning unable to sleep. The thought of Basil Nurblin's dead body haunted you. And the fact that snart may have something to do with it didn't help.
In the spur of the moment, you had this crazy idea. You got up regretting every movement leading to Barry's room. You gulped knocking on the door. You could hear noises, coming from the room you thought about running away but it was too late barry had already opened the door. "Hey, ava what wrong?" He asked dryly. You sighed regretting your decision. "Never mind it's stupid." You stuttered walking away. When you left something around your wrist. "I'm sorry." He quickly let go. You chuckle awkwardly. It was silent for a few seconds until barry said something. "You could stay if you want." He whispered. You were about to say no but gave up. "I'd like that." You smiled. Barry lets you in. You both got into bed on opposite sides. Facing each other. "Are you okay?" Barry asked. "I'm fine-" you responded but barry cuts you off. "Please don't lie to me." You sighed.

"When I found my mom and dad are getting divorced. I ran away from home... They looked for me everywhere but they couldn't find me. I don't remember that much but one thing happened..." Barry could see the tears swelling up in my eyes which made him even sadder. "Barry today wasn't the first time I saw a dead body... when I ran away from home I witnessed a murderer. There were two guys they were fighting... When one of them pulled out a knife and stabbed the other guy over and over again. It was terrifying... I saw the man drag his dead body away. So I hid in an alleyway alone crying." You mumbled. Tears running down my face. You took a deep breath before exhaling. Barry pulled you into his chest. You wrapped your hands around his torso. Placing your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat. He rested his hand on your cheek wiping away your tears.

"You're not alone."


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T.B.C...1248 words.

A: N I should have posted this chapter before chapter 9 'we meet again.' So I'm gonna fix that. (This is classified as a new chapter so👀. Lol) anyways. Thank you for reading and I hope that you continue reading/enjoying my book.💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Love 💕 and kisses 😘

𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 (The flash & D.C'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now